>Looks like a typical slut. >Gives her the simp treatment.
Pshhhhhhh Erik you're fucking hilarious. If it was simp treatment then I guess we shouldn't have been together in the first place if they don't like that method according to your logic. Priceless coming from the guy who loves his own dick more than the pussy. I bet all of your gf's are definition of fucking white trash herpes-infested cunts. Oh that's right you've never had one. Get the fuck outta here )
Erik doesn't have gfs. One broke his heart for cheating and now he doesn't do that crap anymore. He's above relationships and friendships. Always remember that )
Loluirate. You clearly caught feelings. And you still in love wit that slut.
Who wouldn't have feelings for someone that you were in a relationship with for awhile? Especially since we didn't end on a bad note. Not in love, just miss the good times. Illiterate once again I see. Sowwy to hear that you had a cheating bitch that ruined your perspective on girls. Now you cry to your mommy everyday about why she didn't think your were good enough. You're a pussy dude. And it just makes me laugh how pathetic you are. )
>Gives her the simp treatment.
And hell yea fucking right. I DON'T NEED YO PUSSY BITCH, I'M ON MY OWN DICK.