Solution: just fucking sign out of facebook if you're gonna browse porn.
you can't delete your facebook, they will forever keep your info. its not a social media site, its a government spying platform.
The only info I have on FB would already be known if they looked at my public record (name, DOB, etc.) so I don't understand what the big deal is.
right? I always laugh at folks flippin out about their private shit getting leaked off of FB.....Internet Rule Number One: if you don't want it out there on the web, DON'T EVER PUT IT ON THE WEB......
Ferrets are brutal and should not be in a home with an infant. I was never allowed to have one as a kid because one of my moms friends had ferrets and they basically ate the baby.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Solution: just fucking sign out of facebook if you're gonna browse porn.
you can't delete your facebook, they will forever keep your info. its not a social media site, its a government spying platform.
The only info I have on FB would already be known if they looked at my public record (name, DOB, etc.) so I don't understand what the big deal is.
right? I always laugh at folks flippin out about their private shit getting leaked off of FB.....Internet Rule Number One: if you don't want it out there on the web, DON'T EVER PUT IT ON THE WEB......
just saying, its the easiest way of keeping tabs on most of the population
"Look! It's one of those ferrets! They're pretty big but these are definitely the harmle-OH GOD IT RIPPED OFF MY FACE AUGHHHHHHHH!"
A baby had its fingers eaten off its hands by a pet ferret....heard it on the news a few months ago....
Bottom line.