About 3 blocks from my old high school we have a midget village. One day my senior year me and my friends got stoned and went to go find it. We drove around for like an hour and then finally came across it. It's a gated community with all kinds of tall hedges hiding it. We jumped the fence and walked around until some of them saw us and threatened to call the cops so we took off. The houses were all smaller and shit too. /coolstorybro
the easiest way for you to get there would be to take the parkway north to 287 north and then from 287 you take the exit for 23 north. clinton road is right off of 23 north on your right. and nothing really happened but i went around midnight so i couldn't see too much. you really gotta pay attention to the road because that dead man's curve is sharp as shit. most of the roads up in this area have sharp turns. but anyway there was one thing that happened that i thought was odd and that was on the straight and pretty level parts of the road i would take my foot off the gas to coast to lower my speed but my car didnt slow down, it sped up. at certain points my car would still go faster up hill still without my foot on the gas. at least it looked like i was going up a slow incline, im not gonna jump to any conclusions. supposedly there used to be KKK meetings there off in the woods. and a lot of people say there used to be a castle out in the woods and this pic is said to be it (i got it from the weird nj site)
but im pretty sure that i heard that what was left of that castle is all gone now.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
i wouldn't recommend parking on the side of the road though. you're car would probably be a lot safer if you park just before you enter clinton road and walk from there. however, its a long ass backroad, i think its like 10 miles long.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I would be scared shitless going down that road at night
were going at night
but im pretty sure that i heard that what was left of that castle is all gone now.