Except I don't. Speak for yourself faggot. You went from FFDP, to Butt Pirates, to Black Metal, when you used to hate the fuck out of Black Metal. I grew up with Hip Hop, shut the fuck up.
Except I don't. Speak for yourself faggot. You went from FFDP, to Butt Pirates, to Black Metal, when you used to hate the fuck out of Black Metal. I grew up with Hip Hop, shut the fuck up.
Would you shut the fuck up? That's not a phase you half minded retard. I liked it for 3 days and got bored of it. As is the norm for Metal, it's bland and doesn't hold my attention.
Would you shut the fuck up? That's not a phase you half minded retard. I liked it for 3 days and got bored of it. As is the norm for Metal, it's bland and doesn't hold my attention.
ya niggaz turnin out bitchz and trickin hoez iz wut grabz erikz attention and getz him pumped
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
If you liked it, and then you didn't like it, it's a phase.
No, it's called something getting boring. I've been listening to Goblin daily for a month and it still hasn't gotten boring. Metal is fucking boring. That's not a phase you fucking moron, just stop already.
If you liked it, and then you didn't like it, it's a phase.
No, it's called something getting boring. I've been listening to Goblin daily for a month and it still hasn't gotten boring. Metal is fucking boring. That's not a phase you fucking moron, just stop already.
If you liked it, and then you didn't like it, it's a phase.
Would you shut the fuck up? That's not a phase you half minded retard. I liked it for 3 days and got bored of it. As is the norm for Metal, it's bland and doesn't hold my attention.
ya niggaz turnin out bitchz and trickin hoez iz wut grabz erikz attention and getz him pumped
Would you shut the fuck up? That's not a phase you half minded retard. I liked it for 3 days and got bored of it. As is the norm for Metal, it's bland and doesn't hold my attention.
ya niggaz turnin out bitchz and trickin hoez iz wut grabz erikz attention and getz him pumped
No, this gets me pumped. This shit literally had me headbanging and stomping around the room a half hour ago. That's what I wanna feel when I listen to Music, where I feel as if I have to get up and move, Metal doesn't do that for me.
Where did I say your love for OF was a phase? You're saying you don't go threw phases, but you do. You had a huge boner for Ritual and now you don't. Tyler was never a part of this.
Would you shut the fuck up? That's not a phase you half minded retard. I liked it for 3 days and got bored of it. As is the norm for Metal, it's bland and doesn't hold my attention.
ya niggaz turnin out bitchz and trickin hoez iz wut grabz erikz attention and getz him pumped
No, this gets me pumped. This shit literally had me headbanging and stomping around the room a half hour ago. That's what I wanna feel when I listen to Music, where I feel as if I have to get up and move, Metal doesn't do that for me.
Where did I say your love for OF was a phase? You're saying you don't go threw phases, but you do. You had a huge boner for Ritual and now you don't. Tyler was never a part of this.
BECAUSE IT GOT BORING AFTER A COUPLE DAYS YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT. Just shut the fuck up you stupid fucking piece of shit. I'm fucking done with you.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
No, it's called something getting boring. I've been listening to Goblin daily for a month and it still hasn't gotten boring. Metal is fucking boring. That's not a phase you fucking moron, just stop already.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
eriks next tattoo