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casey anthony trial



  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Rich people dye their hair and goatee and flee with a handgun right after their wife was found dead? Ok there.
    when the media is hounding you non-stop?
    this is off topic but i think in some cases violence against reports is warranted when they cross the line between trying to get a story and harassing someone.
    I agree.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    and in thet case they had a movtive.....

    in this case, 0 motive. i read through here saying that they proved she was a shitty mom, that is not true. i think every single witness the prosecution and defense called said she was a great mom who had a special bond with this baby. never yelled or abused her in anyway and took great care of her, so the get rid of her to have a better life bullshit is a shitty motive.
    i dont know where you are going saying this. If Scott was guilty, he obviously had motive because it would have to be intentional the way she died. It is likely that if Casey Anthony is guilty, then Caylee accidentally died because of something Casey did. I get teh DA went after 1st degree... But I think most agree she was guilty of manslaughter. There is no motive in manslaughter.
    either way they didnt prove it. Manslaughter was up there as a charge, but they couldnt prove that, they couldnt prove anything. that is the problem, this is like beating a dead horse, they had no evidence linking her to the crime. ok, they had a hair(from an alive or dead person), odor, (was it from trash or body decompisition), duct tape(couldnt have been over the mouth cause then it would have had DNA on it), even if they did prove all of those things i just mentioned, they still couldnt prove it was her. it could have been anyone. thats the issue here, no proof.

    listen, she might have very well gotten away with murder. myself personally believe it was an accident and she has some lose screws and took the lies way too far. but still, they couldnt prove it, thats all i'm saying.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    motive has a lot to do with it or the lack of one. one of the casey jurors said that himself
    there is no motive in manslaughter. manslaughter is I was doing something stupid and accidentally someone died.
    i was referring to the murder charge. why they didn't get the manslaughter charge idk.

    The thing about this case that bugs be the most is how our justice system has turned into a Soap Opera for peoples amusement. All Criminal trials should be closed doors imo
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Carrying all that money and 4 cell phones is suspect. It might not seem suspect to you, but it certainly does for other people. He even lied about why his hair was a different color.
    I agree there were some shady things he did. Im just saying everyone presented in that case doesnt point to "guilty without any reasonable doubt". I followed that case and if I was on the jury, I'd have a very hard time convicting with the evidence presented.

    He is totally a cheater and what sort of dude cheats on someone so pretty carrying his child? I dont like the dude at all... But what if the jury is wrong. the evidence was so weak.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i was referring to the murder charge. why they didn't get the manslaughter charge idk.

    The thing about this case that bugs be the most is how our justice system has turned into a Soap Opera for peoples amusement. All Criminal trials should be closed doors imo
    But no one has ever been arguing that it should have been murder 1. anyways, I approve this whole comment you made.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    What evidence did the Casey Anthony trial have supporting she killed her kid?

    She researched how to make chloroform on her computer- mom said it was her

    There was chloroform in her car trunk (FBI report) - scientist said it could have came from the trash, and that theres chloroform in anything from milk, to meats.

    There was decomposition in her trunk for a 2-3 year old child that was either caylee or someone similar to caylee (FBI report) - decomposition was never proved, i dont know where youre getting this. They tried to say it was decompisition, but they could never prove it, they couldnt determine if the hair was from when she was alive or dead. and even if decomp was proved, how do we know casey drove the car?

    She lied to investigators to caylee's where abouts numerous times. Lying doesnt equal murder

    She went out partying for 30 days while her child was "missing". A parent with a missing 2 year old wouldnt do that. I think we can all agree she isnt right in the head, still doesnt equal murder.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers

    The thing about this case that bugs be the most is how our justice system has turned into a Soap Opera for peoples amusement. All Criminal trials should be closed doors imo
    yup. fucking circus <_>
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I just don't see why some are so shocked at the results. This was pretty much my reaction to it.

  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "turn that shit back on lets see what the white people have to say" :-))
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    "Who would give a fuck about that shit?" "If I'm off for murder, nigga, y'all can have that shit"

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    What evidence did the Casey Anthony trial have supporting she killed her kid?
    She researched how to make chloroform on her computer- mom said it was her


    There was decomposition in her trunk for a 2-3 year old child that was either caylee or someone similar to caylee (FBI report) - decomposition was never proved, i dont know where youre getting this. They tried to say it was decompisition, but they could never prove it, they couldnt determine if the hair was from when she was alive or dead. and even if decomp was proved, how do we know casey drove the car?
    The report I read by some university said that when someone dies with blonde hair that the roots turn black. This was what was recovered from the trunk. Granted they didnt prove 100% it was caylee (they couldnt) but it was likely her.

    She lied to investigators to caylee's where abouts numerous times. Lying doesnt equal murder

    She went out partying for 30 days while her child was "missing". A parent with a missing 2 year old wouldnt do that. I think we can all agree she isnt right in the head, still doesnt equal murder.
    but the point a lot of us parents are trying to make is that parents just dont do that. Didnt you ever lose a dog when you were a kid? Did you just give up and say "guess he is gone" or did you get the fuck out there looking for it. Calling for help. putting up a billion pictures. That is what people do for a fucking DOG. multiple that feeling by a billion and that is what it is like being a parent.

    But fine.. we all agree she is fucked in the head. Lock the bitch in a mental house and pump her full of drugs and abusive male nurse dicks.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2011
    What evidence did the Casey Anthony trial have supporting she killed her kid?
    She researched how to make chloroform on her computer- mom said it was her

    There was decomposition in her trunk for a 2-3 year old child that was either caylee or someone similar to caylee (FBI report) - decomposition was never proved, i dont know where youre getting this. They tried to say it was decompisition, but they could never prove it, they couldnt determine if the hair was from when she was alive or dead. and even if decomp was proved, how do we know casey drove the car?
    The report I read by some university said that when someone dies with blonde hair that the roots turn black. This was what was recovered from the trunk. Granted they didnt prove 100% it was caylee (they couldnt) but it was likely her.

    She lied to investigators to caylee's where abouts numerous times. Lying doesnt equal murder

    She went out partying for 30 days while her child was "missing". A parent with a missing 2 year old wouldnt do that. I think we can all agree she isnt right in the head, still doesnt equal murder.
    but the point a lot of us parents are trying to make is that parents just dont do that. Didnt you ever lose a dog when you were a kid? Did you just give up and say "guess he is gone" or did you get the fuck out there looking for it. Calling for help. putting up a billion pictures. That is what people do for a fucking DOG. multiple that feeling by a billion and that is what it is like being a parent.

    But fine.. we all agree she is fucked in the head. Lock the bitch in a mental house and pump her full of drugs and abusive male nurse dicks.

    [something is wrong with the quote button <_>)

    The mom said on the stand she searched chloroform and not casey.

    If they could have proved it was human decompisition in the trunk they would have, they tried, but the defense shot it down with like what i said all those smells and stains could have been from the trash left in thr trunk. and the hair was also deputed by the defense saying they first off couldnt tell who's hair it was, and 2nd whether the person was alive or dead.

    I hear what you parents are trying to say and i'm sure there were alot of parents on the jury. I think the way she acted proves that she knew the kid was dead and maybe that was her way to take her mind off it, i dont know i'm not a dr. i cant read minds. maybe the dad did molest her, maybe not. maybe thats why she acted out of character. the point is none of us know. lets remember we are all making most of our judgements off the media circus, these people made their judgemenet from being in the courtroom and the courtroom only. its sad the girl died and its a tragdy, but noo many what if's and maybe's to find guilty. I mean if 12 people who didnt know eachother came to the same agreement, that has to say something.

    and I agree, hopefully they get her some mental help when she gets out. she sure needs it, but they cant just force her to go to mental treatment unless the judge makes her serve the rest of her time there, but she might just get released. either way, her name is tainted forever, she better hide.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Isn't it possible she died in another manner and was improperly disposed of in a panic?
    yes. very possible. And I am under the opinion that if you try and cover that up (which she did) then you are just as guilty as if you had purposely done it.
    Guilty of a much different crime. Failure to report a death is a misdemeanor in most states. You and Nancy still don't get your desired result.
    That isn't what I said. Regardless of what the laws are in this country now- I am stating that I believe the act of covering up a death should be punishable on the level of causing the death. I in no way support Nancy Grace and think she is a nasty bitch.

    Knowing the evidence I know, if I was on that jury I would not have moved from a guilty verdict of manslaughter. That is how I roll. I don't care what the law is, I care what the law should be.

    Another example for you - Put me on a jury where a dude is accused of possession of a pound of crack. He takes the 5th and makes no defense. The DA presents 10 expert witnesses, pictures, video, and finger prints on the crack as evidence. In that case I would not provide a guilty verdict. I believe drug possession is no crime, and I would not send someone to prison for something I dont consider a crime. I understand I will never be on a jury for believing this.

    You never have to worry about serving on a jury. The judge and/or the lawyers don't care what your "opinion" of the law or how it should be interpreted is. You would, however, make a good politician. As soon as you said you don't care what the law is you'd be sent home and excused.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,936 spicy boy
    Did any of you follow the Scott Peterson trial? If not here is the summary....

    The dudes wife went missing. The only evidence they had was that it looked like he made cement blocks (for allegedly sinking his wife in the ocean), and he used bleach to clean something (for allegedly cleaning up blood). That is all the evidence they had on him... By all accounts they lived a very story book happy life. They had ZERO DNA evidence, and nothing but circumstantial. He was convicted of 1st degree murder.

    It seems to me that anyone who is glad casey anthony got off, should also be fuming that scott peterson is sitting on death row in CA. here is his trial if you are interested
    there was more evidence then that...he was caught after he changed his appearance and had a bunch of money and camping gear

    i agree 100%...scott peterson also probably did it....but the fact is the dude deserves a new trial...hell a juror was kicked off and after words he was interviewed and told everyone there was no way he could convict him based on the evidence

  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    at least alec understands
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    this kinda remind me of 12 angry men
  • Shanez_WifeShanez_Wife Posts: 2,008 just the tip
    why do you guys still give a fuck about this?
    People are bored. Very bored.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I find her attractive.

    Ok, I'm done

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