I'll listen to metal, but not like I use to. Everything sounds the same, so when I can't tell the difference between 'Band A' to 'Band B', it's time to stop listening.
I'll listen to metal, but not like I use to. Everything sounds the same, so when I can't tell the difference between 'Band A' to 'Band B', it's time to stop listening.
I like listening to everything. I don't see how people can stick to one genre of music their whole life.
Bull fucking shit.
I like listening to everything.
No you don't. Nobody does.
Your ignorance is astounding. 'Cause uh, I do.
I like Hip Hop, Rap, Metal, Rock, Post Rock, Dubstep, some Country, some Techno, Pop, Pop Rock, Etc. Problem, jackass? Open up your fucking mind for once. Music is too amazing to not enjoy as much of it as you possibly can, the genre has nothing to do with it. Like I've said a million times before, a true Musician/Music fan, doesn't hate on any single genre.
I rarely listen to metal anymore. I used to be all into knowing certain genres and stuff.. I guess having a kid softened me. I'd rather listen to Lady Gaga or Wiz Khalifa :-"
It is, for the most part. Such a bland fucking genre.
And you call us ignorant. <_> Metal is just as diverse as any other genre.
It has it's subgenres, but within those subgenres, every fucking band does the same shit except for a select few. Like Ed said, when you can't tell the difference between Band A and Band B, or even the difference between each individual song on an album, it's a bland and uncreative genre.
It's my daughters favorite. I got a ton of Rugrats DVD off of Amazon. I got so sick of these days cartoons, like Dora. She's annoying as fuck, haha. I'm so happy she loves the Rugrats!
It is, for the most part. Such a bland fucking genre.
And you call us ignorant. <_> Metal is just as diverse as any other genre.
It has it's subgenres, but within those subgenres, every fucking band does the same shit except for a select few. Like Ed said, when you can't tell the difference between Band A and Band B, or even the difference between each individual song on an album, it's a bland and uncreative genre.
I disagree, there's always something new if you're willing to look. If you're not willing to look, then you're right, it's probably best to move on.
It's my daughters favorite. I got a ton of Rugrats DVD off of Amazon. I got so sick of these days cartoons, like Dora. She's annoying as fuck, haha. I'm so happy she loves the Rugrats!
It's my daughters favorite. I got a ton of Rugrats DVD off of Amazon. I got so sick of these days cartoons, like Dora. She's annoying as fuck, haha. I'm so happy she loves the Rugrats!
I have the first Rugrats movie and the Paris one on VHS, haha. On Thursday mornings at 2-4 or 5 a.m. they play Rugrats on this one Nickelodeon channel I get, I always look forward to watching them. :-)) You're doing an a+ job as a mother by having her watch good cartoons from the get-go.
I got her Rugrats, Doug, Rockos Modern Life, The Wild Thornberries, and Recess. She seems to like them all for the most part.
Your ignorance is astounding. 'Cause uh, I do.
I like Hip Hop, Rap, Metal, Rock, Post Rock, Dubstep, some Country, some Techno, Pop, Pop Rock, Etc. Problem, jackass? Open up your fucking mind for once. Music is too amazing to not enjoy as much of it as you possibly can, the genre has nothing to do with it. Like I've said a million times before, a true Musician/Music fan, doesn't hate on any single genre.
Later probably Lady Gaga
Earlier Taylor Swift
Later La Roux
Earlier was Bill Bruford's Earthworks.
It has it's subgenres, but within those subgenres, every fucking band does the same shit except for a select few. Like Ed said, when you can't tell the difference between Band A and Band B, or even the difference between each individual song on an album, it's a bland and uncreative genre.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
VERY, good cartoons from the get-go!