UPDATE: The official Pokemon japanese website has been updated to include news of this new game. It mentions that "mysterious legendary Pokemon" will make an appearance. The images of these Pokemon (below) look like new forms of Black and White's legendaries Reshiram and Zekrom, but only time will tell who they are for sure.
ORIGINAL STORY: The third entry in the Black and White set of Pokemon games has finally been confirmed. The game, which at least for now is called Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, will be released for Nintendo DS in Japan this June, no word yet on a global release date.
News of this new Pokemon game has arrived care of series producer Junichi Masuda. Following yesterday's tease that big news was on the way, Masuda revealed the new game today during the Japanese show Pokemon Smash.
No further details have been revealed at this time. Stay tuned to IGN for more updates as they come in.
They look like Reshiram and Zekrom fused with Kyurem.
This, and I know it's gonna be revolved around how Reshiram and Zekrom used to be a single Pokemon. And I'll guarantee that the American version will be called Gray.
They look like Reshiram and Zekrom fused with Kyurem.
This, and I know it's gonna be revolved around how Reshiram and Zekrom used to be a single Pokemon. And I'll guarantee that the American version will be called Gray.
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
My current line up in Leaf Green is: Fearow, Blastoise, Jolteon, Dugtrio, Ninetails and Dragonair. I'm thinking about replacing Dugtrio and Fearow once my Dragonair becomes a Dragonite. Any suggestion on who I should put in my line up?
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
edited February 2012
Alakazam and Gengar aren't options because they require trades, but Exeggutor and Aerodactyl are possible. Regardless of who I pick I'm going to have to spend a long time leveling them up, unless it's a leggy, which I am not looking forward to.
ORIGINAL STORY: The third entry in the Black and White set of Pokemon games has finally been confirmed. The game, which at least for now is called Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, will be released for Nintendo DS in Japan this June, no word yet on a global release date.
News of this new Pokemon game has arrived care of series producer Junichi Masuda. Following yesterday's tease that big news was on the way, Masuda revealed the new game today during the Japanese show Pokemon Smash.
No further details have been revealed at this time. Stay tuned to IGN for more updates as they come in.
Fearow, Blastoise, Jolteon, Dugtrio, Ninetails and Dragonair.
I'm thinking about replacing Dugtrio and Fearow once my Dragonair becomes a Dragonite.
Any suggestion on who I should put in my line up?
Still love it though.