trent reznors soundtrack of NBK is the best soundtrack of all time probably...i think he did the dead man walking too which is prob the second best soundtrack of all time
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I actually take gilmores side, I couldn't work with that arrogant dickhead either.
For starters you are wrong. Secondly I can appreciate Waters not wanting to be told which concepts he gift wrapped for the band. When your lyrics are as genius as his are, I can fully appreciate him not wanting the band to fuck up his art. Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking is one of the greatest albums all time, and the band was stupid to pass up making that for the Wall. Not that the Wall isnt epic, it is.... But Waters knew how great Pros and Cons could be and the band vetoed his input. Fuck the band. They were hired musicians for all I care. I was fine with Gilmore hanging around and maybe helping to write some of the guitar licks to complement the arrangements waters made.... but that is IT. They weren't happy with that and so Waters was right to leave the band- and when he did so the name should have been retired. If the rest wanted to make more music fine- change your name assholes.
trent reznors soundtrack of NBK is the best soundtrack of all time probably...i think he did the dead man walking too which is prob the second best soundtrack of all time
He did the girl with the dragon tat with same guy tsn with also check out "how to destroy angels" with him and his wife.
I actually take gilmores side, I couldn't work with that arrogant dickhead either.
For starters you are wrong. Secondly I can appreciate Waters not wanting to be told which concepts he gift wrapped for the band. When your lyrics are as genius as his are, I can fully appreciate him not wanting the band to fuck up his art. Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking is one of the greatest albums all time, and the band was stupid to pass up making that for the Wall. Not that the Wall isnt epic, it is.... But Waters knew how great Pros and Cons could be and the band vetoed his input. Fuck the band. They were hired musicians for all I care. I was fine with Gilmore hanging around and maybe helping to write some of the guitar licks to complement the arrangements waters made.... but that is IT. They weren't happy with that and so Waters was right to leave the band- and when he did so the name should have been retired. If the rest wanted to make more music fine- change your name assholes.
He helped write lyrics as well, they all did. I guess we just agree to disagree.
yeah but the setlist up until then was flat out bad ass
What show/tour was this?
lights in the sky. auburn hills, the palace.
Where is auburn hills? I was in Cleveland for that tour and his parents were in the crowd, greatest show I have ever seen hands down. Only thing that I think was better for me personally was seeing dime and damageplan but nin was amazing. I have seen them 4 times and that was by far the best. I actually watched the DVD while rolling on new years and it reminded me how fucking good it was. The tour with ja after that sucked in comparison.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
He helped write lyrics as well, they all did. I guess we just agree to disagree.
It was 95% waters, and the others helped because they wanted the credit for writing on the album. that's all
Have you listened to Pro's and Con's of Hitchhiking?
No actually
You really need to get it, and listen to it enough times to sink in. He sacrificed making it radio friendly for the story, but the story is so intricate and there are so many layers to it. When you start tripping about the song names and how many layers there are to the album, then you will feel as I do about it.
I often times think it is the greatest album ever made. promise me you will spend some time on it.
yeah but the setlist up until then was flat out bad ass
What show/tour was this?
this was the set list that night
Mr. Self Destruct Sin Terrible Lie The Line Begins to Blur March of the Pigs The Frail The Wretched Closer The Big Come Down Burn Gave Up Eraser Right Where It Belongs Beside You in Time With Teeth Wish Only Every Day Is Exactly the Same The Day the World Went Away Even Deeper Suck (Pigface cover) Hurt (Ended abruptly)
and this was the setlist the other time i saw them > Artists: N > Nine Inch Nails > November 15, 2008 Setlist
999,999 1,000,000 Letting You Discipline March of the Pigs Head Down The Frail The Wretched Closer Gave Up Corona Radiata The Warning The Great Destroyer 17 Ghosts II 21 Ghosts III 19 Ghosts III Piggy The Greater Good Pinion Wish Terrible Lie Survivalism 31 Ghosts IV Only The Hand That Feeds Head Like a Hole Encore: Echoplex The Beginning of the End The Good Soldier Hurt In This Twilight
Have you listened to Pro's and Con's of Hitchhiking?
I often times think it is the greatest album ever made. promise me you will spend some time on it.
Mr. Self Destruct
Terrible Lie
The Line Begins to Blur
March of the Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
The Big Come Down
Gave Up
Right Where It Belongs
Beside You in Time
With Teeth
Every Day Is Exactly the Same
The Day the World Went Away
Even Deeper
(Pigface cover)
(Ended abruptly)
and this was the setlist the other time i saw them > Artists: N > Nine Inch Nails > November 15, 2008 Setlist
Letting You
March of the Pigs
Head Down
The Frail
The Wretched
Gave Up
Corona Radiata
The Warning
The Great Destroyer
17 Ghosts II
21 Ghosts III
19 Ghosts III
The Greater Good
Terrible Lie
31 Ghosts IV
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like a Hole
The Beginning of the End
The Good Soldier
In This Twilight