Went to a local show last night. It was the EP release party for the band Anticosm. It was supposed to be at this place The Southern Grange (aka the Black Metal Barn) in Howell, but their was a mix-up and the venue backed out....so, they had it in the woods. 2 out of 6 of the bands cancelled because it was FUCKING cold and they were too chicken shit to play with cold fingers. We missed the first band. Got there just as Grim Legion was setting up and hung out near the fire pit till they went on.
I Am The Trireme-Philly band. I had heard of this band a few years ago. Ran into the bassist in the mall of all places and he was trying to get me to play their music on the radio. I had forgotten about that until last night. Even though they looked like core fuckers, they sounded quite awesome. http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Am-The-Trireme/131868890157287?sk=app_2405167945
Anticosm-Everyone was completely wasted and more than half frozen by the time they came on at 11:00. I couldn't feel my face, toes, or fingers. They flanked the stage with some expertly carved pumpkins. \m/ Singer was a crazy, 1/2 naked Russian guy. Normally, I don't buy local music, I make the local bands just give it to me to play, but these guys were so badass that I actually paid for their EP. Mosh pit in the woods! Woohoo! ) Singer was a little wasted and kept throwing the pumpkins over the crowd, smashing them against the tress. Unfortunately, even though they were the headliner, they only got to play for 30 minutes because the fucking cops broke it up. Fucking assholes. I will definitely be playing that EP on my show and seeing them again. If you can get your hands on it, buy Anticosm's The Wreckoning EP. Song that stuck out the most: "Death Never Sleeps". Funniest part of their set, drunk guy yells at the Russian singer: "In Soviet Russia, dick sucks you!" Singer: "FUCK YOU FUCKING AMERICANS. SHUT THE FUCK UP!" http://www.facebook.com/anticosmnj
Bunch of shitty local hxc fag bands opened for them. Unearth set got cut short cuz there was like 20 fights and it turned into one big brawl and cops showed up and niggas got tased. 11/10 would attend again.
But seriously, shit sucked. Theyre playing again tonight at the same venue and offered everyone vouchers who attended last nights show, but I work. Oh well I'll see em with Chimaira and Skeletonwitch in December.
Bunch of shitty local hxc fag bands opened for them. Unearth set got cut short cuz there was like 20 fights and it turned into one big brawl and cops showed up and niggas got tased. 11/10 would attend again.
But seriously, shit sucked. Theyre playing again tonight at the same venue and offered everyone vouchers who attended last nights show, but I work. Oh well I'll see em with Chimaira and Skeletonwitch in December.
I saw that. Unearth posted a pic of a puddle of blood on the floor.
Judas Priest, October 27th, 2011 @ Sleep Train Pavillion in Concord.
Thin Lizzy: These guys were decent. They played fairly well and had some pretty good guitar work. The singer kept refering to us as San Francisco, so <_> to him. They had pretty decent stage presence and got the crowd going a few time. Okay performance was okay.
Black Label Society: Fuck Zakk Wylde. Bastard took a 10 minute guitar solo that was probably the worst thing I've ever experienced live. At least the rest of the band seemed fairly competent, especially the bassist.
Judas Priest: Holy crap, these guys were great. Everybody in the band sounded phenomenal, especially Halford. It's amazing that he can still hit all the high notes after all these years. I loved that they played at least one song from every album featuring Halord. Stage wise, they had some pretty cool stuff. Pyro, a screen in the back, and other cool shit like their symbol rising from the ground and plenty of flags 'n' stuff. Glenn and Richie were both awesome. I was impressed with Richie's guitar work. He had some awesome solos, but I prefered Glenn's. For me the main highlight of the night was Halford. The man has got some fucking pipes. He sounded great through out the whole night. He's also got a good stage presence. Overall, one of the best performances I've seen all year. Over 2 hours of heavy metal is great way to spend the night.
Also, the "metal" guy from last season of American Idol was in attendance. I'm a little surprised they didn't bring him up, but maybe he just wanted to enjoy the show just like the rest of us.
Judas Priest, October 27th, 2011 @ Sleep Train Pavillion in Concord.
Thin Lizzy: These guys were decent. They played fairly well and had some pretty good guitar work. The singer kept refering to us as San Francisco, so <_> to him. They had pretty decent stage presence and got the crowd going a few time. Okay performance was okay.
Black Label Society: Fuck Zakk Wylde. Bastard took a 10 minute guitar solo that was probably the worst thing I've ever experienced live. At least the rest of the band seemed fairly competent, especially the bassist.
Judas Priest: Holy crap, these guys were great. Everybody in the band sounded phenomenal, especially Halford. It's amazing that he can still hit all the high notes after all these years. I loved that they played at least one song from every album featuring Halord. Stage wise, they had some pretty cool stuff. Pyro, a screen in the back, and other cool shit like their symbol rising from the ground and plenty of flags 'n' stuff. Glenn and Richie were both awesome. I was impressed with Richie's guitar work. He had some awesome solos, but I prefered Glenn's. For me the main highlight of the night was Halford. The man has got some fucking pipes. He sounded great through out the whole night. He's also got a good stage presence. Overall, one of the best performances I've seen all year. Over 2 hours of heavy metal is great way to spend the night.
Also, the "metal" guy from last season of American Idol was in attendance. I'm a little surprised they didn't bring him up, but maybe he just wanted to enjoy the show just like the rest of us.
The Black Dahlia Murder -- Lansing, Mi -- Oct. 30th 2011
Let me just start by saying this was the best show I have ever been to. It was just pure insanity the whole night but I will elaborate more on that later. So when I found out about this show it was a week after I saw them on Summer Slaughter and after some persuasion on my part I got a crew to go with me. I have never been to The Loft in Lansing so I was curious how the venue was layed out. When we arrived around 6:00 about 30 minutes before doors opened the line was already stretched pretty far down the block. As I walked down the line I was very surprised to see mostly pure metalheads. There was very few "brocore" or scene kids in line which made me very happy. The doors opened right on time and we got in very fast because the event staff were very efficient coming around beforehand and stamping your hand if you already bought a ticket. The Loft was loacated above a nightclub so you had to go upstairs to get to it. As I walk in I quick;y check out merch and buy a Cannabis Corpse shirt and manage to get the last rail spot. As I look around it is set up nicely the merch off to the left and a big spacious floor with some seats in the back.
Deadlight- This was their very first gig which must have been cool to open up for TBDM. They had a very generic Metalcore sound.They Kinda sounded like The Devil Wears Prada. They had some cool riffs and good stage presence but the music is just a letdown. They only played 3 songs and managed to get the crowd moving which was already packed with people. I knew that the show sold out and I could tell it was gonna get crazy later. Saw the drummer stage diving later during TBDM which was kinda funny. 6/10
Beast In The Field- These guys are my favorite local band they are Doom and are just a two two piece band but are the heaviest/loudest band around. When they played the first note the first 5 rows just went nuts in headbanging. Literally the whole first row were headbanging in sync it was pretty sick. Plus they are blistering loud so that helps. I have seen these guys before and this was by far their best performance. 9/10
Since All Shall Perish dropped off for some reason for the last show Cannabis Corpse was right before TBDM.
Cannabis Corpse- I have known of these guys for awhile never really gave them a listen but when they got announced I started listening to them and I got pretty excited for them. When they came on their was a pretty good push which I wasn't really expecting since they are pretty underground but the crowd went pretty wild alot of headbanging and got a pretty good pit going. They played all their classics such as Blunetd At Birth, Mummified In Bong Water. These guys had good sound didn't really move around but the crowd made up for it. Oh yeah I forgot to mention alot of people were dressed up and this guy dressed up as a huge bud was crowd surfing it was lulzy. 8/10
Before The Black Dahlia Murder my cousin went to the back to watch I told my friend(it was his first show)that we will probably get separated. He looked kinda worried.
The Black Dahlia Murder- This was most impressive and crazy show I have ever seen. I still had my front row spot their is no rail so the stage only came up to my lower thigh. When their intro for A Shrine To Madness came on the biggest push I have been in happened. When they came on all hell broke loose. I was pretty much bent straight over and I said enough jumped on stage and stage dived right off their was also just a sea of people crowd surfing and stage diving. Ended up in the pit which was the craziest I have ever seen. I some how made my way back up right in the front where it was just insanity people fist pumping and screaming in each others faces. When they played What A Horrible Night to have a curse the whole place had their fists pumping. You could see the steam rising off the crowd. Multiple times Trevor had to tell the people to back up because people were ending up on stage and needed them off. So anyways they played some awesome new shit as well as old stuff it was a great combination. Multiple times Trevor would put the mic to my face and have me scream lyrics and would look at me like Holy Shit. You could tell Lansing doesn't get enough shows because it was pure insanity. As they walked off stage after funeral thirst the lights came back on. But the crowd kept shouting for one more song. So Trevor spoke to the owner and said they could play some more. So they came back on and said how we were the craziest mother fucker's he has seen. And would go on to talk about if anyone gives you pennies while trick or treating throw them back at them to which the crowd started chanting FUCK PENNIES. Trevor was just laughing his ass off. They played three more and got off stage. On the last song managed to get back front row and just go crazy. As they were leaving I caught a pick and Trevor handed me a water bottle. 10/10
A Shrine to Madness Moonlight Equilibrium A Vulgar Picture What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse On Stirring Seas of Salted Blood Necropolis Malenchantments of the Necrosphere Den of the Picquerist Everything Went Black Miasma Carbonized in Cruciform I Will Return Funeral Thirst Encore Statutory Ape Blood in the Ink A old song which I didn't know
As all the guys shook hands with us and it cleared out I noticed this huge blood spot in the middle of the floor I was just like Damn that was carnage. After the show I talked to Trevor who is one of the nicest people you will meet. As I walk up to him he said to the manager of the loft that I was one of the craziest people he saw tonight. We talked for about 5 minutes. I couldn't get a picture because my camera on my phone was broken. Oh well it was a great experience. Defiantly the craziest show I have been to.
Biters - sucked ass. best song was a cover version of a classic Tom Petty song. 1/10
Ace Frehley - suppose to start at 9pm. pulled an Axl Rose and started at 10:15pm. Played until midnight. Band sounded great and i have a new drummer i am following in Scot Coogan. great drummer and did a good job on vocal duties doing the paul and gene songs. they cut rip it out from the setlist, and ace was ace in his commentary between songs (ripping gene a couple times and the light guy). 9/10
Cannabis Corpse- I have known of these guys for awhile never really gave them a listen but when they got announced I started listening to them and I got pretty excited for them. When they came on their was a pretty good push which I wasn't really expecting since they are pretty underground but the crowd went pretty wild alot of headbanging and got a pretty good pit going. They played all their classics such as Blunetd At Birth, Mummified In Bong Water. These guys had good sound didn't really move around but the crowd made up for it. Oh yeah I forgot to mention alot of people were dressed up and this guy dressed up as a huge bud was crowd surfing it was lulzy. 8/10
That show was awesome. I'll take the time to write a lil' review.
So, I arrived at the Warfield about an hour before doors opened. We(me, my dad, and my friends, Ben and Alex(dreamtheater)) were one of the first people in line. After a long wait, we were let in. I was able to grab some rail, front and center, so I was set up for the night. Well, actually I had to go take a shit, so Alex was kind enough to save my spot on rail so I could go drop the Cosby's off at the pool. I came back with some ear plugs for me and the old man, since I always forget to bring my own. At about 8, Red Fang started.
Red Fang were great. I was expecting the same set list as the one they played at Mayhem, but they actually changed it up quite a bit, so that made me very happy. Unlike Mayhem Fest, they had a much better crowd reaction in this setting, not that the crowd reaction at Mayhem was negative or anything. The crowd actually got pretty rowdy for Red Fang, and it stayed that way for the rest of the night. There was one particular individual in a Murder the Mountains t-shirt who was very enthusiastic and pretty much started a lot of the pits. I remember looking back when they started Wires and the look on his face was priceless. He seemed to be a chill dude. The sound was good during the whole set, other not being able to hear the guitarist's microphone that well. Prehistoric Dog was definitely the most energetic song in their set, and during the first verse I made eye contact with the drummer, and we both sang the lyrics together. That was pretty fucking cool.
Red Fang Hank is Dead Throw Up Malverde Wires Painted Parade Reverse Thunder Prehistoric Dog
Coming into the venue, I could tell there were a fair amount of people specifically at the show for The Dillenger Escape Plan, just by the shirts a lot of people were wearing. So, when the time came for the to come on, I was a little worried. From story I've heard from my fellow forumers and videos I've seen *coughcoughvirginmegastore*, I could tell it was going to get really crazy. Now, I know most people would look forward to that, but all of my experiences at Mastodon shows prior to this were pretty stable. Nothing too crazy going on. One of the camera guys in front asked me if I'd ever been in a Slayer pit before, to which I answered no. He the proceeded to tell me this was as close as it gets to a Slayer pit, which worried me. But once DEP started, it was actually really fun.
When they started their set, the singer actually came onto the rail, standing there and using concert-goers as support and sang from there for a bit. Meanwhile, the rest of the band are going apeshit on stage, and the crowd is going fucking nuts. Initially, I was kind of like "oh fuck, this can't be good". But after a bit I was really impressed by them. They're great showmen, and while their music isn't my favorite, it is fun live. All their cool math-y and proggy parts were really cool. So, in between all of the crowd-surfers, the singer from DEP came onto the rail several more time, at one point he actually had people support him so he could stand on top of the crowd and do his work. One of the guitarists actually did this too, which was pretty cool. For one of their songs, Mike Patton actually come on stage and did a song with them. I'm assuming it was one off the EP that features him. I wish I could have heard him better, because he's probably one of the best singers ever. After that, the singer returned to getting on the rail and singing from there, and more than once I was one of the people who helped support him. After a bit instead of returning to the stage he jumped into the crowd and his foot was about an inch away from my face. There was another time he stage dived too, and he actually collided with a crowd-surfer . He went in with his mic, and came out without it, and the was the end of their set. It turned out to be the most fun, energetic performances I've seen. I wouldn't mind seeing them again, but I'm not going to make an effort too.
So then came time for the almighty Mastodon. This time around was very different the any of the past times I've seen 'em in a club. They didn't play any album in it's entirety and they didnt' have the screen, which I thought they might for the visualizers that had for The Hunter. This was probably the most fun time I've seen Mastodon. They came out and busted into Dry Bone Valley and the crowd went wild. Now, I think the fact that they aren't supporting Crack the Skye has to do with part of that. I feel that a lot of people who loved Crack the Skye, weren't really the biggest metal guys, so the didn't really mosh or much. Now, every time I've seen Mastodon there was a mosh, but the whole crowd wasn't moving. I think that's why some of you don't have the best thoughts of their live show. But now that they've moved on, I think the crowd is definitely a more "metal" crowd and a lot of you guys would fine Mastodon more enjoyable. There were pits and there was a constant push against the rail. I was being pressed up on the rail harder than I've ever been and I can still feel it in my ribs. So, everybody sounded awesome. Brann sounded great vocally and fucking wrecked shop on the kit as usual. Troy sounded good as usual and had an awesome tone. He busted out a weird kind of computer-y distortion for Bedazzled Fingernails, and he actually had a second mic out there for the sort of electronic vocals. Bill was awesome and actually took more leads than I'd expect. He took the solo for Black Tongue and more leads for other songs like Sleeping Giant. Now, that might be the way they usually do it, but I wouldn't know because I've never really been close enough to the stage to investigate these things like I was this time around. Brent was kick-ass on the ax. Only thing that sucked sound-wise for Mastodon was that I couldn't hear Brent very well, both for vocals and guitar. I couldn't even hear his solo druing Colony of Birchmen, which is quite a shame. So throught out the set they were just aboslutley solid. They played like champs. Troy has such an awesome stage presence, and there were a few time I made eye contact with hime and that was super duper chill. Another thing to mention is that Rob Trujillo and Matt Pike(as you guys can see above) were in attendance. Matt Pike was getting real into it which was fun to watch. Watching Rob try to air drum Capillarian Crest was also very amussing. So, this was definitely my second favorite time seeing Mastodon, and my favorite performance I've seen all year. They played perfectly. The only thing I can bitch about was that I was hoping for more songs off of Remission. Besides that, perfect performance.
PS: Spectrelight is definitely the best song off of The Hunter live.
Red Fang: 9/10 DEP: 8.5/10 Mastodon: 10/10
If you're looking for a Mastodon set, go to the tours thread.
swag: Death Angel setlist and pick, Signed Testament setlist and 2 picks, 3 Anthrax picks
Bought: Anthrax tour shirt, Death Angel tour shirt
Got to the Fillmore around 12:45 p.m. me and the 3 guys i were with stood there for about 2 hours before a couple other people showed up. No one else really started showing up until around 4:30. about 5:30 all hell broke loose in the line with everyone screaming at every single person passing by, and 2 of my friends crowd surfed in the line which was amazing in it's own right. Finally the doors open at 7 and I was one of the first people in and went straight for the stage and got on the left side and stayed rail the whole show.
Death Angel:
I Chose The Sky Evil Priest Claws In So Deep Relentless Retribution Seemingly Endless Time The Ultra Violence Thrown To The Wolves
HOLY SHIT! Best band of the night! they came out to the last 2:30 of Claws In So Deep and just busted into I Chose The Sky. I was screaming every single word to every song they played. Their vocalist made eye contact with me and kept pointing me out the whole set, I was going crazy. Unfortunately the crowd for them was pretty disappointing up until the last 2 songs. I will definitely be going to see them on any tour they are on that comes near me. 10/10
Testament: The Preacher The New Order The Persecuted Won't Forget Envy Life Over the Wall Souls of Black Into the Pit Electric Crown Henchmen Ride More Than Meets the Eye D.N.R. 3 Days in Darkness Disciples of the Watch
These guys were spot on. Gene Hoglan has got to be one the best drummer have ever seen. I like Testament and was happy to hear Henchman Ride. when they played that I went crazy! The crowd for them was best for the night. 9/10
Anthrax: Worship (Intro) Earth on Hell Fight 'Em Till You Can't Caught in a Mosh Antisocial I'm Alive The Devil You Know Indians Got the Time In the End Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.) --- Among the Living Madhouse Metal Thrashing Mad Refuse/Resist I Am The Law
about 10:15 the lights went down and people started pushing to get closer and then Worship started playing over the p.a. and then the whole place exploded as the band did starting with Earth on Hell. Everyone singing and screaming every word to every song. It was a full camaraderie the whole set. Being the 2nd time I've seen Anthrax i knew what to expect out of the band but i saw them the 1st time with Bush. Joey has so much energy. He was constantly smiling and having a great time. The only problem I had with anthrax is that you could barely hear the vocals. Other than that they were flawless. 9/10
By far the best show i went to this year. It was a great way to end my year of concerts. and i would gladly see any of these bands again. Worth the 7 hours standing in line
Chimaira 0/10- Lead singer got arrested in El Paso for weed. Show no play.
Grim Legion-A recently reformed local band. Sounded great.
I Am The Trireme-Philly band. I had heard of this band a few years ago. Ran into the bassist in the mall of all places and he was trying to get me to play their music on the radio. I had forgotten about that until last night. Even though they looked like core fuckers, they sounded quite awesome.
Anticosm-Everyone was completely wasted and more than half frozen by the time they came on at 11:00. I couldn't feel my face, toes, or fingers. They flanked the stage with some expertly carved pumpkins. \m/ Singer was a crazy, 1/2 naked Russian guy. Normally, I don't buy local music, I make the local bands just give it to me to play, but these guys were so badass that I actually paid for their EP. Mosh pit in the woods! Woohoo!
And Unearth - 10/28
Bunch of shitty local hxc fag bands opened for them. Unearth set got cut short cuz there was like 20 fights and it turned into one big brawl and cops showed up and niggas got tased. 11/10 would attend again.
But seriously, shit sucked. Theyre playing again tonight at the same venue and offered everyone vouchers who attended last nights show, but I work. Oh well I'll see em with Chimaira and Skeletonwitch in December.
Seems like we both had a show last night broken up by the cops.
Thin Lizzy: These guys were decent. They played fairly well and had some pretty good guitar work. The singer kept refering to us as San Francisco, so <_> to him. They had pretty decent stage presence and got the crowd going a few time. Okay performance was okay.
Black Label Society: Fuck Zakk Wylde. Bastard took a 10 minute guitar solo that was probably the worst thing I've ever experienced live. At least the rest of the band seemed fairly competent, especially the bassist.
Judas Priest: Holy crap, these guys were great. Everybody in the band sounded phenomenal, especially Halford. It's amazing that he can still hit all the high notes after all these years. I loved that they played at least one song from every album featuring Halord. Stage wise, they had some pretty cool stuff. Pyro, a screen in the back, and other cool shit like their symbol rising from the ground and plenty of flags 'n' stuff. Glenn and Richie were both awesome. I was impressed with Richie's guitar work. He had some awesome solos, but I prefered Glenn's. For me the main highlight of the night was Halford. The man has got some fucking pipes. He sounded great through out the whole night. He's also got a good stage presence. Overall, one of the best performances I've seen all year. Over 2 hours of heavy metal is great way to spend the night.
Also, the "metal" guy from last season of American Idol was in attendance. I'm a little surprised they didn't bring him up, but maybe he just wanted to enjoy the show just like the rest of us.
Thin Lizzy: 7/10
BLS: 4/10
Judas Priest: 9.5/10
Let me just start by saying this was the best show I have ever been to. It was just pure insanity the whole night but I will elaborate more on that later. So when I found out about this show it was a week after I saw them on Summer Slaughter and after some persuasion on my part I got a crew to go with me. I have never been to The Loft in Lansing so I was curious how the venue was layed out. When we arrived around 6:00 about 30 minutes before doors opened the line was already stretched pretty far down the block. As I walked down the line I was very surprised to see mostly pure metalheads. There was very few "brocore" or scene kids in line which made me very happy. The doors opened right on time and we got in very fast because the event staff were very efficient coming around beforehand and stamping your hand if you already bought a ticket. The Loft was loacated above a nightclub so you had to go upstairs to get to it. As I walk in I quick;y check out merch and buy a Cannabis Corpse shirt and manage to get the last rail spot. As I look around it is set up nicely the merch off to the left and a big spacious floor with some seats in the back.
Deadlight- This was their very first gig which must have been cool to open up for TBDM. They had a very generic Metalcore sound.They Kinda sounded like The Devil Wears Prada. They had some cool riffs and good stage presence but the music is just a letdown. They only played 3 songs and managed to get the crowd moving which was already packed with people. I knew that the show sold out and I could tell it was gonna get crazy later. Saw the drummer stage diving later during TBDM which was kinda funny. 6/10
Beast In The Field- These guys are my favorite local band they are Doom and are just a two two piece band but are the heaviest/loudest band around. When they played the first note the first 5 rows just went nuts in headbanging. Literally the whole first row were headbanging in sync it was pretty sick. Plus they are blistering loud so that helps. I have seen these guys before and this was by far their best performance. 9/10
Since All Shall Perish dropped off for some reason for the last show Cannabis Corpse was right before TBDM.
Cannabis Corpse- I have known of these guys for awhile never really gave them a listen but when they got announced I started listening to them and I got pretty excited for them. When they came on their was a pretty good push which I wasn't really expecting since they are pretty underground but the crowd went pretty wild alot of headbanging and got a pretty good pit going. They played all their classics such as Blunetd At Birth, Mummified In Bong Water. These guys had good sound didn't really move around but the crowd made up for it. Oh yeah I forgot to mention alot of people were dressed up and this guy dressed up as a huge bud was crowd surfing it was lulzy. 8/10
Before The Black Dahlia Murder my cousin went to the back to watch I told my friend(it was his first show)that we will probably get separated. He looked kinda worried.
The Black Dahlia Murder- This was most impressive and crazy show I have ever seen. I still had my front row spot their is no rail so the stage only came up to my lower thigh. When their intro for A Shrine To Madness came on the biggest push I have been in happened. When they came on all hell broke loose. I was pretty much bent straight over and I said enough jumped on stage and stage dived right off their was also just a sea of people crowd surfing and stage diving. Ended up in the pit which was the craziest I have ever seen. I some how made my way back up right in the front where it was just insanity people fist pumping and screaming in each others faces. When they played What A Horrible Night to have a curse the whole place had their fists pumping. You could see the steam rising off the crowd. Multiple times Trevor had to tell the people to back up because people were ending up on stage and needed them off. So anyways they played some awesome new shit as well as old stuff it was a great combination. Multiple times Trevor would put the mic to my face and have me scream lyrics and would look at me like Holy Shit. You could tell Lansing doesn't get enough shows because it was pure insanity. As they walked off stage after funeral thirst the lights came back on. But the crowd kept shouting for one more song. So Trevor spoke to the owner and said they could play some more. So they came back on and said how we were the craziest mother fucker's he has seen. And would go on to talk about if anyone gives you pennies while trick or treating throw them back at them to which the crowd started chanting FUCK PENNIES. Trevor was just laughing his ass off. They played three more and got off stage. On the last song managed to get back front row and just go crazy. As they were leaving I caught a pick and Trevor handed me a water bottle. 10/10
A Shrine to Madness
Moonlight Equilibrium
A Vulgar Picture
What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
On Stirring Seas of Salted Blood
Malenchantments of the Necrosphere
Den of the Picquerist
Everything Went Black
Carbonized in Cruciform
I Will Return
Funeral Thirst
Statutory Ape
Blood in the Ink
A old song which I didn't know
As all the guys shook hands with us and it cleared out I noticed this huge blood spot in the middle of the floor I was just like Damn that was carnage. After the show I talked to Trevor who is one of the nicest people you will meet. As I walk up to him he said to the manager of the loft that I was one of the craziest people he saw tonight. We talked for about 5 minutes. I couldn't get a picture because my camera on my phone was broken. Oh well it was a great experience. Defiantly the craziest show I have been to.
Biters - sucked ass. best song was a cover version of a classic Tom Petty song. 1/10
Ace Frehley - suppose to start at 9pm. pulled an Axl Rose and started at 10:15pm. Played until midnight. Band sounded great and i have a new drummer i am following in Scot Coogan. great drummer and did a good job on vocal duties doing the paul and gene songs. they cut rip it out from the setlist, and ace was ace in his commentary between songs (ripping gene a couple times and the light guy). 9/10
So, I arrived at the Warfield about an hour before doors opened. We(me, my dad, and my friends, Ben and Alex(dreamtheater)) were one of the first people in line. After a long wait, we were let in. I was able to grab some rail, front and center, so I was set up for the night. Well, actually I had to go take a shit, so Alex was kind enough to save my spot on rail so I could go drop the Cosby's off at the pool. I came back with some ear plugs for me and the old man, since I always forget to bring my own. At about 8, Red Fang started.
Red Fang were great. I was expecting the same set list as the one they played at Mayhem, but they actually changed it up quite a bit, so that made me very happy. Unlike Mayhem Fest, they had a much better crowd reaction in this setting, not that the crowd reaction at Mayhem was negative or anything. The crowd actually got pretty rowdy for Red Fang, and it stayed that way for the rest of the night. There was one particular individual in a Murder the Mountains t-shirt who was very enthusiastic and pretty much started a lot of the pits. I remember looking back when they started Wires and the look on his face was priceless. He seemed to be a chill dude. The sound was good during the whole set, other not being able to hear the guitarist's microphone that well. Prehistoric Dog was definitely the most energetic song in their set, and during the first verse I made eye contact with the drummer, and we both sang the lyrics together. That was pretty fucking cool.
Red Fang
Hank is Dead
Throw Up
Painted Parade
Reverse Thunder
Prehistoric Dog
Coming into the venue, I could tell there were a fair amount of people specifically at the show for The Dillenger Escape Plan, just by the shirts a lot of people were wearing. So, when the time came for the to come on, I was a little worried. From story I've heard from my fellow forumers and videos I've seen *coughcoughvirginmegastore*, I could tell it was going to get really crazy. Now, I know most people would look forward to that, but all of my experiences at Mastodon shows prior to this were pretty stable. Nothing too crazy going on. One of the camera guys in front asked me if I'd ever been in a Slayer pit before, to which I answered no. He the proceeded to tell me this was as close as it gets to a Slayer pit, which worried me. But once DEP started, it was actually really fun.
When they started their set, the singer actually came onto the rail, standing there and using concert-goers as support and sang from there for a bit. Meanwhile, the rest of the band are going apeshit on stage, and the crowd is going fucking nuts. Initially, I was kind of like "oh fuck, this can't be good". But after a bit I was really impressed by them. They're great showmen, and while their music isn't my favorite, it is fun live. All their cool math-y and proggy parts were really cool. So, in between all of the crowd-surfers, the singer from DEP came onto the rail several more time, at one point he actually had people support him so he could stand on top of the crowd and do his work. One of the guitarists actually did this too, which was pretty cool. For one of their songs, Mike Patton actually come on stage and did a song with them. I'm assuming it was one off the EP that features him. I wish I could have heard him better, because he's probably one of the best singers ever. After that, the singer returned to getting on the rail and singing from there, and more than once I was one of the people who helped support him. After a bit instead of returning to the stage he jumped into the crowd and his foot was about an inch away from my face. There was another time he stage dived too, and he actually collided with a crowd-surfer . He went in with his mic, and came out without it, and the was the end of their set. It turned out to be the most fun, energetic performances I've seen. I wouldn't mind seeing them again, but I'm not going to make an effort too.
So then came time for the almighty Mastodon. This time around was very different the any of the past times I've seen 'em in a club. They didn't play any album in it's entirety and they didnt' have the screen, which I thought they might for the visualizers that had for The Hunter. This was probably the most fun time I've seen Mastodon. They came out and busted into Dry Bone Valley and the crowd went wild. Now, I think the fact that they aren't supporting Crack the Skye has to do with part of that. I feel that a lot of people who loved Crack the Skye, weren't really the biggest metal guys, so the didn't really mosh or much. Now, every time I've seen Mastodon there was a mosh, but the whole crowd wasn't moving. I think that's why some of you don't have the best thoughts of their live show. But now that they've moved on, I think the crowd is definitely a more "metal" crowd and a lot of you guys would fine Mastodon more enjoyable. There were pits and there was a constant push against the rail. I was being pressed up on the rail harder than I've ever been and I can still feel it in my ribs. So, everybody sounded awesome. Brann sounded great vocally and fucking wrecked shop on the kit as usual. Troy sounded good as usual and had an awesome tone. He busted out a weird kind of computer-y distortion for Bedazzled Fingernails, and he actually had a second mic out there for the sort of electronic vocals. Bill was awesome and actually took more leads than I'd expect. He took the solo for Black Tongue and more leads for other songs like Sleeping Giant. Now, that might be the way they usually do it, but I wouldn't know because I've never really been close enough to the stage to investigate these things like I was this time around. Brent was kick-ass on the ax. Only thing that sucked sound-wise for Mastodon was that I couldn't hear Brent very well, both for vocals and guitar. I couldn't even hear his solo druing Colony of Birchmen, which is quite a shame. So throught out the set they were just aboslutley solid. They played like champs. Troy has such an awesome stage presence, and there were a few time I made eye contact with hime and that was super duper chill. Another thing to mention is that Rob Trujillo and Matt Pike(as you guys can see above) were in attendance. Matt Pike was getting real into it which was fun to watch. Watching Rob try to air drum Capillarian Crest was also very amussing. So, this was definitely my second favorite time seeing Mastodon, and my favorite performance I've seen all year. They played perfectly. The only thing I can bitch about was that I was hoping for more songs off of Remission. Besides that, perfect performance.
PS: Spectrelight is definitely the best song off of The Hunter live.
Red Fang: 9/10
DEP: 8.5/10
Mastodon: 10/10
If you're looking for a Mastodon set, go to the tours thread.
swag: Death Angel setlist and pick, Signed Testament setlist and 2 picks, 3 Anthrax picks
Bought: Anthrax tour shirt, Death Angel tour shirt
Got to the Fillmore around 12:45 p.m. me and the 3 guys i were with stood there for about 2 hours before a couple other people showed up. No one else really started showing up until around 4:30. about 5:30 all hell broke loose in the line with everyone screaming at every single person passing by, and 2 of my friends crowd surfed in the line which was amazing in it's own right. Finally the doors open at 7 and I was one of the first people in and went straight for the stage and got on the left side and stayed rail the whole show.
Death Angel:
I Chose The Sky
Evil Priest
Claws In So Deep
Relentless Retribution
Seemingly Endless Time
The Ultra Violence
Thrown To The Wolves
HOLY SHIT! Best band of the night! they came out to the last 2:30 of Claws In So Deep and just busted into I Chose The Sky. I was screaming every single word to every song they played. Their vocalist made eye contact with me and kept pointing me out the whole set, I was going crazy. Unfortunately the crowd for them was pretty disappointing up until the last 2 songs. I will definitely be going to see them on any tour they are on that comes near me.
The Preacher
The New Order
The Persecuted Won't Forget
Envy Life
Over the Wall
Souls of Black
Into the Pit
Electric Crown
Henchmen Ride
More Than Meets the Eye
3 Days in Darkness
Disciples of the Watch
These guys were spot on. Gene Hoglan has got to be one the best drummer have ever seen. I like Testament and was happy to hear Henchman Ride. when they played that I went crazy! The crowd for them was best for the night. 9/10
Worship (Intro)
Earth on Hell
Fight 'Em Till You Can't
Caught in a Mosh
I'm Alive
The Devil You Know
Got the Time
In the End
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.)
Among the Living
Metal Thrashing Mad
I Am The Law
about 10:15 the lights went down and people started pushing to get closer and then Worship started playing over the p.a. and then the whole place exploded as the band did starting with Earth on Hell. Everyone singing and screaming every word to every song. It was a full camaraderie the whole set. Being the 2nd time I've seen Anthrax i knew what to expect out of the band but i saw them the 1st time with Bush. Joey has so much energy. He was constantly smiling and having a great time. The only problem I had with anthrax is that you could barely hear the vocals. Other than that they were flawless. 9/10
By far the best show i went to this year. It was a great way to end my year of concerts. and i would gladly see any of these bands again. Worth the 7 hours standing in line