1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
Tonight was brilliant. Terror, Bane, Naysayer, Rotting Out, and Modern Pain killed it. I’m so glad I wasn’t on crutches this time for Terror (I really don’t know how I survived that close to the front on them). So many stage dives. Ah, I just loved it! Seeing them again made me realize how much I love their music and enthusiasm. I mean, they were the first hardcore band I ever listened to. If it really is my last show of the year, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end it.
Items Bought: Rotting Out “Thrasher” logo shirt, and Terror long-sleeve
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
They made it feel like it was the 90's just the way the vocalist performed on stage. Bane ruled! Terror's setlist was pretty standard. Nothing surprising, but always a good time
Word! I hope they changed it up s little bit from 6 mo Tha ago. I want them to play life and death. Bane is slowly becoming one of my favorite bands! Cool dudes too! Im excited to see rotting out for the first time too! I heard they own!
Anyway, back to hardcore. Can't wait to finally see Rotting Out
Madball and wisdom in Chains got added to this last night. The rest of the lineup comes on the 30th!
Items Bought: Rotting Out “Thrasher” logo shirt, and Terror long-sleeve
And seeing as they're all hispanic, it felt like I was seeing Suicidal Tendencies lol