WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
They want to convict Sandusky down here in San Antonio, Texas. You people better pray that they do. Why?
1. It's a woman judge doing it 2. Texas doesn't fuck around at all when it comes to child rape 3. He would probably die the minute he is in jail since people in jail fucking hate that and find it the most fucked up crime someone can do to a person.
that would be nice, but what precedent does TX have? none.
IMO i can feel some pity and sympathy for someone who admits there faults..... if he opennly admitted to all the charges and gave a sincere apology i would at least forgive him a little as a person, i still think he should go to jail for the rest of his life
but since he wont even acknowledge his wrongs i could honestly give two fucks if he was beaten to death tommorrow
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited November 2011
I am tired of seeing this blowup espn... JoePa probably shouldnt have been fired but the one coach needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life...
Yes he should have been fired. He gets first hand knowledge that your defensive head coach is raping 10 year olds in your facility, as a responsible member of society you should
1. Call the police and report the incident. 2. Fire the pedo.
Had he done those two things then I agree he should not be fired. Not reporting to the police and allowing him to remain on raping more children is disgusting of Joe Paterno.
Joe Paterno legacy is now tarnished for all time. When you allow rape of children to happen in your house, you are a worthless POS.
If they had fired the coach who actually saw the rape happening.. then yes JoePa's firing would have been just.. But it makes no sense in how the guy who actually sees this shit happening, waits a week to tell Paterno, and in no way tells anybody else about this, still has his job but JoePa doesnt... thats what I have a problem with
everyone who knew about it should be fired. and they should make sandusky get a swastika tattoo on his forehead and tattoo the words "I am a pedophile and I raped little boys." somewhere on him and THEN send him to a federal prison where the population is mostly made up of black gangs.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
that was pretty funny of SNL. Im not sure what I liked more.... the Devil being shocked and disgusted by what he did, or him saying he was going back to his old job.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited November 2011
If they had fired the coach who actually saw the rape happening.. then yes JoePa's firing would have been just.. But it makes no sense in how the guy who actually sees this shit happening, waits a week to tell Paterno, and in no way tells anybody else about this, still has his job but JoePa doesnt... thats what I have a problem with
I suspect that will come in time... When Sandusky is locked up, i'll bet all people with knowledge of the event will be fired.
The reason why Paterno and the Dean of the University are taking the first hit is because those two were the fucking bosses. Their duty to perform ethically is 10x more then anyone below them. They are supposed to be the example that their employees follow.... And if your boss is into covering shit up, then what should you be doing....
So no... Paterno and the Dean going first is the right move. It makes sense. and I doubt it will be the last of the firings.
anyone up for some good old fashioned vigilante justice? \m/ **==
for real, i heard on the radio today that this guy is walking around state college like nothing happened shopping on stores and even wearing penn state gear, WTF?
They want to convict Sandusky down here in San Antonio, Texas. You people better pray that they do. Why?
1. It's a woman judge doing it 2. Texas doesn't fuck around at all when it comes to child rape 3. He would probably die the minute he is in jail since people in jail fucking hate that and find it the most fucked up crime someone can do to a person.
that would be nice, but what precedent does TX have? none.
Uh yeah we do. One of the rapes took place here in 1999 at the Alamo Bowl. That's more then enough.
but since he wont even acknowledge his wrongs i could honestly give two fucks if he was beaten to death tommorrow
1. Call the police and report the incident.
2. Fire the pedo.
Had he done those two things then I agree he should not be fired. Not reporting to the police and allowing him to remain on raping more children is disgusting of Joe Paterno.
Joe Paterno legacy is now tarnished for all time. When you allow rape of children to happen in your house, you are a worthless POS.
The reason why Paterno and the Dean of the University are taking the first hit is because those two were the fucking bosses. Their duty to perform ethically is 10x more then anyone below them. They are supposed to be the example that their employees follow.... And if your boss is into covering shit up, then what should you be doing....
So no... Paterno and the Dean going first is the right move. It makes sense. and I doubt it will be the last of the firings.
they run in packs