drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
I don't agree with the statement that good music is anywhere near the same as popular or "big" music.
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
Bob Dylan shouldn't of had a music career. His vocals are some of the most atrocious sounds I've ever fucking heard.
and hears when 99 percent of your credibility goes down the toilet
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
Bob Dylan shouldn't of had a music career. His vocals are some of the most atrocious sounds I've ever fucking heard.
and hears when 99 percent of your credibility goes down the toilet
Right back at you. If you think he's a good singer, your ears have Down's Syndrome.
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
I don't agree with the statement that good music is anywhere near the same as popular or "big" music.
that bullshit doesnt really apply here bob dylan has influenced more artist than any metal band could ever dream of, he virtually changed how music was written, the beatles wanted to be more like him so your point is stretching with the whole popular doesnt necessarily mean good theory...it deosnt apply here
had a convo very similar to this last night at band prac... but it was bout prog-y metals (speficially Agalloch) compared to other metals (specifically Trivium, and death metal). lol
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
Bob Dylan shouldn't of had a music career. His vocals are some of the most atrocious sounds I've ever fucking heard.
and hears when 99 percent of your credibility goes down the toilet
Right back at you. If you think he's a good singer, your ears have Down's Syndrome.
whether or not hes a good singer is completely irrelevant
my fav singers of all time prob arent the best singers, but they more got style and more originality in there voices than anyone you listen to usually making them great
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
I don't agree with the statement that good music is anywhere near the same as popular or "big" music.
that bullshit doesnt really apply here bob dylan has influenced more artist than any metal band could ever dream of, he virtually changed how music was written, the beatles wanted to be more like him so your point is stretching with the whole popular doesnt necessarily mean good theory...it deosnt apply here
No, it really applies here when you say them being one of the "biggest artists of the last 100 years" as a credit to why they're good. It doesn't make sense.
I also disagree with the notion that good music has to be influential, or that influential music has to be good. It's all about what the noise is like, anything behind the influence, songwriting, etc doesn't matter.
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
Bob Dylan shouldn't of had a music career. His vocals are some of the most atrocious sounds I've ever fucking heard.
and hears when 99 percent of your credibility goes down the toilet
Right back at you. If you think he's a good singer, your ears have Down's Syndrome.
whether or not hes a good singer is completely irrelevant
my fav singers of all time prob arent the best singers, but they more got style and more originality in there voices than anyone you listen to usually making them great
His singing is totally relevant. If take away his prolific lyrics, all you have is a shitty singer and chords being strummed on an acoustic guitar.
And how can you down talk Prog and then talk about how great originality is? <_>
slap like alot of other users on here look at music in the totally wrong way, listening to a song is like a science project to them, dissecting it and shit instead of really listening and putting yourself as one with the artist.. thats why johnny cash rules so much ass....he basically can take anyones song and put his own style to it and you truly believe that he is living that song instead of just playing it, no prog artists do that period
if the lyrics were the least important part of a song then bob dyaln and neil young would have no career, nevermind be some of the biggest artists of the last 100 years
I don't agree with the statement that good music is anywhere near the same as popular or "big" music.
that bullshit doesnt really apply here bob dylan has influenced more artist than any metal band could ever dream of, he virtually changed how music was written, the beatles wanted to be more like him so your point is stretching with the whole popular doesnt necessarily mean good theory...it deosnt apply here
No, it really applies here when you say them being one of the "biggest artists of the last 100 years" as a credit to why they're good. It doesn't make sense.
I also disagree with the notion that good music has to be influential, or that influential music has to be good. It's all about what the noise is like, anything behind the influence, songwriting, etc doesn't matter.
well when an artists virtually changes the entire history of popular music what do you want me to say??
slap like alot of other users on here look at music in the totally wrong way, listening to a song is like a science project to them, dissecting it and shit instead of really listening and putting yourself as one with the artist.. thats why johnny cash rules so much ass....he basically can take anyones song and put his own style to it and you truly believe that he is living that song instead of just playing it, no prog artists do that period
You wouldn't know, now would you? You can't make that generalization if you don't listen to the stuff....
There's no right or wrong way to look at music, that's the beauty of it. <_>
slap like alot of other users on here look at music in the totally wrong way, listening to a song is like a science project to them, dissecting it and shit instead of really listening and putting yourself as one with the artist.. thats why johnny cash rules so much ass....he basically can take anyones song and put his own style to it and you truly believe that he is living that song instead of just playing it, no prog artists do that period
You wouldn't know, now would you? You can't make that generalization if you don't listen to the stuff....
ive listened to enough prog to make this statement, like i said most of it is not bad music but its missing a crucial peice to me
I'm a musician. I apologize that I listen to music to hear great musicianship, whether technical or not, and don't listen to music because of prolific lyrics.
and i dont listen to music for just prolific lyrics...the point of music is to lift the great lyrics even higher uing musical abilities..some artists are so talented that they dont need two key changes to get there point across
It's not like all the music I listen to is technical. I listen to Stoner/Doom metal and tons of other genres of music that are easy on the instruments all the time. But the songs are still interesting and have emotion.
*goes back and edits*
my fav singers of all time prob arent the best singers, but they more got style and more originality in there voices than anyone you listen to usually making them great
I also disagree with the notion that good music has to be influential, or that influential music has to be good. It's all about what the noise is like, anything behind the influence, songwriting, etc doesn't matter.
And how can you down talk Prog and then talk about how great originality is? <_>
There's no right or wrong way to look at music, that's the beauty of it. <_>
like i love this, in one minute this song conveys more emotion than any 12 min prog peice