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The Concert Review Thread



  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    I was slightly disappointed they were sold out of the tour posters, every tour is because fucking FL is always near the end of every tour :(
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    I talked to the mercy guy for alex as well last year. That merch guy is going to think there is a stalker
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Awww, I wanted to know how Within the Ruins are live since I'm seeing them in June.

  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Within the ruins are boring I saw them last year. There you go
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Oh, alrighty then.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2012
    What ape said.

    Oh and this gives me hope Whitechapel will be better than they were on Summer Slaughter last year.
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    Just got home from Rob Zombie /Megadeth holy shit it was a awesome show. Will post review and pics tomorrow
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    RZ/Megadeth review. Got there around 640 show started at 715. Got our pit wristbands and went right up front. We were 2 people from the rail the whole show. Lacuna Coil came out put on a good show but a very poor setliat. Then we waited about 15 min and the curtain dropped and Megadeth came out to Never Dead which kicked ass \m/. They played a pretty standard set but nonetheless kicked major ass! Then they wrapped it up with Holy Wars and about 15 min later Zombie came out and he sounded great actually better then at Mayhem played a good solid set. Threw in some rare live songs like Pussy Liquor. And Scum of the Earth and right before closing with Dracula he showed the new movie trailer for lords of Salem which looks bad ass. Overall the concert was well worth the money. Go if you can.

    Lacuna Coil 6/10
    Megadeth 10/10
    Rob Zombie 10/10
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    I wouldnt call those rare songs but \m/
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    Well songs that he doesn't play much at least the times I saw him
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    you people and your 10/10s lol youd make horrible music critics but glad you had fun
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    Meshuggah was amazing I'll review later. They had cameras on the mic and guitar so hopefully I'm in some shit \m/
  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    edited May 2012
    Marilyn Manson and The Pretty Reckless - Hey, Cruel World Tour (US Leg 1)

    The Pretty Reckless took the stage at exactly 9:00pm. Didn't know much about them other than Momsen fronted the band. She has quite a set of pipes on her. Plus, she's easy on the eyes. I don't know what else to say. I only knew a few of their songs. They, well she kept us entertained. So whatever. It was enjoyable. They played for 45 mins.

    These are the songs I knew. which were played...

    Hit Me Like A Man
    Make Me Wanna Die
    Just Tonight

    10:45pm, curtain drops and the lights go out. Intro kicks in, I'm not sure what it was or from. Didn't sound familiar. But anyways, curtain drops and they kick into 'Hey, Cruel World'. Dammit, this song kicks ass live. Crowd went absolute ape-shit. After the song ended, he said something along the lines of.. "It's Mothers Day. Anybody here have my child, or is my child?" Classic Manson banter. But anyways...

    Manson, who has suffered the past few years to deliver live had absolutely no problems tonight. Dude nailed every song. He definitely seems revived. The entire band was on fire. Twiggy was rocking the old doll dress reminiscent of the one's he wore during the Smells Like Children era. Wasn't expecting that, so that was cool to see. Fred Sablan does a great job as the new bass player. Him, Manson, and Twiggy are best friends. It was cool watching the guys interact with each other during the show. You never got that from Manson in the past. They just seemed to be having fun. Jason Sutter is the new drummer. Don't really know much about him, but he seems to fit in well.

    My only complaint about this tour and the past few as well is, I really wish they's dump those fucking hits they've been playing for years. Disposable Teens, mOBSCENE, Dope Show, and Sweet Dreams. I get why they play them, but they've been played to death. It's ridiculous. They're are plenty of tracks they could throw on the set that would more than satisfy the casuals. But, all the new stuff sounds great live. The band rocked the whole time and Manson gave 100% and sounds excellent this time around. All and all, a great show. Set went about an 1 hr 30 mins. Manson show #14, in the books.

    Hey, Cruel World...
    Disposable Teens
    The Love Song
    No Reflection
    The Dope Show
    Rock Is Dead
    Personal Jesus
    Pistol Whipped
    Irresponsible Hate Anthem
    Sweet Dreams
    Antichrist Superstar
    The Beautiful People

    these are the only pics I took..

  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    I enjoy the first two songs of the new cd then it just gets boring. I could see the regulars in the setlist 100 times live with no complaint. In fact it wouldn't piss me off if fight song, disposable teens, sweet dreams were in every set I ever saw of his.

    That being said I can't wait for Sunday hopefully tourniquet stays in the set
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    I enjoy the first two songs of the new cd then it just gets boring. I could see the regulars in the setlist 100 times live with no complaint. In fact it wouldn't piss me off if fight song, disposable teens, sweet dreams were in every set I ever saw of his.

    That being said I can't wait for Sunday hopefully tourniquet stays in the set
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Got home from the Thrice farewell tour a while ago. This was my 2nd and unfortunately last time seeing Thrice, my 3rd time seeing Animals As Leaders and 2nd seeing O'Brother.

    O'Brother - I liked this band, they had a very "heavy" atmosphere and a great vocalist, i met them after the show and got a their EP on vinyl and got it signed. 6/10

    Animals As Leaders - I've been a fan of this band since t...heir first song was released a few years ago, 3rd time seeing them but the first time since their new album came out, they sounded flawless Tosin Abasi just makes all guitarists want to give up, it was also the first time seeing them since original drummer Navene Koperweis left the band, i was disappointed to learn that but the new guy they found was mind-blowing, his 2 drum solos were crazy, can't wait to see them again. - 9/10

    Thrice - This was their farewell tour so I could feel the tension and emotion between the band and crowd, their setlist was near perfect, they played 2 songs they hadn't played live in over 6 years and one they had never played previous to the start of this tour, they sounded incredible, and had a great interaction, one of the best live bands I've ever seen, it's weird to think I won't ever get to see this band live again, but I'm definitely glad i got to see them twice. - 10/10

    Thrice setlist.

    Yellow Belly
    Image Of The Invisible
    The Artist in the Ambulance
    Kill Me Quickly
    Under a Killing Moon
    In Exile
    The Weight
    Words in the Water
    Of Dust and Nations
    The Earth Will Shake
    Broken Lungs
    Digital Sea
    Stare at the Sun
    To Awake and Avenge the Dead
    Come All You Weary
    Phoenix Ignition
    T & C

    Animals As Leaders

    Wave Of Babies
    Tempting Time
    Earth Departure
    An Infinite Regression
    Cylindrical Sea

  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers

    im not even gonna bother reviewing the bands cause there were so many and im not even sure i watched an entire set from any band. im just gonna talk about my experiences.

    even though my cousin lives like 20 minutes from asbury park we took a train in to avoid driving in traffic and on the first day the train in front of us broke down and our train had to push their's while still making all the stops LOL. what should've been a 15 minute train ride took like over an hour. on the first day whitechapel was playing and i didn't bother watching because i've seen them like 3 times in the last year and i'll be seeing them again at mayhem fest but they actually sounded pretty good. better then the other times i saw them. there were 7 total stages. one side stage and the enormous main stage were built right on the beach. 2 stages were in the convention hall which is right on the boardwalk. 2 were in a parking lot in front of some apartment buildings right next to the boardwalk. and the other stage was in this grass section right in between the ferris wheel and the wonder bar. there were lines for the porta-johns all weekend and on one of the days i happened to be walking by some and i saw 2 girls come out of the same porta-john @-) :))
    pretty much every other stage me and my cousin walked to that was outside we could see or smell weed being smoked. the funny part is the only time when we didn't smell weed for a long period of time was during bon jovi's set LOL. neither of us smelled any weed during their set. i saw 3 people smokin' right in front of security at the metal stage lol. there were fireworks every night after the main stage headliner finished playing. they had a cancer tent aka 'The Marlboro Experience' which was cool. i got a pack of cigarettes for $1, a free t-shirt, and a free keychain. everything was very well organized. the only thing i didn't like was that security was trying to contain the mosh pits at the metal stage. i guess because the stage was in a spot where people were constantly walking by and they didn't want the pits taking up all the walking room. lots of hot women there. i had a blast.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Young Hunter -- Santa Rosa, CA -- June 1st, 2012

    So, the show was scheduled to start at 7, so I got there a little after 7, not too worried about missing anything, because all local shows start late. But last night that was put to the extreme, because the concert didn't start 'til about 9. Fortunately, my friend Ben was there, so we talked for those two hours. At about 9, the first band started

    Right off the bat, I knew that the night would be an interesting one, sonically. None of the bands were alike at all. The first band, Tierras Altas, were some weird fucking expermintal shit. The band consisted of a cellist, bassist and drummer. The bassist would also play guitar sometimes. Their songs were really quirky and I didn't really know what to make of them, but they put on an enjoyable set. Only thing that was kind of lame was that their drummer often dropped the beat and it was obvious he was really know to drumming. That aside, they were energetic, and they had some awesome little yellow toy that moved around when they played. I'll post pics of it once my buddy puts 'em up on facebook.

    The next act was a singer/songwriter thing. Her name was Laina Torres, but I don't think she always performs as a solo artists, because she said she normally had some accompaniment. Anywho. she played folk music. It was alright, and she had a good voice, but it got kind of scratchy when she hit higher notes. She played 3 songs with a guitar and one with a bass-ukelele, which was interesting.

    The next band was Space Hunter. They were a kick to watch, because they didn't know how to use their gear. They took a good chunk of time to set up, then once they got on stage they had further technical difficutlies. The guitarist couldn't get the tone he wanted or something and had feedback issues. But they're actually music was alright. I don't know what to call 'em, I guess electro-rock, because they had a drum machine and electronic melodies playing during their songs. The songs were enjoyable and seeing the guitarist trying to figure out his gear was funny. Only real complaint was that they were uncomfortably loud at times.

    Finally, after prepping the stage, Young Hunter came on. My body was ready for their, set and they fucking delivered. They were professional. They got on the stage, knew how to work their gear, and were well rehearsed. Young Hunter are a 7 piece, and it's really for the better. They've got three guitarist, a bassist, two drummers, and a keyboard player. One of the guitarist and the keyboardist are the main vocalist, and another guitarist also lends his voice for harmonies. So, they started their set with the opening track off Stone Tools, The Harbringer. Right from the start I was impressed with how well they re-create their sound on disc into the live enviornment. They've got all the extra percussion, the mix was great and everybody sounded spot on. The dim lights and fog machine only added to the overall huge sound that they were delivering. Every song they played sounded great and the band had awesome stage presence. They weren't getting all Dillenger or anything, but their movements fits the music peferctly. They were into it. Something I also really admired was that they threw in some improv/jam into their set. On one of the tracks, where on disc they go into a really fast section with a blast beat, they instead busted out a sick groove and jammed for a bit. Everything about their set was perfect. The mix/sound, the ambiance, and the music. This was by far the best performance I've seen all year. After listening to the album, I'm fairly certain they played every track, just not in order. I'll get an official setlist from 'em on facebook or something.

    After Young Hunter was done, we went to the merch booth and talked to some of the guys for a bit. They were really nice. Turns out that some of the dudes were orginally from the area, which is why they decided to book a gig here before they start their west coast tour with Cormorant. I bought their CD which came with a sweet poster, and they also had some show poster and stickers for free dollars, so I nabbed some of thems too. After that, we continued to talk to some of the dudes outside the venue about music, the area, and other stuff. The guys are super nice. This was a great way to start off the summer concert series. If you get the chance to see Young Hunter, do it. Also, if you like stoner metal and/or desert rock, listen to Stone Tools, now.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Just got home from SCION fest, and wow, just wow, that was an intense, and amazing show from start to finish, all of the bands were incredible live.

    Decapitated - This band was absolutely brutal live, their drummer and bassist were 2 of the fastest I've ever seen, the only bad thing was the crowd was pathetic. - 6/10

    Revocation - Second time seeing them live and they did not disappoint, with hea...vy vocals mixed with beautifully melodic guitar riffs and intense solos, this band is a must see live for any fans of melodic music. - 6/10

    St. Vitus - Second time seeing them, and they were even better live this time around, i was surprised to see how many people showed up for them, not that they aren't great, just that they're not overly very well known, they are just an all around cool band, definitely check them out if you get the chance. - 8/10

    Sleep - The main reason i was going, they had the Ritz Ybor slam packed, and it was probably the single most intense band I've ever seen live, their set, sound, and performance was beyond amazing, if you listen to rock or metal of any kind and you haven't heard of them, GO and listen to Dopesmoker now, if you ever get the chance to see them live (you might not though, they're rarely come down this way) do not hesitate to go see them, by far the best band of the day. - 10/10

    Down - I must admit I'm not a very big fan of this band but will say they kicked butt live, ex Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo is not my favorite vocalist by any means but he definitely knows how to get a crowd going, and guitarist Kirk Windstein is a genus on guitar, he is the modern day Tony Iommi, it was also cool that they played a new song for the first time from their upcoming EP, and for the encore, members from Suffocation, St Vitus, Sleep, Terror, Revocation, Decapitated and Church Of Misery came on stage and played with them, it was awesome. - 8/10
    Also it was Sleep's guitarists' birthday, and Phil and Kirk from Down brought a cake on stage and had everyone sing happy birthday to him after Sleep finished.
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