Typically im big on mecha, supernatural/thriller/horror/psychalogical, and the really weird artsy ones... Im not huge on ecchi/harem, usually. And outside of like DBZ and Naruto, im not huge on much shonen.
Horror :-?
Mecha :-?
Yeah I'm not too big on DBZ like most of you. Obviously like Pokemon and YuGiOh as a kid. And FMA is great so far. Prolly slowly check out your and Cheeze's list.
Yea, "horror" anime isn't really scary, but more gory and suspenseful. More like dark mysteries. Check out Another.
Mecha, y'know giant fuckin robots killin shit. As I already mentioned SDF Macross, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, there's of course Gundam. Knights of Sidonia on Netflix is very good.
I guess i could read through this thread, but what shows would you reccomend? I havent watched shit besides Pokemon YuGiOh and Dragonball.
I'm giving it a shot cuz the chick I close with at work now watches nothing but anime.
Death Note is pretty short but it's good. Yu Yu Hakusho is more along the Dragonball Z line of anime but not quite as out there. More geared towards fighting ghosts and demons.
Attack on Titan is cool, but I can see it getting bad in the future. Hopefully it will continue down the path its been going and stay good, but due to its popularity I can see it dragging on for too long and becoming too Naruto-ish.
I haven't seen it. When shows get longer than 24 eps I usually either need to be really interested in watching it myself, or have someone recommend it to me cause they know what Im into.
I guess i could read through this thread, but what shows would you reccomend? I havent watched shit besides Pokemon YuGiOh and Dragonball.
I'm giving it a shot cuz the chick I close with at work now watches nothing but anime.
I love all the Hayao Miyazaki stuff, kinda nostalgic over that shit. Princess Mononoke is a great more mature anime movie. Full Metal Alchemist is considered by many to be the great anime of all time. OF ALL TIME. Avatar: The Last Air Bender. Shaman King. Inu-yasha.
There was a one season series of Devil May Cry that was pretty good but it might be hard to find now.
I guess i could read through this thread, but what shows would you reccomend? I havent watched shit besides Pokemon YuGiOh and Dragonball.
I'm giving it a shot cuz the chick I close with at work now watches nothing but anime.
My nigga \m/
Attack on Titan Psycho-Pass Kill La Kill Hunter X Hunter Welcome to the NHK Tokyo Ghoul Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Yu Yu Hakusho Cowboy Bebop Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X Samurai Champloo Death Parade Hellsing( the OVA's not the series) Space Dandy Death Note Code Geass Baccano Monster Claymore
Yea, "horror" anime isn't really scary, but more gory and suspenseful. More like dark mysteries. Check out Another.
Mecha, y'know giant fuckin robots killin shit. As I already mentioned SDF Macross, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, there's of course Gundam. Knights of Sidonia on Netflix is very good.
I actually just bought my brother the Devil May Cry anime collection for Christmas. They sell it at FYE.
Attack on Titan
Kill La Kill
Hunter X Hunter
Welcome to the NHK
Tokyo Ghoul
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X
Samurai Champloo
Death Parade
Hellsing( the OVA's not the series)
Space Dandy
Death Note
Code Geass
looked up fighting foodons n yup, i watched it.
edit: terraformars is pretty cool n short
if ya have one