@Dime Hung out with my cousin today who is in the group for Acen. He kinda made it seem like the other guys were wanting to take it easy this year. We're still gonna drink and have fun, but we're not taking random people in to party, and in general I guess the other guys dont want to throw a big room party this year. Still, you're welcome to hang with us, but they are making a rule that you need to bring a bottle because in the past people have taken our booze and didnt provide.
Just started watching Sword Art Online for the first time. Only five more episodes left to go in Season 1. I like it so far, but I kinda hated how SAO got beaten like mid-way through the season. Don't like the concept of a second game. Loved the SAO world but so far not digging the Elfheim one. Also, I really liked the relationship between Kirito and Asuna which I've heard alot of people bitch about. I like it so far, but it's going to have to be a real strong ending for me to watch Season II which I've heard sucks
I only liked part 2 of season 1, and part 1 of season 2. I thought the SAO part was weak, but liked the Elfheim part in season 1. The Gun Gale part in season 2 is awesome, but the Elfheim part of season 2 was fucking stupid as hell.
I watched through Angel Cop a few weeks ago. Awesome 80s hyperviolent cyberpunk anime thats only like 5 episodes long. Also watched Gunsmith Cats - 3 episode ova sequel to Riding Bean. Fun show, wish there was more.
Just finished Sword Art Online II. Man, first part was fucking awesome (GGO) except for that dumbass re-cap episode in the middle. The Alfheim stuff I thought was gonna be cool and it wound up being completely pointless. The last 6-7 episodes were retarded. Welcome to SAO II: General Hospital. Completely random plot thread that came out of no where and added up to nothing. Can't say I'm hyped for Season 3
Started Jojo bizarre adventure
Finished bizarre adventure the the 1st season of stardust crusaders.
https://www.shoutfactory.com/film/action-adventure/digimon-adventure-tri-reunion?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=boosted post&utm_campaign=DigimonReunion
Hung out with my cousin today who is in the group for Acen. He kinda made it seem like the other guys were wanting to take it easy this year. We're still gonna drink and have fun, but we're not taking random people in to party, and in general I guess the other guys dont want to throw a big room party this year. Still, you're welcome to hang with us, but they are making a rule that you need to bring a bottle because in the past people have taken our booze and didnt provide.
Shits lit