Kyle, evrnthough I couldn't get a pic of the BTBAM merch, it might interest you to know that they're selling a basketball jersey that has BTBAM on the front and "Goodbye 2(as the jersey number) Everything" on the back. 35 doll hairs.
Nah, it was old shirt designs. But not like super old local days. New shit, they just got even newer shit in. So basically VoM shirts you saw about a year ago.
Nah, it was old shirt designs. But not like super old local days. New shit, they just got even newer shit in. So basically VoM shirts you saw about a year ago.
I meant like band shirts that they personally owned lol. I've never really listened to VoM before besides maybe a song or two posted on here
If you like ATB, you'll probably like them. No clean vocals, but for deathcore, they're the best of what many consider a bad situation. I have straight up black metal fan friends who even like VoM.
Their best imo are Dark Passenger, It's Not Safe To Swim Today, Martyrs, Crawl Back, 20/200, Vicious Circles, We Bow In Its Aura and [id]/Unbreakable. But keep in mind that they're a different experience live.
Tough one but probably either INSTST or Dark Passenger. Everything off of [id] (which includes Dark Passenger, Unbreakable, and Martyrs) is unfuckingbelievable. Without a doubt their best album.
Was it all VoM merch? Probably a stupid question because I've only seen local touring bands sell their own t-shirts in bargain bins like that
But wait till you fucking see their set. Possibly their best ever. You'll wanna spend the $10 lol.
Anyway, the new Title Fight song is incredible. September 18th.