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The Concert Review Thread



  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    >came from India =))
    >ky for global warming and ocean planet
    >ky for giving the drum sticks away

    I laughed doe 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Global Warming? What?
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    edited November 2014
    I'm not a hoarder and didn't feel like carrying a drumstick while moshing. The one that I have from the May show, Mario broke mid-song and I caught it when he flung it away. Much cooler
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    I fucked up. But nah  
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    Carcass was at their very best today.  Five times better than when I saw them at MDF.  Pretty solid set with a little bit of everything from their discography.   Exhumed were killer but not as good as the other times I've seen them.  They didn't finish with Open the Abscess which I found odd.  Macabre defiled the stage!! I freaked out when they started playing Countess Bathroy (Venom cover) which is my favorite heavy metal song of all time! Noisem only played for like 15 minutes but they were still good.  Lots of cool merchandise too!! Show of 2014 for me.....or it could just be the beer talking.  I haven't been as drunk as I was tonight in a long time
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy

    can't wait to not go to the show tomorrow too :-<
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Deafheaven/The New Highway Hymnal
    Cambridge MA 11/20/2014
    The Sinclair

    So I had heard that parking in the area for the Sinclair was completely fucked, but didn't really believe it. We got to downtown Cambridge about two hours before doors and it took us driving in circles for half an hour before we found a spot, because fuck paying $35 for parking. The line filled up quick due to the first come first serve policy, and was wrapped around the block by the time doors opened.

    Aside from the location fiasco, turns out The Sinclair is a really nice venue. Small floor, decently sized stage, and great acoustics. The opening band, The New Highway Hymnal, was an interesting change of pace from the mostly metal acts that I see live. Self-described as "psychedelic garage rock", they put on a surprisingly tight live show, since I wasn't impressed from the live videos I had glimpsed on YouTube. They're a group of stoned-out hipsters, but they sounded good and different. They didn't put a ton of energy into their show until the last song, when the frontman came into the crowd and handed off the mic to some fan of theirs who could scream like hell, and their show took a turn for the heavy. I don't know if they changed it up because they were opening for Deafheaven or what, but it was pretty cool to have a pit going during a band like them.

    And then there was Deafheaven. I don't remember a ton from my first time seeing them open for BTBAM because I was too damn stoned, but this made up for it. George Clarke is definitely one of the most unique and enigmatic frontmen in all of metal and rock, and knows how to put on a hell of a show. Being a head taller than everyone around me and losing myself in the show worked out well, as I got to belt lyrics into the mic to higher degree than even back when I saw Unearth in 2012. The sound was spot-on, everything was tight as hell, and the crowd was insane. Their setlist was pretty damn good, although I would have loved to hear Vertigo. I almost caught a drumstick at the end of their set, but the guy in front of me nabbed it. He wound up letting us break it in two and splitting it since I gave him the spot on the stage.

    The New Highway Hymnal: 6.5/10
    Deafheaven: 8/10
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,441 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,441 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    I saw King Diamond October 18th, and it was one of the most amazing show's I've ever seen. I don't know if any of you guys caught his tour or have seen him before but basically the whole stage show plays out like a story using his songs to narrate what's going on, on stage. He burns his grandmother alive, sacrifices a baby to satan, and then stuff it's mother down the hole to hell. Pushes a pregnant girl down the stairs, like he writes horror stories for concept albums right, so it's all that theme. Audience was cool too, you could tell it was a different generation of metalheads because EVERYONE stood above me. There were people there telling us how they say him there 15 - 20 years ago and the show he put on that day was even better. Would recommend even if you don't listen to his music, the show is worth it.

    K, so we're waiting for him to do sound test or w.e. and they start bringing this old school tall spiked top fence in, and they close the curtains, (this is at the The Sound Academy in Toronto, i've never seen them close the curtains so i had this looming suspicion something was about to happen) anyways, they open the curtains after the fence is all set up, and they have this huge rig thats kind supposed to represent his "house." from that point on everyone who came onto the stage was in costume. even the stage hands wore these long black grim reaper robes.


    The Candle 
    Sleepless Nights 
    Welcome Home 
    Never Ending Hill 
    Let It Be Done 
    The Puppet Master 
    At the Graves 
    Tea / Digging Graves / A Visit from the Dead 
    (Mercyful Fate cover)
    Come to the Sabbath 
    (Mercyful Fate cover)
    Shapes of Black 
    Eye of the Witch 
    Encore 2:
    The Family Ghost 
    Black Horsemen 
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Alice Cooper/Motley Crue in Auckland on 9 May.....
    I arrived at 2pm and was about 10th in line.
    The doors opened at 6:30pm and I got a prime spot at the rail pretty much dead centre.
    Before the first band had even come on stage a guy behind me chundered all over the floor and cleared a huge space as no one wanted to go near him....he then chundered again.
    His girlfriend told him to go to the toilet to clean himself up, the chunder was cleaned up, guys around me threatened to smack the boyfriend if he came back, so the girl hung with me at the front for the night.

    NZ band "Devilskin" opened the evening. This band has only been around a few years but have an awesome album out already. They played a really short set of only 1/2 an hour but cranked out as many songs as they could in this time including some of my favorites "Little Pills" and "Vessle" and "Elvis Presley Circle Pit".Jennie Skulander the lead singer is hot too so overall 10/10


    To be continued....
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    >30 minute set
    >really short 

    that's average
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Nice that someone's bothering to do a review though.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Tech N9ne Special Effects Tour
    Zuse and King 810 were terrible.
    Murs and Webbey were awesome.
    Krizz and Tech killed it.

    And I almost destroyed a bitch =))

    2 drunk obnoxious bitches kept holding each other by the wrists and spinning around, slamming and crashing into everybody, like a fucking pinball game. Most of the night I was content just to keep up a high elbow, and if they run into it then that's on them. Half the crowd now hates these bitches. At one point my son is in front of me and has these tiny 5 ft tall girls to his left. One of the drunk girls crashed into him and almost knocked him on top of these other little girls. He pushed the drunk chick back so he didn't get pushed into them. 

    Drunk chick punched him in the face.
    (Little kid standing hammer fist punch lol)

    Well that seemed to flip a switch. I started forward, Drunk chick instantly got an "oh shit" face" and bolted back through the crowd. People started grabbing me, I kept trying to go forward dragging a few people behind me until more and more people tried stopping me. Wifey got knocked to her butt when I cleared her out of the way (don't recall anything but going forward, didn't even see wifey at the time) and wrapped her legs around one of mine. Couple of people grab me around the waist, more people start grabbing each of my arms, somebody grabs the other leg. I honestly can't say what might have happened if people didn't stop me from getting to her. Pretty sure I just meant to scream her down, but I can't say for sure what her reaction would have been, and if she swung again...

    I now have my first "took 8 people to hold me back bro" story =))
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Next up was Alice Cooper.
    An ugly short fat Westie ( = redneck) chick that had about 100lb on me thought that she deserved my spot, and even though I'm a gentleman, I wasn't moving for the bitch.
    This was only the second time I'd seen Alice and I loved it; he's such an entertainer and he puts on a great show.
    His band were all giving it 100% and Nita Strauss (from the Iron Maidens?) did a great job.
    Plus she's hot too.
    I scored a guitar pic from Tommy and some Alice Cooper $100 bills.
    Would definitely see again (preferably as a headline act to get the full Alice Cooper show, he only died 2-3 times in this show)

    Nita Strauss

  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    Only 8 people? Would expect at least 12 people were needed to stop you. 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Seen Alice Cooper twice and he has slayed every time. He is the main reason I'm going to the 50th leg of Motley Crue's farewell tour in August. 
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