You better figure out in your head if she's the one you wanna be with long term. The virgin this isn't a big deal but if you are the first person she's ever kissed then even breaking it off with her now could be complicated. Seems she'll get attached really quick
I've seen them too. Yaz fucked up my body too. But I know a ton of women who have mirena, none have had any issues. I really don't know what BC to use. I'm not good with remembering pills.. the shot made my sister not be able to have kids.. So IUD just seemed like the best idea.
If so tell her what you are feeling/thinking and work with her on those things.
Seriously, MC hasn't gotten anyone pregnant. Good job buddy! =D>
I'm just that good.
We both make cute kids , couldn't hurt.
havent had my period in years and my gyno says its perfectly fine