Will wasn't trolling, he is just trying to look clever by playing this off like it was his plan all along like he always does.
It WAS, damn you. I had a plan ever since the day I made that fake account.
What plan was that, oh mastermind?
I got bored in computer class one day last june, and I felt like messing around. I decided to make a fake account for fun, and after I made an intro thread, I ran with it. I decided to see how long I could keep it up, and if anybody would catch it. I wanted to see how easy it would be to troll / trick / fool you guys, and it really wasn't hard at all. I just didn't say anything obvious, or stupid. I later planned to reveal it one year after I made the account and let everybody feel dumb., and give me mad props for the great troll.
I accidently told Nick one night when I drunk dialed him, but I covered it up.
All right, you got me.
Turns out, I really WAS trolling this entire time. I was gonna reveal it on the year after the day I made that fake account, but you caught me early.
It WAS, damn you. I had a plan ever since the day I made that fake account.
Good night.
I accidently told Nick one night when I drunk dialed him, but I covered it up.
And then this summer be all like, "Mysterious is RIGHT HERE!"