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10 qz



  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    1. Favorite EP of all time? Tool - Opiate

    2. Could you point Canada out on a map? Yes. I'm not a retard.

    3. "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Huh?

    4. Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? I shower in the morning to help me wake up, and shower at night so I don't sleep in filth.

    5. Do you put on music while in the shower? Yes. Typically either Stravinsky, Bach, Beethoven, or Verdi. i don't know why, but showering to classical music really go together.

    6. Zach Galifinakis? Funny, no gay.

    7. Death Metal? Yes please. but not exclusively.

    8. Band you're most excited to see next year? none at the moment.

    9. Which grocery store do you rep? Wegmans

    10. What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? idk for lack of better options at the moment- This cover is great.

  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Favorite EP of all time? Not quite sure
    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yep
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? Nope
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Mornings
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Yes
    Zach Galifinakis? Funny dude
    Death Metal? Fuck Yes \m/
    Band you're most excited to see next year? Gojira
    Which grocery store do you rep? Luke's supermarket
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) Gojira - Backbone
  • MetalSSlayerMetalSSlayer Posts: 6,164 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Favorite EP of all time? I don't even know.
    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yes.
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? No.
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? I usually shower at night.
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Sometimes.
    Zach Galifinakis? Meh.
    Death Metal? I like it.
    Band you're most excited to see next year? Haven't really looked at tours for next year.
    Which grocery store do you rep? Holiday Market.
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) I'm skipping this one because I'm done with finals and feeling lazy.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I dont understand how people could not shower at night. It's so disgusting. Your face and body has all the oils and grime from the day. And you want to just plop down on your bed and go to sleep? I mean that's fine I guess if you are going to wash your sheets daily. Just nasty. fucking shower at night.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If I really feel like I need a shower before bed I will but I always shower after working out which is mid afternoon so I don't feel like I need one when I took one a few hours ago...
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Not everyone has the time to shower at night. In fact I think I read showering more than one time a day on the regular can cause you to have dryer skin and it can absorb some of the crap that's on your shower floor. I really wish I could remember exactly what it said and where I read it. Oh well
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    edited December 2012
    Favorite EP of all time? This is a toughie. Either Bison B.C. - Earthbound, or Piglet - Lava Land
    Could you point Canada out on a map? I would hope everybody on this forum could...
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? Sorry buddy, but nope
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Mornings so I can get my hair all did and pretty.
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Not usually but I have a few times when I need to take a short-ish shower, so I take my shower along the course of the song.
    Zach Galifinakis? Absolutely
    Death Metal? Yes
    Band you're most excited to see next year? Um, assuming he tours the US, King Diamond. From shows I know I'm going to, Enslaved.
    Which grocery store do you rep? Safeway
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe)
    7:10 and onwards, then it gets even better at 10:00
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker

    Favorite EP of all time? idk
    Could you point Canada out on a map? i sure hope so
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? wut?
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? usually both but at least every morning
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Sometimes
    Zach Galifinakis? has peaked but im a fan
    Death Metal? has peaked but im a fan
    Band you're most excited to see next year? TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
    Which grocery store do you rep? stop and shop
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) The whole song chokes me up but the first verse gives me chills every time amazing song amazing artist
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited December 2012
    Favorite EP of all time? Fuck idk......maybe the Agoraphobic Nosebleed half of the ANb/The Endless Blockade split. Or Godflesh - Slavestate
    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yeah
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? No
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Mornings
    Do you put on music while in the shower? No
    Zach Galifinakis? Not the Hangover
    Death Metal? Yea
    Band you're most excited to see next year? Hmm.....not sure really. All of friday at MDF is going to own. Infest is probably going to be the most insane show I ever go to doe
    Which grocery store do you rep? Jewels
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe)
    There's a few....but most recently:

    This whole song is awesome but the part at 2:48 is perfection. As soon as it kicks in it never fails to make me stop and appreciate how fucking genius it is.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Not everyone has the time to shower at night. In fact I think I read showering more than one time a day on the regular can cause you to have dryer skin and it can absorb some of the crap that's on your shower floor. I really wish I could remember exactly what it said and where I read it. Oh well

    I've heard that too, I don't have that issue with showering twice daily. However my point was if you were going to pick a time to shower, at night it really the time you should pick, so you don't spend the next 8 hours every night laying in filth. Unless you enjoy sleeping like a filthy pig, then by all means shower in the morning.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Just because some people shower in the morning doesn't make them filthy pigs :|
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited December 2012
    Favorite EP of all time? Power Trip's self-titled EP (2011)
    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yessir.
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? No.
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Night fa sho.
    Do you put on music while in the shower? No
    Zach Galifinakis? Pretty funny
    Death Metal? Some
    Band you're most excited to see next year? I have no idea yet.
    Which grocery store do you rep? H-E-B when I'm at school. I wish we had those up here :-<

    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe)

    The entire song is incredible, but from like 3:30 on is my favorite.

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    On second thought- perhaps im just being too OCD. When I am getting ready for bed at night, I feel like a i have a days worth of grime and filth on me. Just like I wouldnt lay down in a bed directly after running a 10k run, I also wouldnt lay down in my bed when I was covered in 'life grime'. I just realized that this thought I have is probably a little irrational, and most people probably don't feel this way. I mean I do, and will continue to shower before bed always- However I might be overstating the issue due to my own personal OCD.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    the only reason i shower in the morning is cuz my hair gets fucked up at night and im paranoid about it
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    Favorite EP of all time? attack of the killer b's
    Could you point Canada out on a map? of course
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? no
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? both. showers are always a good idea
    Do you put on music while in the shower? sometimes
    Zach Galifinakis? misused
    Death Metal? pl0x
    Band you're most excited to see next year? gojira would be nice
    Which grocery store do you rep? trader joes
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine?

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    that song killzzzzzz
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    Favorite EP of all time? - maybe The White by Agalloch
    Could you point Canada out on a map? - yes
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? - huh?
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? - morning
    Do you put on music while in the shower? - no
    Zach Galifinakis? - meh
    Death Metal? - but of course \m/
    Band you're most excited to see next year? - Devin Townsend if I can
    Which grocery store do you rep? - whatever is cheapest
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) - Oh man there are quite a few of these... two that come to mind: @ 4:19 to the end.

    and Blood on the Cornfields by Cormorant (I couldn't find a vid) @ 5:36 to the end
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Favorite EP of all time? Too hard

    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yeah

    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? Wut

    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Night

    Do you put on music while in the shower? Sometimes

    Zach Galifinakis? Funny

    Death Metal? Rules

    Band you're most excited to see next year? Slayer

    Which grocery store do you rep?
    What song moment is so incredible Favorite EP of all time?
    Could you point Canada out on a map?
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no?
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night?
    Do you put on music while in the shower?
    Zach Galifinakis?
    Death Metal?
    Band you're most excited to see next year?
    Which grocery store do you rep? Wally World

    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) comfortably numb live pulse album solo
  • RAZORRAZOR Posts: 7,664 jayfacer
    Favorite EP of all time? Very tough choice.
    Could you point Canada out on a map? .....there's people that can't? #-o
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? wat
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Night, for sure.
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Nah.
    Zach Galifinakis? Oh god I love him so much. :))
    Death Metal? YEEPPP.
    Band you're most excited to see next year? MDF bands aside, I'm real excited to finally see Overkill in February.
    Which grocery store do you rep? Giant Eagle.
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) Flight 666 version of Iron Maiden's Wasted Years. Just hearing everyone sing along as soon as it starts, ahh so awesome. :D
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    RAZOR said:

    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe) Flight 666 version of Iron Maiden's Wasted Years. Just hearing everyone sing along as soon as it starts, ahh so awesome. :D

    Adrian's voice 8->
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