Lol it's sad that Andy's still holding a grudge against me. I dropped it and I'm 15. He's 15+ years older then me and he's still holding his childish grudge against me from a fight from months ago.....interesting, eh?
I wonder if he still plans on punching me in the face like he said he was.
Who the fuck are you Hoods? Have we ever talked? You must either not think on your own and just do what others do,..or you are a nigger and therefore of course would hate me.
Plus I could still bench press him :-<
I like taking poops, and making snow angels.
i knew it would
I wonder if he still plans on punching me in the face like he said he was.
everyone but 1 person
person I dislike...
i wonder if you use the N word in public or if it's just an internet-pussy/tough guy thing?