When is your fatass gonna realize that I took that picture while heavily intoxicated as a joke, while in a Yoshi shirt? You keep using that as an insult like I took that picture to be seriously threatening.
And I'd gladly carry a real gun, in fact, I want one badly. I'm not a pussy. It's not a "gangsta" thing either.
Ummm....... I wasn't trolling either. And the drunk part isn't an "excuse". Even if I took that picture sober, it was just for lulz, it was never supposed to be a "threatening" or serious thing at all. And I never claimed it to be.
hes totally hardxcore
And I'd gladly carry a real gun, in fact, I want one badly. I'm not a pussy. It's not a "gangsta" thing either.
saying you were drunk is basically the same as 'loliwastotallytrollinyouguyzherpderp'
excuses, excuses
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)