Saw Agnostic Front, Madball, Murphy's Law, and Maximum Penalty tonight!!! Fucking awesome! They all played all the oldies! I got pics on my FB, I took these 2 videos one during AF, the other during MB \m/
"We were watching the hardcore show at Webster Hall – featuring Sick of it All, Cro-Mags, and VOD – when all hell broke loose upstairs. Harley Flannegan, founding member of the Cro-Mags stumbled into the VIP lounge with a knife. Security mobilized in a hot minute and beat the shit out of him. It took no less than six beefy dudes to control the madness. Blood was everywhere, and bone protruded from his shin.
Cops quickly appeared and took him away in cuffs. Not before he had already stabbed some dude in the chest (said victim left the scene with a bandage over the wound). Because of the violence the rest of the show was canceled. The remaining bands promised to reschedule the show. To be fair, Webster Hall security contained the situation professionally. Lots of drunken, pissed off hardcore fans were on edge after the cops shut down the show, but the scene was cleared without further incident.
UPDATE: GlueHC is reporting that one of the two victims stabbed was Cro-Mags bassist Mike “The Gook” Couls (also formerly of Cold As Life and Sworn Enemy)"
Just got home from the show. VOD killed it, they shut it down right before Cro Mags came on so I missed them and SOIA. My friend works security at webster and said Harley was not allowed in and there was a picture of him to be not allowed in at the door, but somehow he got in... stabbed the security guy who wouldnt let him upstairs where the bands friends and family where/VIP. Then he got into an altercation with like 10 DMS Crew guys after he stabbed the kid filling in that night for Cro Mags cause the SOIA bassist usually does it but i guess he wasnt beat for a double set. THe Crew dudes beat the hell out of Harley breaking his leg, ect... it wasnt security. fucking sucks.
back story is basically Harley, the guy who stabbed people, was kicked out of cro mags for being a fucking theiving scumbag and is butthurt about it still, he was kicked out in 2001. nigga holds grudges.
John Joseph said we want to play but thanks to mister Brazillian ju jitsu whos so tough he had to bring a knife in a venue and stab innocent people the cops are shutting it down, not the venue or bands fault it was that scumbag Harley's fault.
I just hope people are ok, and WTF? Security takes my fucking anti anxiety pills so I have to damn near hide them up my ass to get into places and this dude gets in with a knife? WTF?
Murphy's Law
The drumstick landed at my feet, I was like haha! Then I went up and got the setlist, awesome oldschool set!
My phone ran out of juice right after I took that AF video, so I didnt get any pics of their shit, but the video rules!
Cops quickly appeared and took him away in cuffs. Not before he had already stabbed some dude in the chest (said victim left the scene with a bandage over the wound). Because of the violence the rest of the show was canceled. The remaining bands promised to reschedule the show. To be fair, Webster Hall security contained the situation professionally. Lots of drunken, pissed off hardcore fans were on edge after the cops shut down the show, but the scene was cleared without further incident.
UPDATE: GlueHC is reporting that one of the two victims stabbed was Cro-Mags bassist Mike “The Gook” Couls (also formerly of Cold As Life and Sworn Enemy)"
back story is basically Harley, the guy who stabbed people, was kicked out of cro mags for being a fucking theiving scumbag and is butthurt about it still, he was kicked out in 2001. nigga holds grudges.
John Joseph said we want to play but thanks to mister Brazillian ju jitsu whos so tough he had to bring a knife in a venue and stab innocent people the cops are shutting it down, not the venue or bands fault it was that scumbag Harley's fault.
I just hope people are ok, and WTF? Security takes my fucking anti anxiety pills so I have to damn near hide them up my ass to get into places and this dude gets in with a knife? WTF?