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Official mayhem fest 2013 thread



  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    me and my friend at the show

    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    I have that same AE shirt lol
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Met Travis and ChickenFucker.
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  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    but did you meet CF's wife? :-?

    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Had another fun Mayhem Fest. I'll write about it in detail later.
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    edited July 2013
    Ok. Mayhem Fest 2013 details.

    I have gone to every Mayhem Fest since it started in 2008. I have gone in a different group of friends and family every year. I have always enjoyed going to Mayhem in the past, and this year's lineup was the best since 2009 in my opinion. And if definitely was a vast improvement over last year's. This year I made the trip with a group consisting of my dad, two of my friends (Dennis and Ryan), Ryan's dad, and my cousin (Rob). This was the sixth year for my dad, Ryan, and myself. The fourth year for Dennis and Rob. And the fifth year for Ryan's dad.

    First thing of significance we noticed when we arrived was a Horde sticker on a car, from World of Warcraft. Just looking around, it seemed like there were a lot of Horde people there this year. Shirts, hats, and stickers everywhere.

    The second thing of significance that we noticed right away, was the the lines going into the festival were A LOT shorter this year than previous years. Like other venues, my venue too suffered from a smaller crowd this year.

    Doors opened at 1:00, and the first band went on at 1:15, which I think is a little lame for people who wanted to see that first band. But whatever. Luckily I didn't really care if I did. So we entered the fest while Thrown Into Exile was performing. We hit some general Mayhem booths first (the Rockstar booth for a program, and the Metal Mulisha booth for a bag.) There was also the Avenged Sevenfold tent, which my dad (knowing nobody in the group liked them) went to and picked up a free bandanna and gave it to me to which I replied to him "Oh thanks, now I have something to wipe my ass with".

    Thrown Into Exile
    I was entering the fest and hitting up some general booths while they were playing, so I can't comment on their performance. I can comment on what I heard though. They weren't bad, but not great either in my opinion. Sounded like another Killswitch Engage knock-off band with more breakdowns. It was better than a lot of the other metalcore acts they sometimes get though.

    The first band I really went to watch was Huntess. I didn't go pitting or anything for them, I chose to watch them from afar. Previous to Mayhem, I have only heard a couple songs from them, and I liked them. I think they show a lot of potential, especially musically. Vocally, I agree, Jill Janus needs some work. But if she can work her vocals out, I think the band has potential to be a cool Mayhem Fest-style thrash/speed metal act. Show-wise, they put out a lot of energy, and got a generally good response from the crowd. I enjoyed watching them.

    During Huntress's set I ran into a girl wearing an Agalloch shirt, which I complimented and went my separate way. I also ran into my friend Kimmi there. She was there with her dad. So that was cool.

    Attika 7
    During Attika 7, I was walking around again. I honestly didn't really pay attention to them. I sorta heard/saw them while waiting in Battlecross's pit. Honestly though, I don't think a lot of people wanted to see them. Their sound got drowned out at one point by a "BATTLECROSS" chant in the crowd.

    Like Huntress, I had listened to a few Battlecross songs before Mayhem Fest, and liked them. I dig that whole melo-death/thrash thing (especially being in a melodic thrash kind of band myself). They were awesome live too. Great energy on stage. Really got the crowd going. Before Battlecross started up, I also ran into my friend Sean there. I hadn't seen him for a while, so we talked and caught up before they started. I decided to play Pit-Keeper this round, and stand the edge of the pit for Battlecross... until they called for a wall of death. I got right in that action. Ended up moving from the back, to the left for the wall, to the right by the end of the wall, and then right up front by the end of their set. I really had fun with them, and am now a fan.

    They were also doing a meet and greet session. So I went, they signed my Mayhem program, and we talked for a bit. They're really cool dudes. I also realized their guitarist is in a metal group I made on FB. Kinda funny. I forgot to mention it to him though. Then my cousin and I took a picture with them.

    Also: Gumby's beard. That is all.

    When Battlecross finished up, then began the slew of Motionless in White/Butcher Babies/Children of the Sea bands that I didn't really care if I missed.

    I used that time to hit the merch booths, and signing tables. I bought a 2013 Mayhem Fest shirt, a Battlecross shirt, and a Mastodon shirt over the course of the day. I also got a free A7X bandanna, Metal Blade sampler, Mastodon poster, Amon Amarth poster, and my dad found a Blind Martyr demo in the grass that he gave to me (which after looking them up, I guess they were one of the "Battle of the Bands" winners, and played on the Sumerian stage. I had no idea.)

    I went to the Battlecross meet and greet, which I described above. I also went to an Amon Amarth signing session. While in line, I was offered some beef jerky from a guy if he could cut me in line. Who can pass up beef jerky? So I got some free jerky. I got the poster, and my copy of the special edition ‘Deceiver of the Gods’ box signed as well. I also took a picture with Johan Hegg and Ted Lundström, from Amon Amarth.

    I am not worthy of his beard.

    While waiting in those lines, I heard bits and pieces of those bands I was missing, but not enough to really form and opinion.

    Born of Osiris
    I just caught the end of their set while waiting for Job For A Cowboy. BoO really isn't my thing at all. Annoying breakdown sumeriancore type stuff. Every once in a while their guitarist would pull out a cool little technical riff, but then it would get lost in the stuff I don't like again. But, they got a great crowd response. Probably because they are from around Chicago, so they were playing to a hometown crowd.

    Job For A Cowboy
    Ok, so I haven't really listened to a whole lot of Job For A Cowboy since Genesis was released, and I was into deathcore (although this was my second time seeing them) Now I really don't like the deathcore sub-genre, but as far as it goes I think JFAC is one of the better bands. Their newer stuff is also supposedly more death metal, so cool. JFAC is one of those bands that even though they aren't my favorite thing in the world, they really fit the Mayhem Fest scene. A lot of energy, brutal pit (even though I didn't participate in it), and all that jazz. I left them early to head over to Scorpion Child though.

    Scorpion Child
    I made an effort to check out Scorpion Child. They were supposed to start at 4:35, but didn't end up going on until closer to 4:50. So I only got to hear their first two songs before I wanted to go over to where Machine Head was. But, I really dug those first two songs. If I hadn't already spent so much money, I would have bought their CD there. My cousin really liked them too.

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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    I wasn't going to watch Emmure, but they held their set over, cutting into Machine Head's time. So, I could have stayed at Scorpion Child longer. They suck. Honestly. Their music sucks, their show is basic. They're also huge assholes. Not to mention their merch. "Ask your girlfriend what my dick tastes like"; really? I don't know why people like them. They too got drowned out though MULTIPLE TIMES by "MACHINE FUCKING HEAD" chants.

    Machine Head
    Heading over to Machine Head, I saw a guy wearing an Agalloch shirt. I went over to him, and compliment his shirt to which he responded "Are you MC?" Not fully processing what he said, I was like "what?" He's like "MC, from the metal board?" Finally processing what he said, "Oh yea." He's like "Are you fucking with me?" "No." "I'm ChickenFucker". So yea, that was cool. Talked with ChickenFucker for a while. He took a pic. Said he'd upload it later. Then I moved up for pitting in Machine Head

    So I would consider myself a Machine Head fan. Have been since I heard 'Through the Ashes of the Empires'. I know we bitch about them, and hate on them a lot, but I enjoy them. And they fit Mayhem Fest perfectly too. This was my third time seeing Machine Head (all three times at Mayhem Fests).

    They're show was insane. Seriously. I have never been in a pit as crazy and violent as this one. Even more violent than when I saw Lamb of God in Kentucky last year. My friend Ryan and Dennis had to move back from their spot, attempting to avoid some of the pit. My friend Kimmi actually got hurt, and had to leave the general area as well (she was standing rail). I was right in the middle of all that craziness the whole time. One because I ain't no butterscotch bitch. But two, because I couldn't have gotten out if I wanted to. That pit was so tight, and so chaotic there was no mobility at all. The amount of crowd surfers was a bit insane too. The whole crowd sang along for like the whole thing too. "MFH" chants every time they stopped. Honestly, a really good show. Machine Head belongs on a side-stage.

    Oh, and in all that mess, I hear a "Hey, are you MC?" I met Travis in the middle of Machine Head pit. Rocked out with him when I could, but the pit moved everyone around quite a bit.

    Machine Head’s set:
    Aesthetics of Hate

    I skipped Children of Bodom to head over to the mainstage. When I got there, Jill Janus of Huntress was running some shred guitar competition. The winner won a guitar.

    At the main stage, I had seat tickets. So I watched all these bands in arena style seating.

    Amon Amarth
    Amon Amarth was one the main bands I was going to see this year. Despite them being one of my favorite bands, I have never seen them before, so I was really excited to see them. They were AWESOME. Their stage set up set my love for Viking and Norse art/culture/history a flowing. They had a full Viking ship on stage that breathed smoke, and had color changing eyes. They sounded great, their presence was great. And you could tell they were having a lot of fun being there. I’d definitely see them again.

    Another one of the main bands I was going to see this year. This was my second time seeing Mastodon (my first being Mayhem Fest 2008), but this was my first time seeing them as a real fan. Like Amon Amarth, I thought they were awesome. They played their songs flawlessly, with perfect flow. Some people’s complaint about them was their lack of crowd interaction, but that was an element I liked. They didn’t feel the need to bullshit to waste time, so they got to play more songs. My only complaint was the lack of their heavier material (aside from Megalodon), but at a fest like this I suppose it is expected that they play their more well-known/accessible songs. But I still thought they played great, and it was fun to watch them.

    I also want to mention that officially, Brann Dailor is the greatest drummer ever.

    Mastodon’s Set:
    Black Tongue
    Crystal Skull
    Dry Bone Valley
    All the Heavy Lifting
    Bedazzled Fingernails
    The Sparrow

    Five Finger Death Punch
    To start off, I have been listening to Five Finger Death Punch since ‘The Way of the Fist’ came out. I actually heard them before ‘The Bleeding’ made its way onto the radio, and before they played their first Mayhem Fest in 2008 (I picked up their CD at my public library one day). I like them. This is was my third time seeing them. I understand why many extreme/underground/obscure metal fans don’t like them though. But for what they are, I enjoy them.

    They fit into their co-headlining position now as well. Their stage presence has improved a lot, and they put on a great arena style show. They mostly played radio hits, and softer songs (which I expected), but it would have been nice to hear more off of ‘The Way of the Fist’. Still, showed a lot of energy on stage, and the crowd loved them. Personally, I enjoyed their show as well.

    There were some weird moments though. For one, they invited a bunch of kids up on stage with them during ‘White Knuckles’. The second was their drummer dressed up as Satan and did some weird drum solo thing with samples of women moaning in the background.

    Love them, hate them, I don’t see 5FDP leaving anytime soon.

    Rob Zombie
    This was my second time Rob Zombie. As far as his music goes, he really isn’t anything overly special. I mean I like his music (especially his older and White Zombie songs), but it isn’t anything special. His show though, is fantastic. His entire show is full of costumed and animatronic monsters, psychedelic horror/sci-fi imagery, pyro, and light show. It’s really fun to watch, and even if you’re not a fan of his music, I think you can appreciate his show.

    All in all, I had another fun and enjoyable Mayhem Festival. I enjoy every year, but I really think this was one of the best. I look forward to seeing who is playing next year so I can do it all over again.
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Also, I once again saw the infamous Mayhem Fest tranny. See it every year.
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    As much as I like machine head I would watch the end of scorpion child before heading over
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Todd [-(
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  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Nice review. Sucks you had to miss most of Scorpion Child's set. Also, it sucks that you've only seen Mastodon at Mayhem Fests. Their club shows are where they're best.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
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  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    I wondered why MH set was so short . I left before rob zombie because i've seen him like 3 or 4 times before.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,818 spicy boy
    that black guy =))
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Ed =;
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  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Show was fucking fun as always. Good to see the crew again \m/
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    In spite of the weather, it was a great show. Enjoyed most of the bands I watched.
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