Jobe, you are correct sir. The day it became a place to dump feelings and other miscellaneous bullshit instead of a Mayhemfest forum it began it's downhill slide.
Jobe, you are correct sir. The day it became a place to dump feelings and other miscellaneous bullshit instead of a Mayhemfest forum it began it's downhill slide.
Its all good, my post count was getting too big anyway.
Jobe, you are correct sir. The day it became a place to dump feelings and other miscellaneous bullshit instead of a Mayhemfest forum it began it's downhill slide.
Its all good, my post count was getting too big anyway.
i don't know why ppl are crying about the rules, not even all of them are enforced.
The No child porn, no spamming, no ban evading and the admin approved perma ban removal are the only ones that are enforced. i see no problem with those rules whatsoever. had erik not evaded his ban it would have been lifted after 2 weeks per the rules
The No child porn, no spamming, no ban evading and the admin approved perma ban removal are the only ones that are enforced. i see no problem with those rules whatsoever. had erik not evaded his ban it would have been lifted after 2 weeks per the rules