Erik, you know I think you're a good kid. And you're not that bad at what you do. I just don't think it's right the way you talk to people who are just giving honest opinions.
And that entire paragraph was nothing but shitting on me and saying how fake I am, etc. Am I just 'sposed to reply like "Oh, thank you, I'll keep that in mind. "? FUCK THAT! A nearly 30 year old faggot wants to be a child? Well an actual kid can play the same fucking game. I'm sick of this fat obsessed fuck thinking it makes him a badass to hate on me. You all need to take a fucking walk and grow the fuck up. At least when Brian does it and shit, he's around my age. The ones that are way above that, the "Adults" that do it, need to take a fucking walk and rethink their life, or end it. Worthless creatures.
But being an asshole to Satan, Wake and Brian who actually DO give you constructive criticism (whether you think it is or not) is okay? They're just giving opinions, and you tell them to kill theirself.
Wait wut? Only spam I have EVER done was Chicago threads, and those were metal as fuck.
Idk, you just seem like a spammin' guy.
How so? My massive post count? I dont spam, nor do I use troll accounts. I'll own any statements I make, it not like I'm scared to be an asshole to people. Original DirtButton right here lol.
Take it with a grain of salt, especially if I put it in rap form, but just because a person is a "hater" doesn't mean their criticisms are not valid. Many of your flows have been about the same concepts. Write outside of what you have already done. You love music, fuck the haters, and your gonna make it have been in majority of your flows (honestly) try not to let your writing get pigeon holed into the same stuff every time. I can write a Slayer album right now... Murder death blood god hat e insane end your life till you diiiiiie.
Hes actually going to be at the local music venue about 5 mins from my house soon. Its odd seeing the All Star Tour and shit like that and then see him on the upcomming attractions page.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
Keep spewing your venom. You'll never stop me, if anything, I thank all of you, you fuel me, and force me to work harder every day. I'll rise above every single one of you one day and show you who the fuck was right. This is my life, fuck anyone who wants to say I'm fake.
Went though a bunch of situations leading me to dead ends. But I kept the microphone with me just like my best friend. After lots of bullshit I sat back home. And said "Fuck it" Im'ma do this shit all on my own. Got a strong team behind me and we went the independent route. Stepped my lyrics up while my competitors are stepping out. Of my way cuz I'm here to stay paving the way every fucking syllable. That I say, I'mma make my way to my dying day Im'ma be okay. I've been booed at and taunted and hated through all this. I've kept my fucking head up now it's me that they be wanting. I've earned this I worked too fucking hard to tell me otherwise. I've made a fucking movement yo I'm not like all these other guys. I was born for this fuck what all the haters said. Any talk about me being fake has now been laid to rest. Took the long road making it eventually. So fuck a mixtape this is me fulfilling destiny.
Went though a bunch of situations leading me to dead ends. But I kept the microphone with me just like my best friend. After lots of bullshit I sat back home. And said "Fuck it" Im'ma do this shit all on my own. Got a strong team behind me and we went the independent route. Stepped my lyrics up while my competitors are stepping out. Of my way cuz I'm here to stay paving the way every fucking syllable. That I say, I'mma make my way to my dying day Im'ma be okay. I've been booed at and taunted and hated through all this. I've kept my fucking head up now it's me that they be wanting. I've earned this I worked too fucking hard to tell me otherwise. I've made a fucking movement yo I'm not like all these other guys. I was born for this fuck what all the haters said. Any talk about me being fake has now been laid to rest. Took the long road making it eventually. So fuck a mixtape this is me fulfilling destiny.
Blah blah, I'm a rapper, people hate it, I'll show those guys. You've written this same song 5 times Stop recycling and do something new homie Show them haters you are more than a one trick pony.
Well if its not yours, you've been biting his style like a motherfucker. You've still written 5 songs that all break down to saying the same shit. Don't get too predictible when you write. You rap, people hate, fuck em, gonna make it anyway. K, we got it. Now use your voice to says something else.
I still challenge you to write a Slick Rick kind of story rap.
I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Jesus Christ.
Keep spewing your venom. You'll never stop me, if anything, I thank all of you, you fuel me, and force me to work harder every day. I'll rise above every single one of you one day and show you who the fuck was right. This is my life, fuck anyone who wants to say I'm fake.
But I kept the microphone with me just like my best friend.
After lots of bullshit I sat back home.
And said "Fuck it" Im'ma do this shit all on my own.
Got a strong team behind me and we went the independent route.
Stepped my lyrics up while my competitors are stepping out.
Of my way cuz I'm here to stay paving the way every fucking syllable.
That I say, I'mma make my way to my dying day Im'ma be okay.
I've been booed at and taunted and hated through all this.
I've kept my fucking head up now it's me that they be wanting.
I've earned this I worked too fucking hard to tell me otherwise.
I've made a fucking movement yo I'm not like all these other guys.
I was born for this fuck what all the haters said.
Any talk about me being fake has now been laid to rest.
Took the long road making it eventually.
So fuck a mixtape this is me fulfilling destiny.
And good Leah, kill yourself.
You've written this same song 5 times
Stop recycling and do something new homie
Show them haters you are more than a one trick pony.
Sums up perfectly how I feel. That song always keeps me going. I look up to Webby so much.
I still challenge you to write a Slick Rick kind of story rap.