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10 qz



  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tool? Top 5 all time.

    How many people by the name David do you know? 5-10

    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Wut

    Are you good at math? Yes

    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple a day? "Where the fuck is my lighter"

    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Workin

    **==? 8======D

    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. Noods?

    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? Nah, whatever's on sale.

    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? Slayerrrrrr, was awesome!
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker

    Tool? I would see them live aside from that meh
    How many people by the name David do you know? 5
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Dead
    Are you good at math? Yes but not jay level good
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Fukkin bitchez
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Playing with my son/daughter
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b?no
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? Free ticket from neighbor was bored

    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    1. Tool? One of my favorite.
    2. How many people by the name David do you know? A dozen
    3. It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? dafuk?
    4. Are you good at math? Yes.
    5. What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? givafuk
    6. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? old
    7. **==? Random Characters.
    8. Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. ok
    9. Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water? no.
    10. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? Bought a ticket and it was awesome.
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Tool? Yes pls
    How many people by the name David do you know? Personally? 2. Nephew and his dad.
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? That's me I believe...There's on next to me and one at my dads.
    Are you good at math? When I was in school. I've done nothing for about a year and a half...I'm fuuucked.
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Where's me beer
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Not the slightest clue. Everything is fucked.
    **==? Now question coming up with queer.
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? Nope
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? Dad was like, "Ayo wanna see Kid Rock" so we went and there was this fat guy on stage and I was like "But that can't be Kid Rock." And then I learned about openers.
    image Photobucket
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Tool? :x
    How many people by the name David do you know? I can think of 5 right off the bat
    It's [11:14 am].
    Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Which one?
    Are you good at math? Fuuuck no
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Fukkin bitchez...I'd still fukk herz tho
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Have my own place, a dog or two, ok or decent job and finished with college
    **==? Canadians...
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? No. But Fiji is cool
    Oh, I remember what it was.
    How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My first concert was Bryan Adams when I was about 4. My mom wanted to go so she brought me. I knew a few of his songs so I had fun
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    Tool? - I like them
    How many people by the name David do you know? - a lot. One is one of my best friends
    It's [your time here]. - 11:07
    Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? - non-existent
    Are you good at math? - I'm ok at math
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? - buttseckz?
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? - Same place I see myself now, In a mirror or photo
    **==? - ?
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? - nah water is water
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? - my dad asked if I wanted to go see Heaven and Hell, so I said yes. I thought it was amazing
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalSSlayerMetalSSlayer Posts: 6,164 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tool? I like Tool.

    How many people by the name David do you know? A few.

    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? That would depend on which daughter and which son. It could also depend on the grandmother, but in my case one of my grandmas only had sons.

    Are you good at math? Somewhat.

    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Where'd I leave my beer?

    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Hopefully with a degree and a job.

    **==? Why not.

    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.

    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? No, but I don't like absopure that much because it tastes like plastic.

    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My first concert was Ozzfest 2005. I wanted to go and my dad said he would take me. It's still one of the best shows I've been to.
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    But it's your grandmothers daughter...SO HA
    image Photobucket
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tool? Overrated trash with a band name that accurately describes their fanbase
    How many people by the name David do you know? Idk
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Nope
    Are you good at math? I don't care enough to be lol
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? You're a WIZARD, Harry
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? FUCKING DEAD.
    **==? No
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. Okie
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? I drink that which flows through the frigid waters of Ice Mountain
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My mom's boss took me to Ozzfest 2007. It was fun, Lordi were DEM NIGGUHS
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Tool? -- Erryday
    How many people by the name David do you know? -- At least three.
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? -- At home
    Are you good at math? -- Fuck no
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? -- Fukkinz pissed mahself again
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? -- Back east with a job
    **==? -- Yes
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. -- Faggot
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? -- Proud to not be a pansy-b.
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? -- I was at my sister's birthday party in 2005. My friend who I used to hang out with for years called me and asked if I wanted to see Judas Priest for free that night. I did and became hooked on concerts.
    I love winning with women
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Tool? Amazing
    How many people by the name David do you know? a bunch
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? yah at his house
    Are you good at math? depends i get worse as i get older
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? How can i make this the best day possible while also shining a little sunlight into everyone I know and love's hearts
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? prob pretty similar to where I am now.. maybe married who knows hopefully making more money
    **==? meh givz a fukk
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? fuck no that shits gay
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? my absolute first real real concert was Bob Dylan with my mom and dad and aunt so it wasnt 'crazy' lol but i had a decent time.. we went cuz i was a huge dylan head at the time i must have been like 15 or 16
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Tool? Awesome band. Haven't really listened to 'em at all in the past year or two, but they're great
    How many people by the name David do you know? The only Davids I can think are fathers of my friends.
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Which one?
    Are you good at math? If I applied myself I could be doing Calc BC, but I don't have the drive, nor the need because I'm a Jazz Studies major
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Out of beer already?
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Somewhere in the Bay Area studying and/or performing music
    **==? Sure
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. k
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? Just what my parents buy or is in the store
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My dad took me and my best friend at the time to see Red Hot Chili Peppers in 2006 because all of us wanted to see 'em.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tool? Fuck yes \m/
    How many people by the name David do you know? Around 3 or 4
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Nope
    Are you good at math? Average
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Where's my beer at?
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? I honestly have no fucking idea
    **==? Murica'
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. alright
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? Whatever my mom buys lol
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? It was Judas Priest, Heaven And Hell, Motorhead, and Testament and both of my parents are going so they decided to bring me along and it was fucking awesome!
  • RAZORRAZOR Posts: 7,664 jayfacer
    Tool? Nah.
    How many people by the name David do you know? Not that many.
    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? There is no dog.
    Are you good at math? I know the basics, which makes me feel a bit dumb.
    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? beeeeeeeer.
    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Living with my boyfriend and just having a great life.
    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.
    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? No.
    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My first concert was Green Day. lol. My mom decided to take me because I kept asking to go and it was probably the worst decision she ever made because now that's all I do. :)) I thought it was really cool, and became hooked on live music.
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Tool? - Yuz

    How many people by the name David do you know? - 1

    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? - :/

    Are you good at math? - Kinda

    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? - butchectz

    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? - Somewhere

    **==? - Givezafukk

    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. - beeeeeeeech?

    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? - No, and no

    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? - Saw AC/DC because rock n rollz, and i shat a brick.
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tool? Boring
    How many people by the name David do you know? 4 off of the top of my head

    It's [your time here]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Home.

    Are you good at math? Decent.

    What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? Givzafukk

    Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Hopefully I've graduated college by then

    **==? Fuck yeah.

    Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good.

    Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water, and if so, why are you a little pansy-b? No

    Oh, I remember what it was. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? I went to concerts at Six Flags as a little child, didn't care. My first cool concert was Van Halen in 8th grade as a sort of present and I thought it was a ton of fun.
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    1. Tool? When I'm in the mood.
    2. How many people by the name David do you know? None that I can think of actually.
    3. It's 8:37pm]. Do you know where your grandmother's daughter's son's dog is? Home.
    4. Are you good at math? No.
    5. What do you think is a sentence that Catz says to himself multiple times a day? ...
    6. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Hopefully not here.
    7. **==? ....
    8. Fuck this question, I couldn't remember what I was going to put here, but it was good. K.
    9. Do you drink a very specific type of bottled water? No.
    10. How did you end up going to your very first concert and what did you think? My parents took me and I don't know. I was a kid.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    edited December 2012
    Favorite EP of all time?
    Could you point Canada out on a map?
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no?
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night?
    Do you put on music while in the shower?
    Zach Galifinakis?
    Death Metal?
    Band you're most excited to see next year?
    Which grocery store do you rep?
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part)(if you're on a phone, just describe)
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Favorite EP of all time? – Jar of Flies by Alice In Chains
    Could you point Canada out on a map? – Probably
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? – Yes
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? – Night
    Do you put on music while in the shower? – Yes
    Zach Galifinakis? – Non-Hangover stuff is great
    Death Metal? – Very much so
    Bands you're most excited to see next year? – First and foremost, Sleep and Carcass, then Venom, Pig Destroyer, Ascension, Pelican, Pentagram, and Intronaut's headliner.
    Which grocery store do you rep? – Safeway
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part) -
    Dat 5:32 sequence
    I love winning with women
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Favorite EP of all time? Not sure
    Could you point Canada out on a map? Yes
    "When I ate cheerios, my name is Jeremy." Yes or no? No
    Do you like to shower in the mornings or at night? Whenever
    Do you put on music while in the shower? Sometimes
    Zach Galifinakis? One man wolfpack
    Death Metal? Yes
    Band you're most excited to see next year? Gojira but DTP is up there too
    Which grocery store do you rep? Krogers
    What song moment is so incredible to you that it sends chills up your spine? (link to YouTube video and part) I'm totally not doing this on 3G
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