Seriously? What the fuck do people see in that retard that I can't? He has the absolute worst voice in history, can't draw an emotion with a crayon, and ruins classic songs, what do people like about him?
Your opinion is invalid. After seeing you talk shit on metalcore ND deathcore calling it generic and talentless and then your turn around and vote for that band GTFO
Your opinion is invalid. After seeing you talk shit on metalcore ND deathcore calling it generic and talentless and then your turn around and vote for that band GTFO
Most deathcore is generic and talentless, i can only think of 4 somewhat decent deathcore bands.
Five finger death punch 9
Dr. Acula (Myoses)
Joe Cocker 1
Dr. Acula
Dr. Acula 1
Dr. Acula 1
Dr. Acula 1
u just butthurt that he makes the beatles sound like elevator music