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U.S. Soldier Shoots Afghan Civilians



  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i dont understand. there were thousands of japanese aircrafts bombing pearl harbor. i dont mean this in a sarcastic way at all, im just curious, what do you mean an "inside job"? do mean that roosevelt told the japanese to attack us so we could go to war against them? LOL
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    Tora Tora Tora was to be a Prelude to a Land Invasion........ but circumstances dint work out fer Japs


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • StratophonyStratophony Posts: 9,212 just the tip
    2 things:

    1) Pearl Harbor was bombed after an embargo was put on Japan; preventing the much needed oil (from South America) that they needed to run along with the German War Machine.

    2) Isolationism. Look it up please.

    "Inside Job".....lmfao!
  • AbbadonAbbadon Posts: 1,990 juggalo
    i dont understand. there were thousands of japanese aircrafts bombing pearl harbor. i dont mean this in a sarcastic way at all, im just curious, what do you mean an "inside job"? do mean that roosevelt told the japanese to attack us so we could go to war against them? LOL

    They knew but allowed it to happen. All these papers became public record a few years ago, that's why I thought people knew. Same thing as Vietnam same thing as 9/11. Never mind just go back to sleep America!
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers geocites? :)) no offense but its hard to take stuff like that seriously when the sources are those 2 sites lol.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • AbbadonAbbadon Posts: 1,990 juggalo geocites? :)) no offense but its hard to take stuff like that seriously when the sources are those 2 sites lol.
    I agree sometimes but wrh is the most plain laid out example
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Time to bust out the tin foil hats.
  • AbbadonAbbadon Posts: 1,990 juggalo
    You say tin foil I say go back to sleep America, nothing to see here
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    You truthers are annoying.
  • AbbadonAbbadon Posts: 1,990 juggalo
    You truthers are annoying.
    You sheep are the problem with this country. Let's support our government even when they are wrong, they must be doing it for our best interest right? What is wrong with wanting to know the truth?
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    because the truth is area 51 is just a top secret military base and there aren't any aliens or alien technology there and we really did land on the moon and oswalt was the only person behind the JFK assisination and most other conspiracy theories are false (IMO of course)
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    You truthers are annoying.
    You sheep are the problem with this country. Let's support our government even when they are wrong, they must be doing it for our best interest right? What is wrong with wanting to know the truth?
    I have a very strong desire to know the truth. If 9/11 really was an inside job, you bet your ass I want to know that. The "evidence" I keep hearing from you truthers is just laughable though, it's like talking with an evangelical street preacher about evidence to prove god. No, I'm not rejecting evidence because I'm closed minded and don't want to believe it, it's because what I've seen/heard so far is really nothing more than just silly speculation. Maybe it was an inside job, but I'm going to need better proof to believe it.
    I got into a huge argument with some friends about 9/11.

    They were like "oh theres no way the jet fuel from the explosion could get hot enough to melt the metal beams. And the force of the explosion couldn't cause it to collapse the way it did"

    Its funny how everyone becomes an engineer or physicist or political science major in a conspiracy argument....
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    The biggest thing about that day thatas stuck with me is that I've never seen any wreckage from the plane that hit the pentagon. People have told me they all burned up but I don't believe that, there would have been something. And that other building that collapsed in NYC..which I think was the old WTC
  • Razor_SharkRazor_Shark Posts: 12,604 balls deep
    I got into a huge argument with some friends about 9/11.

    They were like "oh theres no way the jet fuel from the explosion could get hot enough to melt the metal beams. And the force of the explosion couldn't cause it to collapse the way it did"

    Its funny how everyone becomes an engineer or physicist or political science major in a conspiracy argument....
    You know, thing about that is they are right, it wouldn't. But after an hour the jet fuel would weaken the structure enough.

    Spray a water hose at the ground, you won't get a big hole immediately, but eventually it will get bigger.

    Same deal there.
  • AbbadonAbbadon Posts: 1,990 juggalo
    I think a lot of things are cover ups but not everything. For the most part I say I don't know until I have proof but there are things I believe from what I have seen. I'm not sure about the moon landing, I don't really think it happened but maybe. "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon" kinda convinced me. I don't think area 51 has aliens but I do believe they exist. JFK was killed by the government for trying to eliminate the fed. There were at least two shooters. Cyril Wecht wrote a book about dead people and what he would have found doing an autopsy. He says there was def more than just one shooter, I trust his opinion. As for 9/11 I think it was allowed to happen to distract from things the banks and lending companies were doing. These dealing put us in the situation we are now.
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    as for 911, i saw a show a long time ago that was disproving some conspiracy theories and even engineers said that the buildings collapsing the way they did was correct. this was back when one of the biggest conspiracy theories was that the buildings were built to purposely collapse cause the government was in on the whole thing or something like that lol.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited March 2012
    9/11 obv wasnt an inside job but did higher ups have previous knowledge from the CIA about a soon to be terrorist attack? idk its a thought

    def some weird shit went down with JFK but idk exactly what nor do i think anyone really will
    and we def landed on the moon cmon now
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited March 2012
    at least with JFK there are things that happened that could make one think conspiracy and a cover up. like ruby shooting oswalt and oswalt saying he was just a patsy. but ive seen a lot of shows that disprove the most popular theories, especially the ones that were made famous in the movie. for example, in the movie they said oswalt was a terrible shot when he was a marine or whatever but thats not true. while he was in service he was a really good shot and was classified as a "marksman". in the movie they had the whole magic bullet theory. but in the movie they changed the interior of the car that would suggest their theory was true. but the seating on the real car is different. i think the passenger seat in real life is lower then the back seat and is six inches to the left or something like that. as for the ruby thing, in real life all of ruby's friends said he had no ties to the mob and he was just a die hard fan of JFK.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    its already be stated that the movie JFK was not based on facts and took alot of artistic its oliver stone lol
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