Their vocalist is the reason why they're even relevant. I mean do agree he is a little over the top at times, but I like the whole chaotic sense, the extreme diversity he shows. It's the same reason why Daryl Palumbo is one of my favorite vocalists ever.
That depends. The first couple "waves" of bands such as ATDI, Deadguy, Thrice, Thursday, Senses Fail(first couple albums), poison the well, glassjaw(I you even call them post hardcore), he is legend, Fugazi, and underoath(first couple albums) all have some good stuff.
It's just the legions and legions of crap that came after them.
guilty pleasures are guilty pleasures regardless of the fact if you think they are...
I'll give an example of something else
Say you like beastiality porn.. Now that would make you pretty weird.. Now you could think in your head that it's not weird and is just as fine as the rest of the porn you watch but when it comes down to's weird, whether you like it or not
that's fine, then essentially what you're saying then is that you just have shitty musical tastes because those shitty bands are on par to what you listen to.. Congrats
For instance if you like nickelback and aren't ashamed then you just listen to shitty music, which is worse than just having a guilty pleasure
A guilty please is something you're embarrassed for liking, which I'm not.
I'd argue against this. Perhaps this is a difference of opinion on what a guilty pleasure really is but I believe it has nothing to do with embarrassment. I tend to hate the association with guilty and embarrassment. Rather, guilty pleasure from my point of view is something you like that strays from your daily norm. My example here is Geto Boys. I have a set of norms when it comes to my music listening habits (Be it Dismember or Trap Them or Slayer), but I also dig Geto Boys. There is no embarrassment involved, it's just a out of my norm compared to what I listen to, hence the "guilty pleasure" but I digress.
That was pretty bad and I like some post-hardcore
I fucking knew you'd post that song, it's easily their most overrated and one of their weakest songs.
This is my personal favorite.
They may be tolerable if their vocalist wasn't so damn obnoxiously bad.
Ayo Slap, what bands do you listen to that would be classified as a "post-hardcore" band. I don't really know what would be classified as it.
ugh, not too many I rep. Bands like leer, Manners, at the drive in, things of that nature
And post-hardcore still pretty much sucks as a genre.
That depends. The first couple "waves" of bands such as ATDI, Deadguy, Thrice, Thursday, Senses Fail(first couple albums), poison the well, glassjaw(I you even call them post hardcore), he is legend, Fugazi, and underoath(first couple albums) all have some good stuff.
It's just the legions and legions of crap that came after them.
guilty pleasures are guilty pleasures regardless of the fact if you think they are...
I'll give an example of something else
Say you like beastiality porn.. Now that would make you pretty weird.. Now you could think in your head that it's not weird and is just as fine as the rest of the porn you watch but when it comes down to's weird, whether you like it or not
Same thing
So they're guilty pleasures because someone else thinks it sucks?
Music is opinionated, no two people like every single band same as the other, I have no "guilty" pleases, I like what I like. End of story.
there's that denial again...
Food is opinionated as well but I can at least admit I have shitty taste in food regardless
Your music sucks and you suck
everyone likes what they like dude Jesus Christ
Then apparently there is no such thing as guilty pleasures unless people start liking things they don't like that suck for some reason
A guilty please is something you're embarrassed for liking, which I'm not.
that's fine, then essentially what you're saying then is that you just have shitty musical tastes because those shitty bands are on par to what you listen to.. Congrats
For instance if you like nickelback and aren't ashamed then you just listen to shitty music, which is worse than just having a guilty pleasure
I'd argue against this. Perhaps this is a difference of opinion on what a guilty pleasure really is but I believe it has nothing to do with embarrassment. I tend to hate the association with guilty and embarrassment. Rather, guilty pleasure from my point of view is something you like that strays from your daily norm. My example here is Geto Boys. I have a set of norms when it comes to my music listening habits (Be it Dismember or Trap Them or Slayer), but I also dig Geto Boys. There is no embarrassment involved, it's just a out of my norm compared to what I listen to, hence the "guilty pleasure" but I digress.
Yea your prob the only person I've ever known to have it mean that definition lol
I can't agree with that at all
Guilt as an emotion is synonymous with embarrassment soo