Should have left for the show a lot earlier. Instead I got stoned and then had to drive through a fucking snow storm. That didn't help. I get there and hot box the ride because this is going2bgood. When I get in I realize holy shit this place is fucking packed. It was difficult to squeeze in on the floor, but I managed. They started out with a song with all the vocals being played which made me go ask ok y but that was the only instance. Such a perfect set though, really. My ears were sexually stimulated for about an hour and a half. I went to light up another j during My Girls but the way I was bent I burnt my face and dropped the goddamn thing. The guy behind me laughs and goes "Dude did you just drop your weed?" It survived the fall but I decided to try the other, idk faded. The crowd was extremely into, everything was just goddamn beautiful. If I did shroom this shit, I'd be typing this as a changed man because it would have changed my life. Lion In a Coma was cash. I don't know for sure but I think I smoked the last one during Wide Eyed. Security almost caught me, it was great. The dude saw the clouds of smoke in my general area, that's when I saw him start coming towards me out the corner of my eye. Dropped it and this mother fucker just looks at me, less than a foot away for a good 20 seconds and the walks away. Not the point, point is fucking Wide Eyed was entrancing live. Something I recall from an AnCo review from Alex was how intense the crowd was during The Purple Bottle. He wasn't lying the place went absolutely insane. Hell of a lot crazier than it got either time I saw Chimaira there for Chimaira Christmas when they were relevant. I kind of chuckled though because towards the end the music was keeping up but the crowd was kind of slowing down and all I could think was "If this was an EDM show everybody would still be jumping full speed." I looked at a couple other setlist and see that they mix it up a bit every night. Jelly at the show that got Pulleys the night before my show.
I remember hearing What Would I Want? Sky Applesauce Wide Eyed Today's Supernatural The Purple Bottle Brother Sport My Girls Lion in a Coma Amanita I Think I Can
Some others I know I'd heard before but I don't know the name and at least 2 I just flat out didn't know lol
Should have left for the show a lot earlier. Instead I got stoned and then had to drive through a fucking snow storm. That didn't help. I get there and hot box the ride because this is going2bgood. When I get in I realize holy shit this place is fucking packed. It was difficult to squeeze in on the floor, but I managed. They started out with a song with all the vocals being played which made me go ask ok y but that was the only instance. Such a perfect set though, really. My ears were sexually stimulated for about an hour and a half. I went to light up another j during My Girls but the way I was bent I burnt my face and dropped the goddamn thing. The guy behind me laughs and goes "Dude did you just drop your weed?" It survived the fall but I decided to try the other, idk faded. The crowd was extremely into, everything was just goddamn beautiful. If I did shroom this shit, I'd be typing this as a changed man because it would have changed my life. Lion In a Coma was cash. I don't know for sure but I think I smoked the last one during Wide Eyed. Security almost caught me, it was great. The dude saw the clouds of smoke in my general area, that's when I saw him start coming towards me out the corner of my eye. Dropped it and this mother fucker just looks at me, less than a foot away for a good 20 seconds and the walks away. Not the point, point is fucking Wide Eyed was entrancing live. Something I recall from an AnCo review from Alex was how intense the crowd was during The Purple Bottle. He wasn't lying the place went absolutely insane. Hell of a lot crazier than it got either time I saw Chimaira there for Chimaira Christmas when they were relevant. I kind of chuckled though because towards the end the music was keeping up but the crowd was kind of slowing down and all I could think was "If this was an EDM show everybody would still be jumping full speed." I looked at a couple other setlist and see that they mix it up a bit every night. Jelly at the show that got Pulleys the night before my show.
I remember hearing
What Would I Want? Sky
Wide Eyed
Today's Supernatural
The Purple Bottle
Brother Sport
My Girls
Lion in a Coma
I Think I Can
Some others I know I'd heard before but I don't know the name and at least 2 I just flat out didn't know lol
Behold, about a minute and a half of Applesauce. Didn't look at my phone while I recorded it so it kind of blows.