Your opinion is invalid. After seeing you talk shit on metalcore ND deathcore calling it generic and talentless and then your turn around and vote for that band GTFO
Most deathcore is generic and talentless, i can only think of 4 somewhat decent deathcore bands.
This i know. I was just saying that he was bashing it and then he turns around and votes for Dr. Acula i mean how can you fucking vote for a band that makes a song like these:
Your opinion is invalid. After seeing you talk shit on metalcore ND deathcore calling it generic and talentless and then your turn around and vote for that band GTFO
Most deathcore is generic and talentless, i can only think of 4 somewhat decent deathcore bands.
This i know. I was just saying that he was bashing it and then he turns around and votes for Dr. Acula i mean how can you fucking vote for a band that makes a song like these:
By not voting for a retard who plays covers and only covers of songs I like with his horrible fucking gutteral vocals. He is the reason why the hippie movement was labeled as a bunch of idiots, that fucking retard ruined a great movement by shitting all over the legacy that The Beatles created.
joe cockers little help from my friens > ringos version
and ive been an avid beatles fan since birth, primus you are way to hard on cocker for no reason, it seems u want to hate him just to hate him hes actually done some pretty good music u just dont like his vox but he isnt worse than these shitty teen core bands dood
joe cockers little help from my friens > ringos version
and ive been an avid beatles fan since birth, primus you are way to hard on cocker for no reason, it seems u want to hate him just to hate him hes actually done some pretty good music u just dont like his vox but he isnt worse than these shitty teen core bands dood
I know Ringo isn't the best singer ever, but in no way whatsoever is Cocker better than him in any way imaginable, I'm not to hard on that retard, the fact that he has recorded music existing is only due to the fact that he played Woodstock and was laughed at for the way he moves on stage. The guy wishes he was a comedy act but isn't, he is a spastic hippie retard who can't sing for shit.
Dr. Acula 1
Dr. Acula 1
Dr. Acula 1
I'm assuming Monica voted?
Dr. Acula 1
Winds Of Plague
All Shall Perish
Job For A Cowboy
Born Of Osiris
Manowar (stratophony)
Kid Rock
Manowar 1
strat is not teh mehtulz [-(
and ive been an avid beatles fan since birth, primus you are way to hard on cocker for no reason, it seems u want to hate him just to hate him hes actually done some pretty good music u just dont like his vox but he isnt worse than these shitty teen core bands dood
Manowar 2
Manowar 2
Manowar 2
Manowar are extra gay.
Manowar 3