This is where I make an argument to one thing you said. Ivans vocals are part of why I have hated them so much. Each time live you can hear his voice cracking and shit. In 2010 when they opened main stage the wife and I were at the back of the lawn getting drinks. She said "who is playing that guy sounds terrible"
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
i disagree with 2 points 1. Jill Janus's voice is amazing. To me, she sounds like a female Rob Halford. Yes, the acting it a bit stupid, but the music was kick ass 2. Ivan Moody was off. I wasn't into 5FDP's set until the last 2 songs. I don't care for any of the new music since the first album. I liked them the first 2 times i saw them live, the next 2 was just meh
I've seen them three times at three different venues and it has been bad every time. Im just glad I don't have to go through it again. Also I post it here since it relates to the emptiness of your venue. They just posted on facebook that the maine date can come in and watch the festival stages for free. If I was there I'd do that. They shouldn't have taken the cincy date that sells well for that maine shit
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Yeah well when you take away high selling shows for places like maine that will happen. I think all three years it was in cincy it was on a Wednesday as well
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
well anyway it was monday the night before so i proceeded to get drunk. well set my alarm for like 730 and woke up at like 8:11 thankfully. didnt shower :-& took a quick grav bong hit, popped an addy(life saver) and i was on my way.
alright got there easily and saw dahlia was playing late so i had to wait all day :-L also when i got in it literally took me 40 minutes to find their tent cot damn i was pissed. got there and out of everblack tour larges so i passed on a shirt and bought nocturnal and got it signed but i dont want to fucking talk about that now. chatted with the merch dude quite a bit he was chill. should have got dat everblack banner =P~
so i was just strolling around and started listening to this reggae type band called Beeb and her moneymakers that had a trumpet and a sax. singer was a chick. the best part was when i walked over to i see stars to smoke a joint since it was crowded and then came back to watch them.
beebs 6/10 iss 1/10 cause joint
i strolled over to the ampitheater to sit down where i watched the end of hawthorne heights. gay. 0
was still chilling there and some band called hands like house( ) ) typical metalcore i guess it kept me entertained. 3
and when i was sitting there i see gin wigmore setting up im like fuck it lesgo for gnomez. they are like a bluesy rock band. i went up to the stage for them and their singer was sexy and had some pipes. her accent doe =P~ but anyway they owned that shit great stage prescence from all of em i was loving the sound and jamming. the guitarist looked amish. she threw out old shirts. got one and got it signed but its a small lol. second best band of the day 8
wondered over to mc lars and saw he had an ocarnia of time chain so i was like aight. he was cool i liked his beats. sampled mario and rack city, went ham during that. did a little rap about hamlet in 2 minutes. 4
and i then walked over and saw a huge crowd and i asked someone who is playing, it was abr. and i was trying to get a little rowdy so i ran into the pit. then they were done caught the last minute. got a pick doe. cant rate
watched some reggae band from the bay area, forgot their name. two kids were on something dancing around. it was chill i wanted to light up to it but i didnt. 5
about an hour until signing so i was like whatever and went and talked to the merch dude for a bit and he started the line. 1st B-) chatted it up with some dudes and made some new buddies one of em took the pic for me. one said hes seen dahlia 8 times and he's 16 :-< anyway went through asked if they wanted to blaze lolnope. was cool talking to them but it was kinda hurried. its understandable.
anyway just lingered until 6:25 and smoked the fattie before they came on
oh my dear lord put a nigga in tears from start to finish. obvi opened with in hell and it was just fucking awesome \m/ the pit was lackluster but 0. i was going nuts. smoked a joint dead center pit was awesome. right before den of the piquerst came on devins sister came and said whats up. shes seen him and he hasnt ) ) ) ) ) but anyway i heard the drums and she was mid sentence i just dipped. woulda rather had a different ritual song but im not complaining. and then horrible curse. it was so awesome so fucking heavy. statutory ape was awesome dat breakdown. i found a monkey necklace as fate would have it and i threw it on stage and trevor looked down saw it looked up and gave the horns. i knew what was next. cot damn funeral thirst, probably the highlight of the set that fucking intro was absolutely ridiculous. it ended and i was bummed but all it did was make me want a headliner that much more :-L got a ryan knight pick which i proceeded to fucking lose i guess. 11/10
Also, how empty the venue was...
It filled in a little more for Zombie but not much.
In 2010 I wanted to kill myself their whole set.
1. Jill Janus's voice is amazing. To me, she sounds like a female Rob Halford. Yes, the acting it a bit stupid, but the music was kick ass
2. Ivan Moody was off. I wasn't into 5FDP's set until the last 2 songs. I don't care for any of the new music since the first album. I liked them the first 2 times i saw them live, the next 2 was just meh
Wouldn't mind talking to the Scorpion Child dudes though.
well anyway it was monday the night before so i proceeded to get drunk. well set my alarm for like 730 and woke up at like 8:11 thankfully. didnt shower :-& took a quick grav bong hit, popped an addy(life saver) and i was on my way.
alright got there easily and saw dahlia was playing late so i had to wait all day :-L also when i got in it literally took me 40 minutes to find their tent cot damn i was pissed. got there and out of everblack tour larges so i passed on a shirt and bought nocturnal and got it signed but i dont want to fucking talk about that now. chatted with the merch dude quite a bit he was chill. should have got dat everblack banner =P~
so i was just strolling around and started listening to this reggae type band called Beeb and her moneymakers that had a trumpet and a sax. singer was a chick. the best part was when i walked over to i see stars to smoke a joint since it was crowded and then came back to watch them.
beebs 6/10
iss 1/10 cause joint
i strolled over to the ampitheater to sit down where i watched the end of hawthorne heights. gay. 0
was still chilling there and some band called hands like house(
and when i was sitting there i see gin wigmore setting up im like fuck it lesgo for gnomez. they are like a bluesy rock band. i went up to the stage for them and their singer was sexy and had some pipes. her accent doe =P~ but anyway they owned that shit great stage prescence from all of em i was loving the sound and jamming. the guitarist looked amish. she threw out old shirts. got one and got it signed but its a small lol. second best band of the day 8
wondered over to mc lars and saw he had an ocarnia of time chain so i was like aight. he was cool i liked his beats. sampled mario and rack city, went ham during that. did a little rap about hamlet in 2 minutes. 4
and i then walked over and saw a huge crowd and i asked someone who is playing, it was abr. and i was trying to get a little rowdy so i ran into the pit. then they were done
watched some reggae band from the bay area, forgot their name. two kids were on something dancing around. it was chill i wanted to light up to it but i didnt. 5
about an hour until signing so i was like whatever and went and talked to the merch dude for a bit and he started the line. 1st B-) chatted it up with some dudes and made some new buddies one of em took the pic for me. one said hes seen dahlia 8 times and he's 16 :-< anyway went through asked if they wanted to blaze lolnope. was cool talking to them but it was kinda hurried. its understandable.
anyway just lingered until 6:25 and smoked the fattie before they came on
oh my dear lord put a nigga in tears from start to finish. obvi opened with in hell and it was just fucking awesome \m/ the pit was lackluster but 0. i was going nuts. smoked a joint dead center pit was awesome. right before den of the piquerst came on devins sister came and said whats up. shes seen him and he hasnt
drive home was aight made good time.