Seeing issues like that make me feel, as a female metalhead, somewhat not up to par. It plants a small seed of doubt of me becoming a musician because "I'm not hot enough" or whatever. I know that's somewhat weird, but issues like that...just. I can't read them. While I admire some women that are metalheads/metal musicians, I just can't support the objectification that goes on with those issues.
By the way does anyone know of really good metal magazines that are worth checking out?
Metal Maniacs was pretty good, but it went under. I only got 3 issues of my subscription before they went belly-up. X( Best ones are probably European.
I feel bad for girls who get into metal because they will always be considered "female" guitarists/vocalists/etc rather than just guitarists/vocalists/etc. While I'm sure some enjoy the positive attention they get from male metalheads, it's kind of a bummer. I'm sure they know what they're getting into though, so they have to deal with it.
Grace Perry is a killer vocalist and is a better performer live than a lot of male vocalists, but she still gets that "that bands awesome, cuz the chick is hot" label, and every fucking person has to get a pic with her. I also feel bad for the band because they write awesome music but get foreshadowed by the "hot singer". Whatever, I guess. Grace Perry and Katherine Katz > most dudes.
Seeing issues like that make me feel, as a female metalhead, somewhat not up to par. It plants a small seed of doubt of me becoming a musician because "I'm not hot enough" or whatever. I know that's somewhat weird, but issues like that...just. I can't read them. While I admire some women that are metalheads/metal musicians, I just can't support the objectification that goes on with those issues.
Exactly, it's like they try to paint a picture of what a female in metal is supposed to look like. It's turning it into a comparison of appearance instead of a comparison of musical ability. A female who looks good will usually get higher praise even if her talent isn't up to par with other females in the genre. I'm not fully blaming these kinds of magazine issues here, I'm just saying that they play a part in it, and we'd probably be better off without them. It's not much of a sacrifice to lose swimsuit issues, like I said before, look up your porn on google.
i dont see the big deal. its not just metal its all music genres and the entertainment industry as a whole. big fucking deal revolver does a sexiest women in metal issue how is that any different then the sexiest man alive issues that many magazines publish. lets not forget boy bands such as backstreet boys and nsync are obviously using the image of the members to market it to little tween girls. i dont watch music videos any more but when i did 90% of the female musicians were hot, its an image based society we live in. dont try to call out metal for objectifying women when pop music and hollywood have been doing it forever. oh and its revolver, who has zero metal credability anyways.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Seeing issues like that make me feel, as a female metalhead, somewhat not up to par. It plants a small seed of doubt of me becoming a musician because "I'm not hot enough" or whatever. I know that's somewhat weird, but issues like that...just. I can't read them. While I admire some women that are metalheads/metal musicians, I just can't support the objectification that goes on with those issues.
Why are you wasting so much money on college if you are ultimately wanting to be a musician? Musicians is one of the few jobs that an education doesnt help you with.
Seeing issues like that make me feel, as a female metalhead, somewhat not up to par. It plants a small seed of doubt of me becoming a musician because "I'm not hot enough" or whatever. I know that's somewhat weird, but issues like that...just. I can't read them. While I admire some women that are metalheads/metal musicians, I just can't support the objectification that goes on with those issues.
Why are you wasting so much money on college if you are ultimately wanting to be a musician? Musicians is one of the few jobs that an education doesnt help you with.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited November 2011
I hear you. I've often day dreamed of starting a band, but Im smart enough to realize that my musical talent is almost negative. I think I could be a really sweet lyric writer, however I have no talent in singing or playing instruments. I've been playing guitar for over a decade but it probably sounds like i'm just learning. I suck pretty big time.
I hear you. I've often day dreamed of starting a band, but Im smart enough to realize that my musical talent is almost negative. I think I could be a really sweet lyric writer, however I have no talent in singing or playing instruments. I've been playing guitar for over a decade but it probably sounds like i'm just learning. I suck pretty big time.
Yeah, I've had local bands ask me to use my lyrics before.
I just don't have the time to spend getting good. I've been switching on and off with instruments for nearly 8 years.
It's way easier to make it in metal if you are ugly than it is in pop music. What do Britney, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and almost every other successful pop star have in common?
i've seen lots of ugly chicks in metal bands, more so then ugly chicks in mainstream bands
I haven't "seen them". I actually can't think of one. :-/ Wow...I really can't. @-)
Chick from Voetsek
It's way easier to make it in metal if you are ugly than it is in pop music. What do Britney, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and almost every other successful pop star have in common?
Keen fashion sense?
i kind of agree with brandon geist lol. although i think revolver can find more metal chicks then amy lee LOL. i honestly dont see the confusion where revolver does a "hottest chicks in metal" issue and people think its going to be something different? i see no difference between the hottest chicks in metal and sports illustrated swimsuit issue. i really dont see anything wrong with it tbh. women who like metal are awesome and i wish there were more of them but why can't a grown woman in a metal band make her own decisions? nobody is forcing women to be in the hottest chicks in metal issues.
feminists ruin everything X(
They changed it this year to hottest chicks in hard rock lol.
i always thought Candice was hot until i saw them live and realized it looked like she was rode hard and put away wet. but it didnt change my feelings on her band i love WoJ and that isnt going to change based on how their singer looks
I feel bad for girls who get into metal because they will always be considered "female" guitarists/vocalists/etc rather than just guitarists/vocalists/etc. While I'm sure some enjoy the positive attention they get from male metalheads, it's kind of a bummer. I'm sure they know what they're getting into though, so they have to deal with it.
Grace Perry is a killer vocalist and is a better performer live than a lot of male vocalists, but she still gets that "that bands awesome, cuz the chick is hot" label, and every fucking person has to get a pic with her. I also feel bad for the band because they write awesome music but get foreshadowed by the "hot singer". Whatever, I guess. Grace Perry and Katherine Katz > most dudes.
The one band I can think of that isn't preceded by their female musician is Electric Wizard. I knew they were a damn good band before I knew they had a girl guitar player.
Grace Perry is a killer vocalist and is a better performer live than a lot of male vocalists, but she still gets that "that bands awesome, cuz the chick is hot" label, and every fucking person has to get a pic with her. I also feel bad for the band because they write awesome music but get foreshadowed by the "hot singer". Whatever, I guess. Grace Perry and Katherine Katz > most dudes.
oh and its revolver, who has zero metal credability anyways.
I just don't have the time to spend getting good. I've been switching on and off with instruments for nearly 8 years.
They changed it this year to hottest chicks in hard rock lol.
candice from WoJ = not hot (looks like a tired old stripper)
girls in Kittie = not hot
i could go on and on
nashville pussy...eek.