I don't attack people standing in the back just chillin opening up pits in the people just standing there cause you can't handle the real pit? Fuck dat.
five active bands you hope to see most in the next year (who you havent seen before)? -- tool, grizzly bear, queens of the stone age, animal collective, and sleep
will MU rise again? -- probably, but if it doesnt, its been real.
three favorite genres? -- metal is my home base, but I love indie rock and electronic stuff as well
five cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? -- grizzly bear, animal collective, dead in the dirt, beach house, and old man gloom
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? -- tool/intronaut
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? -- local natives played "black spot" last night and I didnt really expect to hear that. granted they only have about 30 songs but still it was cool.
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? -- yes
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? -- crystal castles, shpongle, and infected mushroom
who should comedy central select to roast next? -- gilbert gottfried
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? -- dreams by the cranberries
five active bands you hope to see most next year? Agalloch, Carcass, Gorguts, Absu, Sleep, Weedeater. Fuck it picked 6 just because I can't decide between Absu and Weedeater
will MU rise again? Prolly not
three favorite genres? If we are going strictly metal then Death, Doom, and Stoner Metal
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Usnea, Woe, Anciients
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Don't really remember one I missed that I really wanted to go to.
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? Under The Sun by Black Sabbath
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? Don't think he is coming around my area but I would if he did.
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Nah
who should comedy central select to roast next? I have no idea lol
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Prolly anything involving The Offspring
five active bands you hope to see most next year? -- Sleep, The Sword, Carcass, Gorguts, Pallbearer
will MU rise again? -- Nope
three favorite genres? -- Stoner Metal, Reggae, and Psychedelic
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? -- Primitive Man, Moonless, Call Of The Void
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? -- I went to like 3 shows last year so the list is long
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? -- Haven't had that happen in a few years tbh
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? -- If he comes through yeah
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? -- Nah
who should comedy central select to roast next? -- I could care less who they roast, just get funny roasters. No more Jeff Ross or stupid people like The Situation.
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? -- I listened to Disturbed's "10000 Fists" on my walkman while walking to school every. single. day. in 8th grade. So there's that.
five active bands you hope to see most next year? King Diamond, Electric Wizard, Bison B.C., BADBADNOTGOOD, and Acid King,
will MU rise again? Meh
three favorite genres? Recently: Doom Metal, Shoegaze, and Powerviolence
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? This Town Needs Guns, The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die, Lycus
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Cormorant show the day before Vektor. It was my last opportunity to see them with Arthur
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? I was pleased that Intronaut chose Core Relations as the one song to play off of Valley of Smoke
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? I mean if he's in the area sure but I honestly haven't been on the forum long enough to really know the dude. But it could be chill
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Not really. I like TNGHT, Flying Lotus and that's about it
who should comedy central select to roast next? I don't fucking care
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? The Power of Equality by Red Hot Chili Peppers
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
five active bands you hope to see most next year? Probably none. too busy for concerts will MU rise again? Did MU fall? seems like it is alive and kicking, no? three favorite genres? Death, Classic Rock, Progressive three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? None show you missed last year that you most regret missing? can't think of one song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? havent gone to a single show will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? nope. already passed do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? The Prodigy, David Guetta, DJ Sammy maybe. this is good stuff (might need to sign in to youtube to play):
who should comedy central select to roast next? Dont care. I kinda hate roasts. whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Nirvana - Smells like teen Spirit
five active bands you hope to see most next year? I'm just trying to think of bands that I haven't seen. So far I'd go with Pond and I believe Dog Fashion Disco is planning a full tour.
will MU rise again? no
three favorite genres? fuck that
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Tame Impala, Pond, Bjork
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Only regret I can recall was this year when I had a fucking ticket for Graveyard and mixed up the dates. Fuck fucking fuck, fuck this question.
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? Flesh and Bone first time I saw The Killers
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? I'm stuck living that hell.
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? You guys judge exactly what it is, I'm just guessing. I can jam to Pendulum all the time. Started getting into Pretty Lights once i found out he wasn't dubstep. Probably something else.
who should comedy central select to roast next? NPH
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Hell if I know
>dome punches
Kill yourself
will MU rise again?
three favorite genres?
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year?
show you missed last year that you most regret missing?
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear?
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013?
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3?
who should comedy central select to roast next?
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia?
will MU rise again? -- probably, but if it doesnt, its been real.
three favorite genres? -- metal is my home base, but I love indie rock and electronic stuff as well
five cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? -- grizzly bear, animal collective, dead in the dirt, beach house, and old man gloom
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? -- tool/intronaut
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? -- local natives played "black spot" last night and I didnt really expect to hear that. granted they only have about 30 songs but still it was cool.
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? -- yes
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? -- crystal castles, shpongle, and infected mushroom
who should comedy central select to roast next? -- gilbert gottfried
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? -- dreams by the cranberries
will MU rise again? - needs a lotta Viagra
three favorite genres? - metal, neo-folk, noise
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? - Arsaidh, Usnea, Black Mare
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? - Cormorant/ Primordial/ While Heaven Wept
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? - nothing really sticks out
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? - not on his list
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? - Rainbowdragoneyes, 8-Bit Weapon, and Merzbow (if he counts)
who should comedy central select to roast next? - someone funny
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? - Nostalgia is for 90s kids
will MU rise again? Prolly not
three favorite genres? If we are going strictly metal then Death, Doom, and Stoner Metal
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Usnea, Woe, Anciients
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Don't really remember one I missed that I really wanted to go to.
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? Under The Sun by Black Sabbath
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? Don't think he is coming around my area but I would if he did.
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Nah
who should comedy central select to roast next? I have no idea lol
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Prolly anything involving The Offspring
-- Sleep, The Sword, Carcass, Gorguts, Pallbearer
will MU rise again?
-- Nope
three favorite genres?
-- Stoner Metal, Reggae, and Psychedelic
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year?
-- Primitive Man, Moonless, Call Of The Void
show you missed last year that you most regret missing?
-- I went to like 3 shows last year so the list is long
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear?
-- Haven't had that happen in a few years tbh
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013?
-- If he comes through yeah
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3?
-- Nah
who should comedy central select to roast next?
-- I could care less who they roast, just get funny roasters. No more Jeff Ross or stupid people like The Situation.
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia?
-- I listened to Disturbed's "10000 Fists" on my walkman while walking to school every. single. day. in 8th grade. So there's that.
will MU rise again? Meh
three favorite genres? Recently: Doom Metal, Shoegaze, and Powerviolence
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? This Town Needs Guns, The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die, Lycus
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Cormorant show the day before Vektor. It was my last opportunity to see them with Arthur
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? I was pleased that Intronaut chose Core Relations as the one song to play off of Valley of Smoke
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? I mean if he's in the area sure but I honestly haven't been on the forum long enough to really know the dude. But it could be chill
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Not really. I like TNGHT, Flying Lotus and that's about it
who should comedy central select to roast next? I don't fucking care
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? The Power of Equality by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Log tool and dahlia
Tool 2 years ago
Wisdom comes - gojira
will MU rise again? 0
three favorite genres? Hardcore, blues, r&b
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Power Trip, Xibalba, Code Orange Kids
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Donno
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? So Common, So Cheap- Ramallah
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? Donno
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Nah
who should comedy central select to roast next? Jay Leno
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Dogs
will MU rise again? Did MU fall? seems like it is alive and kicking, no?
three favorite genres? Death, Classic Rock, Progressive
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? None
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? can't think of one
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? havent gone to a single show
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? nope. already passed
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? The Prodigy, David Guetta, DJ Sammy maybe. this is good stuff (might need to sign in to youtube to play):
who should comedy central select to roast next? Dont care. I kinda hate roasts.
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Nirvana - Smells like teen Spirit
will MU rise again? -
three favorite genres? - Prog metal, post rock and doom.
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? - Autolatry, Monster Truck and Touche Amore.
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? - Mastodon/DEP/Red Fang
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? - "From This Day" - Machine Head
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? - I don't have a ride.
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? - Meh, I don't mind some of it but I don't really ever listen.
who should comedy central select to roast next? - Rob Williams
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? - "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World.
will MU rise again? Nah
three favorite genres? Polka, traditional Irish, Swahili
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Deafheaven, Pallbearer, Lycos
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Deafheaven
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? 0
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? guess not
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? Aphex Twin, Autechre, Squarepusher
who should comedy central select to roast next? Robin Williams
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? 'Mouth for war' by Pantera
will MU rise again? no
three favorite genres? fuck that
three cool bands you discovered/began listening to this year? Tame Impala, Pond, Bjork
show you missed last year that you most regret missing? Only regret I can recall was this year when I had a fucking ticket for Graveyard and mixed up the dates. Fuck fucking fuck, fuck this question.
song played at a show this year that you didnt expect to hear? Flesh and Bone first time I saw The Killers
will you attend the Chuck North American Tour 2013? I'm stuck living that hell.
do you enjoy any electronica/techno bands? if so, top 3? You guys judge exactly what it is, I'm just guessing. I can jam to Pendulum all the time. Started getting into Pretty Lights once i found out he wasn't dubstep. Probably something else.
who should comedy central select to roast next? NPH
whats one song that gives you severe nostalgia? Hell if I know