Airport trips...or as I've experienced a couple times, leaving solo road trips....It sucks trying to enjoy the last hours you have together while knowing they're your last hours together. Great picture though guys.
So monica, if you don't answer I wont push. I was wondering what exactly happened with that boyfriend of yours? Did he realize he would rather be with you and the son and drop the other chick? We heard about everything negative that happened but you haven't said a word about the situation here since then
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Because I didn't really wanna hear shit from certain people. He left her, and decided to be with us. Its been a rocky 4 months.. but we are working hard on making it work. He lives 3 hrs away so trust is still hard.. but we are the happiest we have ever been. He used to visit every 3 months or so.. now he visits every other weekend. He's trying so hard to prove to me that I'm the only one.. he doesn't even hang out with his friends anymore. Were currently doing great though. Plan on moving in together by the end of the year
I was going to say I would make him move to you. But then again his son is there he should want to do that without you saying anything. Glad its working out. That's a tough road to go down and im willing to bet you wont fully trust him for at least a year or two no matter what you say. That kind of thing sticks in the back of your mind. It dies eventually though.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I don't trust him at all.. honestly . I'm TRYING though. Two months ago, I cheated on him. It was stupid andcame clean. But I guess I tthought it'd make me feel better. I was wrong .. lol. He says he always knew he'd end it with her and just be with me.. but it bothers me that he was with us both for well over a yr.. even thru my preg. Im not sure if I could ever forgive him for that.
Great picture though guys.