i'm a union bricklayer. and i work madd sidejobs and get madd loot for them. plus i can do concrete, drywall and alot of other construction skills. I even helped catz make his underground sex tunnel.
dayna, the wireless jawn worked perfectly. i basically just plugged it in and was ready to go! ... I'll call you when I need help figuring out how to work my new 60inch tv when it gets delievered in a few days. I told that nigga at best buy it better be here for the winter classic, he said it would be here before xmas!
good I'm glad you didn't have any issues I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine setting up the tv, but if you need help I'll try the best I can haha
you and brad should fly out and watch the game on my tv! it'll be worth it@ we're going all out and getting the best tv in the stoe!
I had a few like that at my wedding too, and also a couple that even showed up and didn't even give a fucking gift at all. I would just let it go personally. Hopefully the people have legit reasons for doing what they did, and if not, it's their loss. My wedding was a blast and sounds like yours was too.
dayna, the wireless jawn worked perfectly. i basically just plugged it in and was ready to go! ... I'll call you when I need help figuring out how to work my new 60inch tv when it gets delievered in a few days. I told that nigga at best buy it better be here for the winter classic, he said it would be here before xmas!
good I'm glad you didn't have any issues I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine setting up the tv, but if you need help I'll try the best I can haha
you and brad should fly out and watch the game on my tv! it'll be worth it@ we're going all out and getting the best tv in the stoe!
haha that'd be pretty cool if I had the money to do something like that. I have my 46inch tv so I'll just have to make due with that :P
I know... trust me I want one, but the 60 will be perfecto.
i'm a union bricklayer. and i work madd sidejobs and get madd loot for them. plus i can do concrete, drywall and alot of other construction skills. I even helped catz make his underground sex tunnel.
I call bullshit. You are on here way too fucking much to be a bricklayer. Bricklayers don't use computers.
Must be an unemployed bricklayer. Union after all. Most Union people I know are unemployed.
You are welcome for your paycheck.
i lay bricks dood, i have winters off. also theres alot of layoffs cause if the economy bullshit, so i havent had alot of work, especially cause my first year of apprenticship i broke my fucking ankle and couldnt work all summer. but i'll be back at work in march! also i have a partime job at home depot and i work alot of sidejobs with my stepdad. and i whore myself out in trenton for $5 or a crack hit.
I had a few like that at my wedding too, and also a couple that even showed up and didn't even give a fucking gift at all. I would just let it go personally. Hopefully the people have legit reasons for doing what they did, and if not, it's their loss. My wedding was a blast and sounds like yours was too.
yeah buddy! there was even a fight at my wedding! 2 50 year olds when balls to the wall swinging cause they were blacked out drunk, hahaha! it was an awesome time! i'm still pissed i forgot about the chocolate fountain. i paid madd loot for that shit and forgot all about it... everyone said it was bangin though, i believe em. but yeah, it sounds like the smart thing to do would be forget about it and not cause anymore drama.
life's too short to dwell on this. wait till you have kids and birthday parties. there are always a lot of no shows. i'm kinda used to it
yeah.. Andreas grandmom said on thanksgiving to give a less count cause about 10 people wouldnt show, we looked at her like she was nuts, but she was damn right... imma just let it slide, but i'm not conversatin with dem assholes anymore.
d00d let it go.... dont let it burn u up look at it this way if they showed it was still 850
this is a good point.... at least i didnt have to deal with seeing their ugle faces and still had 150 of my friends and family there without these lowlife faggots.
d00d let it go.... dont let it burn u up look at it this way if they showed it was still 850
this is a good point.... at least i didnt have to deal with seeing their ugle faces and still had 150 of my friends and family there without these lowlife faggots.
wow catz actually said something remotely useful
he also told me to stick my dikk in hookerz, i found that enlightening as well.
hey hoodz i got sum advice fer yo.... you shud put y00z ole lady in her own internet pron website and make sum monae on the side... i can build website fer y00z :-?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i lay bricks dood, i have winters off. also theres alot of layoffs cause if the economy bullshit, so i havent had alot of work, especially cause my first year of apprenticship i broke my fucking ankle and couldnt work all summer. but i'll be back at work in march! also i have a partime job at home depot and i work alot of sidejobs with my stepdad. and i whore myself out in trenton for $5 or a crack hit. yeah buddy! there was even a fight at my wedding! 2 50 year olds when balls to the wall swinging cause they were blacked out drunk, hahaha! it was an awesome time! i'm still pissed i forgot about the chocolate fountain. i paid madd loot for that shit and forgot all about it... everyone said it was bangin though, i believe em. but yeah, it sounds like the smart thing to do would be forget about it and not cause anymore drama.
And congrats mang
its a samsung smart tv jawn! its hott!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)