And Ed's sig was bigger than mine is for months, and nothing was ever said or done, so once again, suck my dick.
alot was said about Ed's sig, but nothing was actually done about it until George flipped out about it and then everyone started using the biggest most obnoxious sigs to try and get him to remove his. Just trying to avoid going down that road again.
Just 'cause it's not eye candy for you assholes doesn't mean it can't be up, don't be hypocrites. I don't give a fuck if his face annoys you, Earl constantly pokes fun at himself for his big ass lips as it is, so keep giving him what he wants.
Guys, Erik's sig isn't that bad, at least it isn't gifs or longcat.
Buuuuut, bitchers gonna bitch. I don't know why people give me so much shit when this forum is so juvenile that they'll throw this much of a bitch fit over a fucking SIG.
Buuuuut, bitchers gonna bitch. I don't know why people give me so much shit when this forum is so juvenile that they'll throw this much of a bitch fit over a fucking SIG.