Yeah stupid pop songs get stuck in my head but I wouldn't consider that to be a guilty pleasure. If you listen to it on the reg, at your own will (not played on the radio), it's a guilty pleasure.
Parkway is the only band that comes to mind. Also, a select few Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza songs.
Also you listen to babymetal, your argument is invalid
Haven't heard that one before. I get it. They suck. They're feeding off trends. Japan. Blah blah. Doesn't make my arguments invalid. Like I've said before, everyone here likes shit bands. Its part of liking music. Learn to laugh at the shit you like. I don't treat bands like Babymetal and 5FDP like great bands. I like them, but wholeheartedly understand the argument for their shittyness. Thus, they are guilty pleasures.
I feel like the majority of bands I like fit under a good music category anyways. So whatever.
"Yeah stupid pop songs get stuck in my head but I wouldn't consider that to be a guilty pleasure. If you listen to it on the reg, at your own will (not played on the radio), it's a guilty pleasure."
The only pop album I listen too is Paramore's self titled, and I am in no way guilty/embarrassed about it, I think it's a good album.
Could you remember the title of the song you heard? Just curious, cause their first album sucks ass, and their newest has terrible recordings. Their "Fake History" album is awesome, though.
facefuck you're just redefining the fuckin definition...
Why can't people just admit they like some crappy stuff? It amazes me
People live in such denial all the time, not even just in music
You like shitty music facefuck whether if your embarrassed or not.. You can still like it but it is what it is
@MC I'll give you 3 of those, but I have said more than once how fucking awful Attila are
Also you listen to babymetal, your argument is invalid
I'm not embarrassed at any of the stuff i listen too, it's not a "guilty pleasure", I just like what i like.
Also Letlive's "Fake History" album > LoG
Yeah stupid pop songs get stuck in my head but I wouldn't consider that to be a guilty pleasure. If you listen to it on the reg, at your own will (not played on the radio), it's a guilty pleasure.
Parkway is the only band that comes to mind. Also, a select few Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza songs.
Goddammit stupid quote.
"Yeah stupid pop songs get stuck in my head but I wouldn't consider that to be a guilty pleasure. If you listen to it on the reg, at your own will (not played on the radio), it's a guilty pleasure."
The only pop album I listen too is Paramore's self titled, and I am in no way guilty/embarrassed about it, I think it's a good album.
Wrath even... which is my least fav of the LoG albums.
wasnt big on it. But w/e. neither are as good as Ashes, Gospel, or Palaces.
Yea, but Resolution > Set to Fail
I like both for what they are. Just like Resolution a little more.
I did after you started posting about them.
Could you remember the title of the song you heard? Just curious, cause their first album sucks ass, and their newest has terrible recordings. Their "Fake History" album is awesome, though.