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The Concert Review Thread



  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I'll keep it short and simple because this forum has made everybody here have an opinion on Mushroomhead that I doubt my review will change haha

    Basically a mini local fest set up, two stages with a shit ton of local bands starting at 5. Didn't feel like dealing with the humid ass 100 degree heat so I left around 8:30...which was fucking perfect because it was still humid as hell and still 95 when I got there at 9. Watched a couple local acts but nothing really caught my attention...That is until the band Living Dead came on. I'd seen them a couple times coming into tonight, so I thought I knew what to expect. They sound like some 90's Marilyn Manson shit least they did. I noticed that they completely abandoned the bass and guitar for two dudes on keyboards. They played a couple songs I kind of recognized before busting into some serious dubstep, like I did not see it coming. So yeah that happened.

    As for Mushroomhead, like I said either you like them or you don't...If you don't, you wont care about the revew...if you do, you already know what to expect. Shit was awesome. Anyway I have more to say about the crowd than the band. One thing I love about Mushroomhead shows around here is how diverse the crowd is. You'll get the fetish folk with their latex and whatnot, you'll get preppy looking people, some metalheads sprinkled in...and tons of kids. And yet on stage are cages where girls get up and just lez the fuck out on each other. Two hot chicks in nothing but bras and tiny skirts took over one cage, while some big ol' girl grabbed the other. Like this girl was so big that I didn't think another girl COULD fit in the cage, but she was confident enough to go up there so I'll give her that. Anyway in a strange two two more girls tried getting in the cage with her, and they basically did but they had to climb up and just dance from the bars...then two others just danced outside. Shit was cash. At the end one of the dudes from Mushroomhead went crowdsurfing, and like there weren't that many really it was like the kid that made the big play being carried off the field, ten dudes just carried him to the back of the club.
    image Photobucket
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Sorry Chuck, tried to wait to post this but it's getting late lol

    Warped Tour - 7/3/2012 - Dallas TX

    We Are The In Crowd - First band of the day for me and definitely a fun start to the show. Saw this band open for Mayday Parade last November so I figured I'd check them out again. Nice poppy rock sound and great energy and sound from the band, especially for an 11:40AM set time. 8.5/10

    Miss May I - Headed to the huge amphitheater stage (which was a stage by itself instead of being split into 2) to catch the first main stage act of the day and they put on one hell of a show. Great energy from them that the crowd just ate up. The singer kept talking about how "metal" they are between almost every damn song which became a bit much after awhile but still was a very fun set to watch even with the repeated banter. Check them out sometime if you haven't. 8/10

    Of Mice & Men - Holy hell the outdoor main stage was packed as shit for these guys and the performance was friggin intense. I can't believe how much heavier they sound live because it really doesn't come across that way on their albums. Also was really happy to see Carlisle put on a much better performance than the last time I saw them (as he was sick and sounded like shit). Definitely an entertaining band to watch. 8.5/10

    After The Burial - One of the main bands I was there to see. Solid show although I was a tad disappointed that they only played for about 25 min and their sound wasn't very loud at all. These guys are so much better indoors. They deserved a bigger stage than what they got. Still a fun, more intimate performance. 8/10

    Motionless In White - Their image really doesn't fit their music, as they had to be the gayest looking band I saw all day, but the show was friggin sweet. Heavy stuff from these guys (or girls?) and not a bad choice to see if you have nothing better to do at Warped. Would have enjoyed it a bit more though without the constant microphone problems they had through the 1st half of the set. 7.5/10

    iwrestledabearonce - Walked up as they were playing and noticed the singer was gone. Left after one song, biggest disappointment of the day for me. ?/10

    Everytime I Die - Caught most of their set and really enjoyed what I saw. Great energy from these guys and some funny stage banter to go with it. Wouldn't mind seeing them in a club setting sometime. 8/10

    Pierce The Veil - First time ever seeing this band and they impressed the hell out of me. They're one of those bands that I never really could get into on their albums but the live show was fantastic. I also gotta give it to Vic, that dude has some friggin pipes as he sounded great the entire set. Wouldn't mind seeing them again sometime. 8.25/10

    blessthefall - Hell of a set from this band. They sounded really good and are always a blast to see live. Solid setlist from these guys as well although I really wish they would take out "Hey Baby Here's That Song You Wanted" and replace it with something else cause it always seems to be a slow point in their set. Still a good time regardless and can't wait to see them again. 8.5/10

    Born Of Osiris - It had been over 2 1/2 years since I had last seen these guys and I really wish it could have been in a better setting. These guys deserved a much bigger stage than the small ass truck stage they got. The sound was so low on the stage they were starting to get drowned out by god damn Mayday Parade who happened to be playing on the Monster stage that faced in our direction, as well as the Marley stage. I could even recognize which song MP were playing during pauses between BOO's songs. They still had awesome stage presence and it was great to finally hear Discovery songs in a live setting but it really would have helped if they were given a better stage. I'll just need to catch them in a club again. 6/10

    The Used - Never have been a big listener of this band but I was excited as hell to get to see them live. They pulled the biggest crowd of the day and didn't disappoint. The singer sounded spot on throughout their set and the band showed a lot of energy, plus it was cool to finally see some of the songs I knew by them played live. I need to start listening to them more often. 8/10

    Breathe Carolina - Biggest curveball of the day for me as the main stage transitioned from a rock show to a giant dance party. People were jumping around for the entire set as BC took over the stage for just over half an hour, playing some of their most poppy hits (as well as one "heavy" one). Some electronic breakdowns were also thrown in that made me feel like I was at a Skrillex show. Definitely one of my favorite guilty pleasures as they are almost too much fun live. 8.5/10

    Taking Back Sunday - Another band I'd never seen before (or even listened to before) but had definitely heard of over the years. Pretty entertaining band to watch I must say, as I swear the lead singer twirls the mic around more than Jake from August Burns Red. Their songs sounded really good and I felt kinda bad for not knowing any of them as it seemed like everyone else around me was singing along. This is another band I'll have to listen to more in the future as they were a great end to what was a very long day. 7.5/10
  • streetsstreets Posts: 3,351 just the tip
    Of Mice & Men - Holy hell the outdoor main stage was packed as shit for these guys and the performance was friggin intense. I can't believe how much heavier they sound live because it really doesn't come across that way on their albums. Also was really happy to see Carlisle put on a much better performance than the last time I saw them (as he was sick and sounded like shit). Definitely an entertaining band to watch. 8.5/10
    \m/ Do you know what their setlist was?
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Of mice and men I would see. It doesn't matter what festival the used is on they draw a huge crowd hell they pulled in more people on a sidestage than buckcherry did on the mainstage at rock on the range. Sorry about krysta being irresponsible and that sucks about born of Osiris. I had my reservations about them doing warped. I'd like to see them do a club tour playing the discovery in full
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    This review is short but I'm bored as fuck so here it is.

    Warped Tour - July 6th - Detroit, Mi
    Arrived at the Palace of Auburn Hills to a huge ass line but made my way up it by finding some friends. Hung out with them for a while while we watched scene kids look like fucking retards by "two stepping". Got in probably 30 minutes after doors. Looked at the huge ass board with all the bands and noticed I had a hour or so wait to watch the bands I wanted to see. So I looked around merch and walked around the site getting to know it. This is the first time it was at the Palace. Normally it is at Comerica Park but the Tigers had a game so they had to move it. I do like the set up alot more than Comerica btw.

    Every Time I Die- The first time I had the chance to see these guys and they brought it. Their stage presence is just crazy they were all over the place. They really got the crowd moving because it got intense near the front. I would definitely see them again! 8/10

    Anti Flag- By the time ETID was done Anti Flag was half way done. Which sucks because I really wanted to watch all of their set. Oh well it was a good set. Didn't really get the crowd moving like I thought they would. Almost got kicked in the face by a hardcore dancer it was seriously about 6 inches from my face. It was cool checking them out and they were pretty good overall. 7/10

    Checked out some of New Found Glory on my way to Title Fight they were meh. Not really my cup of tea. Also picked up a ETID shirt on the way.

    Title Fight- Title Fight fucking brought it! They were simply awesome the fans were into the whole set. They were one of my more anticipated bands and they did not disappoint. 9/10

    After Title Fight I met The Ghost Inside all really cool people. I brought up the L.A. Kings and Johnathan got the biggest smile I have ever seen and went on talked to me about Hockey for about 10 minutes. Good thing no one was behind me or I would have not gotten a chance.

    Miss May I- Not bad at all. I actually enjoyed their set a lot. Also they probably got the biggest circle pit it was fucking gigantic. Good shit not much else to say. 7/10

    At this point I'm fucking exhausted and they opened up the Palace so you could chill inside. It was glorious. So by the time I got out The Ghost Inside were about to come on.

    The Ghost Inside- My most anticipated band. They were fucking awesome! Opened up with Unspoken and the crowd went fucking wild. All through their set the crowd was singing and into it. I didn't realize how well know TGI are. It was hot as fuck but I didn't care it was phenomenal. The only downside was Rise Against was starting with about one song left from The Ghost Inside so I timed it perfectly by leaving my spot at the Monster Energy Stage and walking to the main stage by listening to the last TGI song. 9/10

    Rise Against- I came in just as they were starting and they blew my mind. I have never see them before but have anted to for about 2 years but every time they came around I couldn't go. The push was pretty massive by the time I made it towards the front. I couldn't handle my self when Savior came on I had been waiting so long to hear it. They played almost all of their hits it was spectacular. By the time they were done I felt pretty accomplished. 9.5/10

    After The Burial- My last band of the day was after The Burial. Only caught about half of their set. But it was good. Very empty though it was kinda disheartening how much people stayed for Taking Back Sunday can't say I'm surprised though. 6.5/10

    Warped was successful except for the ride out which took forever. Can't wait to do it again next year.

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Alex :-W
    It'll be up tonight.
    I love winning with women
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    You said today. ToDAY not tonight
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Patience, Yago.
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    There's also a ton of fucking pictures I took, but only about 2/3 of them are post-worthy.
    I love winning with women
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Alex :-W
  • streetsstreets Posts: 3,351 just the tip
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I'm about to start it.
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Mayhem Festival 2012
    Phoenix, AZ 7/6/12


    I continued my tradition of getting to Mayhem gay early. Although I got there at 11 this year as opposed to 10 the past two years and 9 in 09. As it turns out, I didn't even get into the venue until around 2:50ish when my friends arrived, but it was worth it as hell.

    Whitechapel - Got in after they played. Probably sucked anyway. Here's their setlist (it was on a thing backstage when I arrived there). ?/10, but probably about 4.


    Some Sumerian bullshit was next. Don't know what band, didn't care enough.

    As I Lay Dying - Fucking sick as expected. I was in the pit for the first few songs (Condemned, Anodyne, 94), but I had to bail to take a bit of a rest following. Moshing in 112 and all sun is a good way to make yourself faint, which happened to more than a few people. As I mentioned, I watched/moshed until Cauterized, then we headed backstage to hang out and hear the rest of their set from there. Fucking awesome set, though. AILD kills every time. 10/10

    While I'm talking festival backstage, here's some random pics I took while they played from back there:


    One of the guys from Asking Alexandria ruined this picture of the stuff.

    So AILD finished and I met Tim and Nick, which was really fucking cool because being a one on one thing, I didn't feel rushed. They're incredibly nice guys, all of them. And my photo of us (or my tattoo at least) will be up on their Twitter/Fb shortly, as Tim said he'd post it once I send it to him.


    Asking Alexandria - I actually watched a couple of their songs once I went to the other side of the gate. Wasn't impressed, but I will say that they sound a lot better live than on album. Still exceedingly meh. 3/10

    From there, I went over to the AILD tent because they had a signing at 5:30. By this time, it was only about 4:40, so I was one of the first in line. It beat watching AA finish, though, so whatever. Skip ahead about an hour and I met the band, nice as hell like I mentioned. Tim re-greeted me and reminded me to send him a photo. They signed my laminate, poster and arm, and then I was on my way to see Anthrax.


    And they ARE selling tanktops. I couldn't tell from that last pic posted of their merch.

    Anthrax - Watched a couple songs from the front, then headed to the back in hopes of getting a photo with Scott and Joey afterwards, but they took some other route off stage. Oh well. They played a really cool, well-sounding set. And unfortunately, they didn't allow anybody who wasn't family, friends or crew with the band to watch from the stage for them. 8.5/10


    Some other Sumerian bullshit was up after them. No care ever. Picked up a Metal Blade tanktop and left.

    Next, I headed to the backstage of the mainstage since TDWP was on. Saw Clown when I got back there talking with some people, but fuck saying hi or getting a photo with that faggot. They didn't go on for hours and he was wearing some black makeup and faggy ass Tripp or some shit jeans. Fucking toolbag. I ended up meeting Rob Caggiano from Anthrax, though.


    I saw Kerry King right before I headed back to our seats, but I didn't really want to ask for a photo. Not because I have anything against hi, but he seemed really rushed. I didn't want to be "that guy."

    Motorhead - We watched about four of their songs, and then went backstage, where Reese saw us, radioed for six pit passes and gave them to us. Fucking score. We went onto his bus for a few minutes to visit and I realize that this set review has nothing to do with Motorhead anymore. We went back and caught Motorhead's last couple songs from the pit. They played very well from what I saw of them. Still sad to see Lemmy's age showing, but fuck he and the band still rock. 8/10

    View from our seats:

    View from the pit:

    Again after this, we went back to the backstage area and Reese again saw us and gave us VIP lounge wristbands. I only ended up going to the lounge a couple times throughout the rest of the night because most of the action was where our backstage access wristbands got us. Still fucking sick, though. I mean, by the time the night was over, we got probably $250 worth of access for free.

    Slayer - Awesome as hell. I hadn't listened to a Slayer song in a good while, but the lyrics were just imprinted in my mind, so I sang most of their stuff. They had the same stage setup as in 09, minus the special spotlights, but the sound was great! Minus .5 because Arraya's Angel Of Death scream was about a second late, lasted for three, and was just off. But he's getting old. 8.5/10


    Slipknot - Surprisingly a lot of fun, but again, I think it was the same thing that happened with Linkin Park where it's a nostalgia "hey-I-remember-these-lyrics-and-I'm-singing-them-as-they-go-along" sort of excitements. But really, they did put on a pretty neat set. Color me impressed. 8.5/10

    Fun fucking time. Enjoy yourselves! \m/
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Forgot the Slipknot pictures... one min...
    I love winning with women
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Suck the tip
    I love winning with women
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