best xmas gift? - This year? New world industry shoes. Ever? Original xbox what did you drink on new years? - Tea are girls with mohawks sexxae? - Depends but yeah coolest thing in your room? - Flat screen tv or John Elway bobblehead do you believe in fate/destiny? - Nope you about to die whats your last words? - I am.....America do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? - Nah would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? - Punch coolest album art of all time? - I really like the mob rules why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? - Watching nfl highlights
best xmas gift? Ipod touch what did you drink on new years? Henny and Patron are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends coolest thing in your room? my concert wall do you believe in fate/destiny? nope you about to die whats your last words? do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? nope would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch coolest album art of all time? Vulgar Display of Power why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching tv
best xmas gift? Shit I don't know. Prob amp head even though it was in advance what did you drink on new years? Dr. Pepper are girls with mohawks sexxae? No coolest thing in your room? Idk.....signed Danzig booklet? do you believe in fate/destiny? I feel like my life is a movie plot you about to die whats your last words? Machine Fucking oh wait no they suck and this joke really wasn't worth it do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day coolest album art of all time? Laaz Rockit - Annihilation Principle why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Idk
best xmas gift? 160 GB iPod what did you drink on new years? Water and Milk are girls with mohawks sexxae? NO coolest thing in your room? My stereo do you believe in fate/destiny? No you about to die whats your last words? Th-th-th-tht-th-th-that's all folks do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day coolest album art of all time? Mastodon - Leviathan why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Playing GTA IV
Best xmas gift?- hmm idk. Either the statutes or the picks i got. I got alot of cash what did you drink on new years?- Dr. Pepper and later apple juice are girls with mohawks sexxae?- ehh not imo so much coolest thing in your room?- uh... idk. All my cool stuff is in my basement do you believe in fate/destiny?- no you about to die whats your last words?- bout time do you think 'evil' as an entity exists?- in each individual person yes, but as an element no would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face?- make someones day coolest album art of all time?- hmmm thats tough. Prob something Dio why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak?- cuz im listening to Korpiklaani... but Acid Bath isa great idea
best xmas gift? Machine Head- The Blackening On Vinyl what did you drink on new years? really didn't drink much I smoked more but I had some Busch Light, and Absolute One are girls with mohawks sexxae? No coolest thing in your room? Signed The Black Dahlia Murder- Ritual do you believe in fate/destiny? No you about to die whats your last words? America! Fuck Yeah! do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day coolest album art of all time? Iron Maiden- Killers why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching sportscenter
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
best xmas gift? N64. what did you drink on new years? Water. are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends on the girl. coolest thing in your room? Mini fridge. do you believe in fate/destiny? No. you about to die whats your last words? The murder was just. do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No. would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch. coolest album art of all time? Metallica - Black Album why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching tv.
best xmas gift? - vacation trip what did you drink on new years? - beer, soda, wine, whiskey and champagne. are girls with mohawks sexxae? - nope coolest thing in your room? - Me derp... and a bunch of oldass pics from HS and before. do you believe in fate/destiny? - no! you about to die whats your last words? - I REGRET NOTHING!! do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? - nope....Just hollywood sci-fi hokum would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? - make someone's day (always) coolest album art of all time? - either "At the heart of winter" or "Fjelltronen" why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? - cause no!
best xmas gift? My 60" tv what did you drink on new years? Water are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends on the jawn coolest thing in your room? My foam matress do you believe in fate/destiny? I don't think so... you about to die whats your last words? Fireandyreid do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No, I just think some people are jerkoffs. would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day. coolest album art of all time? Pink floyd a saucer of secrets why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause I just woke up and am still on my pedic matress jawn
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
best xmas gift? AppleTV 2 what did you drink on new years? Guinness are girls with mohawks sexxae? typically no, but could be. coolest thing in your room? 3DS do you believe in fate/destiny? I don't think so... you about to die whats your last words? Boys!!! Avenge me! AVENGE ME!!!!!!
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day. coolest album art of all time? Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I am.
best xmas gift?This year, snowboard goggles. Ever, when I was 11 and got a new bike. It was completely unexpected what did you drink on new years? Jim and coke are girls with mohawks sexxae? It can happen but it is very rare coolest thing in your room? My box of concert memorabilia do you believe in fate/destiny? Not really you about to die whats your last words? You can't triple stamp a double stamp do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Not really would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day coolest album art of all time? I always liked the follow the leader cover why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I am?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
best xmas gift? For this year, Starbucks giftcards what did you drink on new years? Beer, and smoked a good amount of weed are girls with mohawks sexxae? Some can definitely pull it off coolest thing in your room? My computer lol do you believe in fate/destiny? Not at all you about to die whats your last words? Stay classy do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day coolest album art of all time? Vital Remains - Icons Of Evil why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause they suck
best xmas gift? This year, Longboard. All time... I dunno kid things never last. Havent received anything special what did you drink on new years? Mostly Vodka and Rum are girls with mohawks sexxae? At first sight sometimes coolest thing in your room? Tie Dyed Comforter is on point do you believe in fate/destiny? Too deep. Shit happens you about to die whats your last words? Breath holding Competition 1, 2, 3 GO! do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Again... Too deep would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make somebodys day. Free hits are for bitches. Id rather them defend themselves and take their ass beating. coolest album art of all time? Limb Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored Water... Whats not to love why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause Pandora doesnt think it sounds enough like Kid Cudi
best xmas gift? "I heart Dad" coffee cup that my son picked out himself. what did you drink on new years? Alot of beer and champaign are girls with mohawks sexxae? cant say Ive seen many coolest thing in your room? My computer do you believe in fate/destiny? When its convienient you about to die whats your last words? It was soap poisoning do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Yes would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch coolest album art of all time? Anything by Maiden why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I'm busy
what did you drink on new years? - Tea
are girls with mohawks sexxae? - Depends but yeah
coolest thing in your room? - Flat screen tv or John Elway bobblehead
do you believe in fate/destiny? - Nope
you about to die whats your last words? - I am.....America
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? - Nah
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? - Punch
coolest album art of all time? - I really like the mob rules
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? - Watching nfl highlights
what did you drink on new years? Henny and Patron
are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends
coolest thing in your room? my concert wall
do you believe in fate/destiny? nope
you about to die whats your last words?
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? nope
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch
coolest album art of all time? Vulgar Display of Power
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching tv
what did you drink on new years? Dr. Pepper
are girls with mohawks sexxae? No
coolest thing in your room? Idk.....signed Danzig booklet?
do you believe in fate/destiny? I feel like my life is a movie plot
you about to die whats your last words? Machine Fucking oh wait no they suck and this joke really wasn't worth it
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists?
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day
coolest album art of all time? Laaz Rockit - Annihilation Principle
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Idk
what did you drink on new years? Water and Milk
are girls with mohawks sexxae? NO
coolest thing in your room? My stereo
do you believe in fate/destiny? No
you about to die whats your last words? Th-th-th-tht-th-th-that's all folks
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day
coolest album art of all time? Mastodon - Leviathan
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Playing GTA IV
what did you drink on new years?- Dr. Pepper and later apple juice
are girls with mohawks sexxae?- ehh not imo so much
coolest thing in your room?- uh... idk. All my cool stuff is in my basement
do you believe in fate/destiny?- no
you about to die whats your last words?- bout time
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists?- in each individual person yes, but as an element no
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face?- make someones day
coolest album art of all time?- hmmm thats tough. Prob something Dio
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak?- cuz im listening to Korpiklaani... but Acid Bath isa great idea
what did you drink on new years? really didn't drink much I smoked more but I had some Busch Light, and Absolute One
are girls with mohawks sexxae? No
coolest thing in your room? Signed The Black Dahlia Murder- Ritual
do you believe in fate/destiny? No
you about to die whats your last words? America! Fuck Yeah!
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day
coolest album art of all time? Iron Maiden- Killers
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching sportscenter
what did you drink on new years? Water.
are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends on the girl.
coolest thing in your room? Mini fridge.
do you believe in fate/destiny? No.
you about to die whats your last words? The murder was just.
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No.
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch.
coolest album art of all time? Metallica - Black Album
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Watching tv.
what did you drink on new years? - beer, soda, wine, whiskey and champagne.
are girls with mohawks sexxae? - nope
coolest thing in your room? - Me derp... and a bunch of oldass pics from HS and before.
do you believe in fate/destiny? - no!
you about to die whats your last words? - I REGRET NOTHING!!
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? - nope....Just hollywood sci-fi hokum
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? - make someone's day (always)
coolest album art of all time? - either "At the heart of winter" or "Fjelltronen"
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? - cause no!
what did you drink on new years? Water
are girls with mohawks sexxae? Depends on the jawn
coolest thing in your room? My foam matress
do you believe in fate/destiny? I don't think so...
you about to die whats your last words? Fireandyreid
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No, I just think some people are jerkoffs.
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day.
coolest album art of all time? Pink floyd a saucer of secrets
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause I just woke up and am still on my pedic matress jawn
what did you drink on new years? Guinness
are girls with mohawks sexxae? typically no, but could be.
coolest thing in your room? 3DS
do you believe in fate/destiny? I don't think so...
you about to die whats your last words? Boys!!! Avenge me! AVENGE ME!!!!!!
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day.
coolest album art of all time? Bloodbath Resurrection Through Carnage
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I am.
best xmas gift?This year, snowboard goggles. Ever, when I was 11 and got a new bike. It was completely unexpected
what did you drink on new years? Jim and coke
are girls with mohawks sexxae? It can happen but it is very rare
coolest thing in your room? My box of concert memorabilia
do you believe in fate/destiny? Not really
you about to die whats your last words? You can't triple stamp a double stamp
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Not really
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someones day
coolest album art of all time? I always liked the follow the leader cover
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I am?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
what did you drink on new years? Beer, and smoked a good amount of weed
are girls with mohawks sexxae? Some can definitely pull it off
coolest thing in your room? My computer lol
do you believe in fate/destiny? Not at all
you about to die whats your last words? Stay classy
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? No
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make someone's day
coolest album art of all time? Vital Remains - Icons Of Evil
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause they suck
what did you drink on new years? Mostly Vodka and Rum
are girls with mohawks sexxae? At first sight sometimes
coolest thing in your room? Tie Dyed Comforter is on point
do you believe in fate/destiny? Too deep. Shit happens
you about to die whats your last words? Breath holding Competition 1, 2, 3 GO!
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Again... Too deep
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Make somebodys day. Free hits are for bitches. Id rather them defend themselves and take their ass beating.
coolest album art of all time? Limb Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored Water... Whats not to love
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? Cause Pandora doesnt think it sounds enough like Kid Cudi
what did you drink on new years? Alot of beer and champaign
are girls with mohawks sexxae? cant say Ive seen many
coolest thing in your room? My computer
do you believe in fate/destiny? When its convienient
you about to die whats your last words? It was soap poisoning
do you think 'evil' as an entity exists? Yes
would you rather make someones day or get a free punch to your enemy in the face? Punch
coolest album art of all time? Anything by Maiden
why arent you listening to acid bath as we speak? I'm busy