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The Concert Review Thread



  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Mark sang it really well. Rob did well also but that was expected because Rob is a great guitarist. Back to Mark though, he has that really 'old school rock'/thrash voice so I didn't know how it would go down but he did really well and I could really hear Dio's voice in the song. There's a live recording of it from the 70,000 tons of metal show if you want to chek it out
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    edited February 2011
    Cradle of Filth / Nachtmystium / Turisas / Daniel Lioneye
    Tempe, AZ 2/4/11

    I tried to get to the show late in hopes of missing Daniel Lioneye. Turns out that Turisas opened. Fuck my life.

    Turisas - I did manage to catch the final two songs of theirs. From what I heard, they were great. 7/10

    Daniel Lioneye - Eh. No more than an eh. 4/10

    Nachtmystium - Holy shit. Without a doubt the best band of the night, and definitely one of my new favorite live bands. I was rocking out the whole time (especially during "Nightfall"). Awesome set, couldn't get enough of em. Met Blake (singer), their drummer, and their guitarist afterward. All really cool guys. I briefly chatted with Blake and remembered to ask him about the whole Family Guy thing. He said it was a coincidence and as soon as it was blogged on MetalSucks, he received ten texts in three minutes. I lol'd. 10.5/10

    Cradle of Filth - Eh. Still don't like them. Although they were definitely better live than on album. But still not a fan. I stayed for about 8 songs and then left. 5/10


    Cradle of Filth:
    I love winning with women
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Death Angel - Club Hell - Feb 4th

    Razormaze - 30 minute 6 song set. played Lobotomized, slave to the Maze, Karma In and Karma out, and 3 new songs i didnt recognize. First 3 bands has major sound problems, mainly on vocals, and feedback issue. They sounded good, even with the issues, but vocals sounded weird. enjoyed their set

    Gut Bucket - 30 minutes of harcore / deathcore. meh. band has 2 bass players and no guitarists. sounded fucked up.

    Violent History - great crowd response. sound issues made the set difficult to listen to. got a free DVD from them. overall OK

    Bonded By Blood - hung out with the singer before we entered club hell. He was pretty cool. He told the story of the accident they had with the trailer. sound issues were fixed for their set. played 30 minutes and i dug em.

    Lazarus AD - set way too short. Sounded great, but the singer was off a bit...too stoned. i met himafter thewir set and got an autograph

    1. American Dreams
    2. Thou Shalt Not fear
    3. Absolute Power
    4. Last Breath
    5. Light a City
    6. Revolution

    Death angel - Sound issues came back for a few songs in their set. Played for about 90 minutes. Played a lot of songs off the new CD,which i am not as familar with. Did the Bored / Heaven and Hell medley, which kicked ass. Other notable songs: Veil of Deception, Seemingly Endless Time, Dethroned, Mistress Of Pain, EvilPriest, Lord of Hate, Buried Alive

  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    Nightmare after christmas tour review.

    I had a great fucking time at this show. Every band was awesome
    on the day of the show it was snowing like a mothafucka but they didn't
    cancel the show which was awesome. after the show me and my dad got
    stuck in it haha for 5 hours, but i wouldn't change a thing.

    New Medicine - I love these guys they are awesome live
    they really impressed me. They played my favorite songs from the album
    but i would have liked to see a longer set.

    The Takeover
    Rich Kids
    Race you to the bottom
    Little Sister
    American Wasted

    Hollywood Undead
    these guys really impressed me great rap music.
    they know how to impress a crowd. i was kinda mad they didn't play California
    but other wise i hope to see these guys at warped tour or something soon.

    Stone Sour
    Holy shit do these guys kick ass live i had a blast singing every word to all there songs.
    the best songs were Hesitate and Hell and Consequences and Thought glass, but the best song
    they played was 3030/150. I hope next time i see them they throw in a couple more old songs.

    Avenged Sevenfold
    One of the best live bands I've ever seen.
    The stage show was huge and the set was just fucking perfect. The songs from nightmare sound even better live
    the pyro and stage and backrounds were great. synster gates was shreading like a mofo. Everyone in the band
    was at the top of there game.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Nightmare after Christmas tour.
    That set made me want to see them again after years of hating them from feeling betrayed by the shit they put out after waking the fallen. I have sense grown to appreciate it more
    Oo yeah and fuck the haters
    idk if you remember but the revolver issue they did a special issue for the band. basically an autobiography of the history of the band. and at one point they were like "we were done with the screamo punk music cuz everyone was starting to do it. we wanted to be more metal. those were the cool kids in high school. so we came up with city of evil and it turned out to pretty much be a speed metal album" after hearing that i was confused and relistened to it and i was like "wow ya this is pretty fuckin fast. even the epic parts after relistening seemed faster than expected. thats when i found a new respect for them was after reading that. and now i love city of evil. i like s/t and nightmare cuz now im not looking for avenged to be a heavier metal band. just a band i can rock out to.

    sorry for the double post btw
    I rememer reading an article years ago and can't remember if it was pre or post city of evil but I remember Matt saying " if you can't scream like Phil anselmo then you shouldn't scream at all" this was the time they started changing their sound
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    I always thought Shadows had ahem "throat problems" that prevented him from screaming, hense this
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited February 2011
    No he's just had bitch problems.
    He screamed for Second Heartbeat during the tour you posted...They changed it around though and cut out some of the middle.
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  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    I know he has had throat problems but never thought that was the excuse for changing the sound.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Mini A7X review.

    Had several problems leading up to the trip. We finally got on the road, but weather slowed the expressway to almost 35, that and some people shouldn't drive in the snow. Anyway, after thinking we'd completely miss Stone Sour and maybe even the beginning of Avenged Sevenfold..we ended up making it with 20 minutes until Stone Sour. Now:

    Stone Sour - Now I never thought of myself as much of a Slipknot fan, but goddamn I was about to join the guys chanting for Slipknot. I always heard good things about SS, but didn't get it when I listened to them. I thought seeing them live would help change that...not in the least. Overall, there were just boring as hell. That being said I've seen worse, so as long as they gave me time to move up from the back, I'm happy.

    Avenged Sevenfold - Before they came onstage, I found myself next to four Jersey Shore looking motherfuckers. All four of them had this hair.
    Back to the the review, as soon as the curtain dropped, I bolted towards the front. Found myself front and almost center 3 from the barrier. I was kind of skeptical about the show after I saw the setlist, but I gotta say they made everything sound better live. Buried Alive was pretty badass live, as was God Hates Us..even with its corny breakdown. Hearing Rev's voice brought on kind of like a cold chills kind of feeling, but nothing like the dude that was crying next to me. Fiction was cool, only the guitars they had Syn play were so goddamn loud that you couldn't hear Rev's part. A Little Piece of Heaven was great to hear again. /review. Haters gone be hatin
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  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    edited February 2011
    Finntroll show was badass.
    Hung out with Wine during Barren Earths set, then bumped into each other a few times after that.
    Picked up the Finnish Metal Tour shirt. Considered an Ensiferum hoodie to make Britt jelly
    EDIT: Didnt think the poster was gonna be signed, so thats why i brought the other things.

    Barren Earth - 7.5/10
    Rotten Sound - 7/10
    Ensiferum - 9/10
    Finntroll - 8.5/10



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  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Cannot wait till Finnish Metal. I WILL get that hoodie.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Shortest review in my history of doing reviews...

    Devilpalooza 2011

    The Maine - Giant "meh." Seen them before... not too impressed. 3/10

    fun. - Horrible horrible horrible. One of the worst bands I've ever seen/heard. I don't know what you were thinking when you went to see them, Arlo. Haha. -3/10

    Motion City Soundtrack - Just ok. Better than the other two, but still pretty meh. 4/10
    I love winning with women
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    short story even shorter. 11/10
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  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    fun. - Horrible horrible horrible. One of the worst bands I've ever seen/heard. I don't know what you were thinking when you went to see them, Arlo. Haha. -3/10
    Hahahaha, yeah I wouldn't expect many people here to like them, but I gotta say I still stand by my review many months ago saying that they are one friggin entertaining live band as far as I'm concerned.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    some of the pictures i took at avenged

    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    2-5-11 - Auburn Hills, MI - The Palace of Auburn Hills - Avenged Sevenfold

    Apparently, the snowpocalypse came 3 days late in southeast Michigan. After the massive disappointment that was the snowfall on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, we were bombarded with another blizzard up through the late afternoon. In fact, the snow didn't really stop until I got into my car at about 5:30 to head for the arena. After navigating the terrible roads and enduring a huge backup on the entrance ramp leading to the venue, I parked my car at the Palace just after 7 pm, when the ticket said the show was scheduled to start. I made my way through a long, drawn-out security check due to my winter coat having too much shit in it and to my seat, which provided a very straight-on view of the stage. When I entered, the first band was already playing....

    New Medicine - I had heard of this band before due to their appearance on Uproar last year, but never listened to them. This performance really didn't give me much incentive to look into them any further. Pretty generic all around, and while I admittedly like my share of generic hard rock, these guys were a bit much even by my standards. They were in the middle of a song when I entered, and the only thing I got out of listening to it was the realization that the vocalist was trying very, very hard to sound like Zack de la Rocha and failing pretty badly. They followed this up with a ballad called Little Sister, based on the lead singer's sibling that died exactly 18 years ago, coincidentally. It was pretty dull throughout, without much of a hook other than repeating the words "little sister" multiple times. The next song, Rich Kids, was a bit better, but once again brought about the unfavorable de la Rocha comparisons and still didn't offer much merit. They closed their set with their single, Laid, and as one would expect with a new band such as this, it was the best song of the set, starting out with a decent riff and even a couple *gasp* twin guitar harmonies. Unfortunately, the song couldn't build off the little momentum the beginning provided, and by the time they got to the chorus, the song had slipped and my interest had been lost. Overall, this is a band that needs work in a lot of areas, most notably songwriting. When they learning to write good hooks, they could become something decent, but right now, they're just blah. I did see them a few times in the pit after their set, taking pictures and selling CDs, so I give them props for that and hope their music will improve with experience. 3/10

    Setlist (Partial):

    Little Sister
    Rich Kids

    Hollywood Undead - When I saw the stage crew set up two platforms that reminded me of Rock Band drumsets, I knew I was in for something different with this band, and probably not in a good way. Indeed, the masked sextet from Los Angeles took the stage wearing masks and began with a song whose riff is pretty much completely lifted out of Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train. Like Mushroomhead, the band makes use of two vocalists, but pretty much everyone in the band takes a part in vocals, which is pretty much just rapping. What stood out to me during a lot of their set was the fact that even though they already had two vocalists, there were multiple band members on the stage that were not doing anything. Not playing an instrument, not rapping, just hyping up the crowd. For this reason, I found a lot of the performance to be pretty dull as far as stage show is concerned. For a few songs, they would pull a Slipknot and two of them would bang away on those Rock Band drumsets, and I believe one of them worked keyboards as well. Neither of these seemed to add much to the music in my opinion, but clearly much of the crowd didn't agree. The crowd interaction with the band was pretty impressive considering I had not heard anything at all from this band before the performance on this night. There were loud cheers after every song, signaling their approval for their performance. Musically, there wasn't much that interested me about them at all. Like I mentioned earlier, the riff for their opening song was basically a Crazy Train ripoff, and it was probably the best guitar riff I heard from the band throughout the entire set. They seemed to be much closer to a rap band than a rock band, with the rapping vocals carrying the song more often than not. Their music reminded me a lot of Linkin Park's new album, except I think A Thousand Suns had more to offer than this junk. Linkin Park would probably have a much better stage show as well. Comparisons aside, their last song, Everywhere I Go, was entertaining with its humorous lyrics, and was probably the best song of their set for me as it was the only one in which I enjoyed a portion of it. Overall, this is a band that was really out of place on this tour, but I give them credit for getting the crowd into it much more than New Medicine. I won't be seeing this guys again, however, if I have anything to say about it. 4/10


    Sell Your Soul
    Bottle And a Gun
    Paradise Lost
    Hear Me Now
    Everywhere I Go

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  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Stone Sour - The band that ultimately convinced me to go to this tour. After Uproar skipped us last summer and with a potential Slipknot reunion looming later this year, I decided that this would probably be my only real chance to see them for a while. So I was pretty excited when the lights dimmed, Duel of the Fates started playing over the PA, and Corey Taylor and company took the stage. starting with the opener from their new album, Mission Statement. As one of the few songs that sounds similar to their older material, it was a solid start to the set with a simple but driving guitar riff, a catchy chorus from Corey, and a nice solo from the other Slipknot member in the band, Jim Root. They followed it up with Reborn, another heavier song from their more recent material and one of the few songs on this night where Corey would scream a bit. The next part of the set was probably the part that everyone hated, but I enjoyed very much: three straight songs off of their new album, Audio Secrecy. First up was Digital (Did You Tell), probably my least favorite of the three, but it has a catchy chorus nonetheless. At its conclusion, the band left the stage and Corey reappeared to start their latest single, Hesitate, solo. The song is in the same vein as Bother and Through Glass, their two trademark ballads, and while this one is definitely not on the same level as those songs, it holds its own, carried by Corey's great vocal performance. Say You'll Haunt Me, one of the better songs on Audio Secrecy, followed. One of the best songs in the set, it features tranquil guitars and subdued vocals in the verses before crescendoing into a massive, addictive chorus. Similarly, the solo is relatively soft and simple, but effective in the context of the song. Overall, it sounded great on all parts and helped get the crowd who didn't care as much for the previous two songs back into it. After Made of Scars, another song from Come What(ever) May that probably could have been swapped for something like Get Inside or Inhale, the band left the stage again, leaving Corey alone. This led to the best part of the set and probably a highlight of the entire night for me: Corey playing Stone Sour's two best songs back-to-back almost entirely solo. First up was Bother, and Corey sang and played it wonderfully, drawing a huge crowd reaction. Riding that momentum, he went into Through Glass, with the band joining back in in the second half of it. Just like Bother, the performance was awesome and really validated my decision to pay to see these guys. Hell and Consequences was next, and pretty much any song that followed those two was doomed to pale in comparison. However, that didn't stop Corey from making an effort to get the crowd moving and doing a pretty effective job at it with a song that is one of the faster ones in their more recent material. They closed with 30/30-150, another one of their best songs that would pacify fans of the first album. The main riff is nice and thrashy, there's a couple screams throughout, and the chorus, like many of Stone Sour's best, is memorable and addicting. For a support set, this set had pretty much everything I could ask for, with the exception of a couple omissions from the first album. However, as a fan of all of their material, I was very satisfied with the selections. Seeing Corey and Jim on the same stage as the one I saw Slipknot on two years ago definitely brought back some memories. However, Stone Sour made some new ones of their own on this night with their performance. While the chances are pretty slim at this point, I'm hoping they make at least one more stop around here before they go back on hiatus. If nothing else, seeing Bother and Through Glass live again would make it worth the ticket price. 8/10


    Mission Statement
    Digital (Did You Tell)
    Say You'll Haunt Me
    Made Of Scars
    Through Glass
    Hell & Consequences

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