Loved Last Adventure despite crying during it twice lol Loved Beginning as well. It’s a slow burn but it’s fucking brutal for Digimon. Both serve as excellent send offs to the 01 and 02 kids respectively. Tri is a mixed bag. I enjoy the first 3 films but the last 3 could have been condensed into one feature length and it gets very episodic in nature as it goes you can definitely see that they started making them with an effort of where to cut for when they eventually aired them like episodes. If I remember correctly, they only vaguely mention Tri in Last Evolution so it’s not mandatory. I’d skip it in favor of the other two films for now then circle back
Spent ten full hours training for a Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament yesterday. I need to channel that dedication and commitment to every other aspect of life lol
What’s this training consist of? Please tell me it involves gym shorts, wrist weights and a sweat band.
Would you believe me if I told you I was cheesy enough to have the head band on? Mainly it consists of like 20,000 cards around a table being sorted into binders and tins based on rarity and usefulness while in carefully reading anything to make sure nothing is being under/utilized while price checking all the holos because things fluctuate. I found $300 worth of rando shit that I’m never going to use. It also consists of me saying “Man fuck this shit” a lot and trying not to to smoke