Am I putting hearts and acting gay about them? Nope.
saying "My mind is fucking blown.... The way it ended was so haunting. I'm seriously speechless right now. This may be the best album I've ever heard in my life. :') Oh my fucking God. " is just as bad. Just put and it would be complete
Am I putting hearts and acting gay about them? Nope.
saying "My mind is fucking blown.... The way it ended was so haunting. I'm seriously speechless right now. This may be the best album I've ever heard in my life. :') Oh my fucking God. " is just as bad. Just put and it would be complete</p>
No, not just as bad you fucking moron. It's showing that the album blew my mind. Hate on me for being inspired ahahaha.
but you said "this may be the best album i've ever heard'
Yep. Still not as bad dumbass. It's expressing that it blew my mind and it's an amazing album. Oh, hate on Erik because he found his favorite album of all time.
I'm not lying about shit. Why would I lie about the album blowing my mind? I'm also not lying about the heart shit, have I ever done that? No. And if I did, find me some proof. Step off cunt.
All I ever said about Chew and Ed was that I was sick of 50+ Tweets by both of them daily, filling up my wall with GaGa and Ke$ha, respectively.
And Ed acting like a teenage girl on Twitter with after every sentence. Still haven't done either of those, so NEXT! Stepoff nephew.
plus my timeline isn't all gaga.
Keep hating my loves, it keeps my dick hard.
everyone can see that hes lying through his teeth trying to save his ass from bashing
Tell me what I'm lying about you fucking filthy bitch.
but i dont need to explain what everyone already sees