Went to see the Scorpions Same as any other show of theirs. preferred this time cuz of free tix + hella girls in tight pants Dat ass Dat ass errywurr 11/10
Withered were awesome and much better live than on CD, kinda dragged out near the end though
1349 were sick but you could tell they had a fill in drummer and the dude made some pretty obvious mistakes. I mean the drum parts are ridiculous so you have to give him credit but yeah, wish the first time I saw them could've been with Frost.
Marduk owned, as always.
You tall assholes shouldn't get on the rail you have a good view from wherever you are lol
I'd agree except for the fact there were only like 2-3 rows of people on the rail, then people moshing, then like 20 feet back on an elevated position was the rest of the crowd.
But then again, I get as close as possible for whatever show I'm at
At Scion fest while Sleep were setting up, i hear these 2 girls say to the people like 5 feet behind me say "Can we please get in front of you because we're small?", they were both around 4'2 ish, but i still think that was a douchebag thing to say, "because we're small?" fuck that, anyways so almost a minute later i feel a poke, i think nothing of it, then i feel it again, i turn around and they ask me the same thing but in this bitchy attitude as if they had a huge dude who would kill me if i didn't move, i said nothing, and turned back to the stage, no way in hell i was losing rail for Sleep.
Also after Sleep finished and half the room cleared out for whatever, i moved over and got closer to center rail, and this slightly older woman around 35 ish gets the rail next to me and starts chatting it up, at first i just think it's just a concert goer trying to make conversation while waiting for the band, but then she started coming onto me, but after like a minute this HUGE fucking dude comes up behind her and says "hey babe, sorry i took so long, what i miss?" i was like ._. , and just looked in the other direction and minded my own business lol
I swear this dude had to be at least 6'10, and probably around 280 lbs.
Revocation: Gay. I thought these guys were decent from what I've heard of them but live they were really boring. The Jack Black stage banter was lame as fuck too. LOL HE SAID GANGBANGING A DRAGON LOL ROFL BRUTAL LEGEND
Dying Fetus: YES. So much better than their Summer Slaughter performance. John's current guitar sound is better than ever and the new songs crushed. Wish they could've played a lot longer but whatever.
Six Feet Under: Good shit. Kevin Talley tore it up on drums and the fill in guitarist was cool. Barnes sounded good and it was funny seeing everyone hating his screeches. I really don't mind them, they just make me laugh when he does em.
I like six feet under 100x more than corpse. Also the crowd during hammer smashed face for six feet under was much more crazy.
As of late I've been leaning towards SFU as well. I know a lot of people hate them but they're good if you give em a chance. Everything Cannibal releases now sounds exactly the same. I'm still looking forward to them at Summer Slaughter but yeah
My ride to summer slaughter wants to leave right after BTBAM, i keep telling him it's freaking Cannibal Corpse, I'm not the biggest fan but I'm not leaving before they play lol
World in Arms: 3/10
Thy Will Be Done: 7/10
This is Hell: 5/10
Within the Ruins: 6/10
Unearth: 9/10
Comic sans is a nice touch.
I'm not sure whether the fact Ken gave it to me personally is good or bad
Same as any other show of theirs.
preferred this time cuz of free tix + hella girls in tight pants
Dat ass
Dat ass errywurr
Didn't watch Weapon
Withered were awesome and much better live than on CD, kinda dragged out near the end though
1349 were sick but you could tell they had a fill in drummer and the dude made some pretty obvious mistakes. I mean the drum parts are ridiculous so you have to give him credit but yeah, wish the first time I saw them could've been with Frost.
Marduk owned, as always.
But then again, I get as close as possible for whatever show I'm at
I feel no guilt about being at the front of shows. If somebody wants to get butthurt about it, they can move somewhere else.
I swear this dude had to be at least 6'10, and probably around 280 lbs.
Gay. I thought these guys were decent from what I've heard of them but live they were really boring. The Jack Black stage banter was lame as fuck too. LOL HE SAID GANGBANGING A DRAGON LOL ROFL BRUTAL LEGEND
Dying Fetus:
YES. So much better than their Summer Slaughter performance. John's current guitar sound is better than ever and the new songs crushed. Wish they could've played a lot longer but whatever.
Six Feet Under:
Good shit. Kevin Talley tore it up on drums and the fill in guitarist was cool. Barnes sounded good and it was funny seeing everyone hating his screeches. I really don't mind them, they just make me laugh when he does em.