Not that I like doing it but FF was pretty clear. He mentioned it to Satan then said well I may not be able to I have to see how things line up with a paying gig if things work out I’ll hit converge in ATL. A week or so passed and he said he got it worked out and the plans for atl and then the Vanna show.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
P.O.D. was fucking amazing. I know no one else on hear likes them (maybe @Adam?) But they're just so great live and I was stoked because it was my first time seeing them headline. Obviously, I really enjoy their music but there is such an authenticity about them as people as well. They're just such chill friendly dudes. I was able to get right up to the stage and legit had a little convo with their bassist while Sonny was talking to the crowd. Just such awesome awesome dudes and they busted out so many deep cuts that I didn't expect at all. They're just one of those bands that puts every fiber of their being into putting on the best show they can and I love that vibe from them. Such a fun fuckin show man I had an amazing time. Caught a pic and got a set list too!
Set: 1.) Soundboy Killaz 2.) Boom 3.) Murdered Love 4.) Lost In Forever 5.) Southtown 6.) Ridiculous 7.) Rock The Party (Off The Hook) 8.) Will You 9.) On Fire 10.) Beautiful 11.) Set It Off 12.) Ghetto 13.) Alive 14.) Youth Of The Nation 15.) Satellite 16.) West Coast Rock Steady 17.) The Messenjah
Glad you had a good time. I'll be honest I've seen them twice and didn't really care for their live show cause they have a tendency to elongate some of their songs but that's just me. Got a pic of the pick?
Glad you had a good time. I'll be honest I've seen them twice and didn't really care for their live show cause they have a tendency to elongate some of their songs but that's just me. Got a pic of the pick?
Thank you bro. And yeah I agree they did that with a couple tunes last night but I don't really mind because I enjoy their music alot. And yes, pic of pick is in the floats boat thread haha
Municipal Waste Headline show was the shit. Small ass room sold out everyone going nuts. played an hour and added a couple songs to the setlist on the fly because they were just having fun. They said they wouldn’t have been playing the show if it wasn’t for being close with the owners of the venue who are apart of Dopamines.
One of the locals that played I highly recommend the people on this board listen to. Fleshmother.
They also played Terror Shark and Guilty of being Tight
Post edited by mrAPE on
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Enslaved/Wolves in the Throne Room/Myrkur/Khemmis - The Royale, Boston MA - 2/16
First real show of the year, since BLS/COC/Red Fang was a last minute show and I got cocked. Royale is a good venue for sound and fair pricing but everything else about it sucks. They book metal shows on saturday nights before opening up as a nightclub at 9:30pm sharp, and the headlining band is always under the impression they have until 9:30 to play. As a result Enslaved had to cut Convoys to Nothingness and The River's Mouth from their already shorter set, and Grutle commented on it at one point.
My friend drove so I smoked the ride into Boston, and I was pretty goddamn lit by the time we got to the venue. We missed the beginning of Khemmis, but it wasn't crowded yet so I had no problem getting up close to the stage. I like these guys on record, so I figured it would be a good show. I was wrong. Two songs went by beautifully, and then the singer came over to do a guitar solo in my face. It was the worst solo I've ever seen. Also, their lead guitarist looks like a Dimebag impersonator.
Went to get a shirt and a beer, then found a couch to sit on by the stage until Wolves. God bless nightclubs.
Myrkur played. Main singer chick has an ass for days. I want it on my face. They blow, though. Constantly layered prerecorded vocals with her live singing, sloppy instrumentation, gimmicky outfits. It's Huntress for black metal fans.
Wolves in the Throne Room were fucking great. Mixing was some of the best I've ever seen at a metal show, and they fucking smudged the crowd before their set. Might be cultural appropriation, but fuck it. Vibes all around. Honestly have no idea what their set was other than Born From the Serpent's Eye, but it all ripped. Their drummer is phenomenal.
And of course Enslaved killed it. I feel like they're one of the few bands from their scene that allow themselves to look like they're actually having a good time on stage. Storm Son and Sacred Horse both translated very well live, and finally seeing Roots of the Mountain was great as well. To be honest I hadn't listened to Vetrarnott entirely through before, but it also killed live. Mixing was just as perfect as during Wolves.
All in all a great show. Sucks that I finally got to see Enslaved headline and the set was the same length as the two support shows I already saw from them, but it is what it is. Khemmis: 6/10 Myrkur: 4/10 Wolves in the Throne Room: 9/10 Enslaved: 9/10
I don’t usually do these, but I gotta say that Atlas Moth was a big letdown live. The lead singer was like a shorter, chubbier Chino Moreno. Totally didn’t see that coming
he is pretty gay with vague posts a lot though
Do you fuckimg know what vague actually means
1.) Soundboy Killaz
2.) Boom
3.) Murdered Love
4.) Lost In Forever
5.) Southtown
6.) Ridiculous
7.) Rock The Party (Off The Hook)
8.) Will You
9.) On Fire
10.) Beautiful
11.) Set It Off
12.) Ghetto
13.) Alive
14.) Youth Of The Nation
15.) Satellite
16.) West Coast Rock Steady
17.) The Messenjah
That_Guy_Arlo said: Thank you bro. And yeah I agree they did that with a couple tunes last night but I don't really mind because I enjoy their music alot. And yes, pic of pick is in the floats boat thread haha
One of the locals that played I highly recommend the people on this board listen to. Fleshmother.
They also played Terror Shark and Guilty of being Tight
First real show of the year, since BLS/COC/Red Fang was a last minute show and I got cocked. Royale is a good venue for sound and fair pricing but everything else about it sucks. They book metal shows on saturday nights before opening up as a nightclub at 9:30pm sharp, and the headlining band is always under the impression they have until 9:30 to play. As a result Enslaved had to cut Convoys to Nothingness and The River's Mouth from their already shorter set, and Grutle commented on it at one point.
My friend drove so I smoked the ride into Boston, and I was pretty goddamn lit by the time we got to the venue. We missed the beginning of Khemmis, but it wasn't crowded yet so I had no problem getting up close to the stage. I like these guys on record, so I figured it would be a good show. I was wrong. Two songs went by beautifully, and then the singer came over to do a guitar solo in my face. It was the worst solo I've ever seen. Also, their lead guitarist looks like a Dimebag impersonator.
Went to get a shirt and a beer, then found a couch to sit on by the stage until Wolves. God bless nightclubs.
Myrkur played. Main singer chick has an ass for days. I want it on my face. They blow, though. Constantly layered prerecorded vocals with her live singing, sloppy instrumentation, gimmicky outfits. It's Huntress for black metal fans.
Wolves in the Throne Room were fucking great. Mixing was some of the best I've ever seen at a metal show, and they fucking smudged the crowd before their set. Might be cultural appropriation, but fuck it. Vibes all around. Honestly have no idea what their set was other than Born From the Serpent's Eye, but it all ripped. Their drummer is phenomenal.
And of course Enslaved killed it. I feel like they're one of the few bands from their scene that allow themselves to look like they're actually having a good time on stage. Storm Son and Sacred Horse both translated very well live, and finally seeing Roots of the Mountain was great as well. To be honest I hadn't listened to Vetrarnott entirely through before, but it also killed live. Mixing was just as perfect as during Wolves.
All in all a great show. Sucks that I finally got to see Enslaved headline and the set was the same length as the two support shows I already saw from them, but it is what it is.
Khemmis: 6/10
Myrkur: 4/10
Wolves in the Throne Room: 9/10
Enslaved: 9/10