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Your 2011 Albums of the Year Thread.



  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    So here I am spinning Goblin again. This isn't my first time listening to the album and I'll listen to it again to do this, but it's not going to be positive, I'll tell you that. I'm pretty sure it's not going to be as bad as I thought it was at first, but I will totally go into depth on my opinions on all the beats and rhymes and shit. I'm not a huge fan of Tyler, because I think he sets a terrible precedent for rap, in addition to having the flow of the tin man and some pretty fucking terrible lyrics. Always down for talking about OFWGKTA though, Golf Wang, lets do this shit.


    I always like how rappers do this shit at the beginning just have a conversation with themselves, I mean, it's dark but it's not like the shit I like, ya'know? I demand something fucking awesome going on, but Tyler talks too much about himself. Nothing's happening here. I just want to see this shit get going, and he's calling people faggots and how they misunderstand him. He admits he isn't a rapist and he isn't a killer, but still, he might as well be. He's not helping the genre here with this song. I commend him for making an album over 60 mins, but whatever, unless it's a quality 70+ mins, I'd rather have a quality 45 and not have my time wasted. He's not even rapping here for the first like six minutes of his "groundbreaking album." That's not even one of those "lol Lil Wayne doesn't rap he just talks to a beat lol" comments, he just isn't. Where's my first beat, motherfucker?


    There's my first beat. I dig it sort of, I guess. I could do without James Earl Jones saying Golf Wang all song, but it ain't shit. Tyler's best raps of his career are on here, it could be better but he's setting himself up for a good album starting off with Yonkers. I don't understand though that people are saying that Tyler is getting any darker than some of the shit in stuff like Marshall Mathers. I'm dead serious, this shit may be just as violent, but it doesn't give off the vibe that some other shit has. So much is self inflating bullshit that I just can't relate to it, and unrelatable raps are tough to get into. Uh oh, he's gonna stab my blogging faggot ass with a pitch fork.


    Fuck Bill O'Reilly. This beat could actually be pretty sick if it sounded right. It just gets a little convoluted and underproduced. Maybe that's what Tyler's going for, but it could be a lot better. Go for raw if it works, it doesn't work here. Kill people, burn shit, fuck school. That is my favorite line of the song. That's how much I don't really like this song. It's just one of those songs that uses fuck as a lyrical stop gap every 3 seconds and it just screams lazy to me. Profanity is a crutch, but can be used well, it just ain't here. It also is right here where I realized that it's pointless to be all "we're different we have 7:20 long songs" if you're just repeating the same shit the whole time. The verses aren't nearly long enough to make this long motherfucker of a chorus alright. He's a fucking unicorn man, fuck you if you say he's not. Fuck me then. I'd be lying if I didn't like the break placement at the end there, that was chill.


    Frank Ocean is shit. Fuck. That's it, I'll keep listening but fuck, I am not happy about it. In case you don't believe me, just see this sexy motherfucker of a lyric.

    "I just wanna drag you’re (sic) lifeless body to the forest
And fornicate with it but that’s because I’m in love with
You… cunt"


    This has gotta be a filler. The beat is hella lame and this is just random graphic description. He flows pretty well at parts but this song is just annoying as shit. Boring. I'm not a song skipper, but I wish I was. Dear Tyler, it ruins your aesthetic to say

    "I'm dracula, bitch..........................swag"


    So I'm heard this is the darkest motherfuckin' music on the planet...Nightmare should be dark as shit right? Eh. The beat is pretty chill and is sorta making me wanna toke up, but the song's pretty meh. I mean, it isn't bad enough to make me go ew I hate it and it isn't at all interesting enough for me to go damn this is great. I can see why Tyler relates to kids this way though, but they're all hella phasing. This shit is just representative of a time that most people go through. He has some good rhymes here, just like on Yonkers, but never good enough to make me go AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SHHHHHITTTTTT.

    Tron Cat:

    They've been hyping this song, so I gotta listen to it hella intensively. The beat is above average, but I want Tyler to enunciate more. I like some of his rhymes but I just think some of them are detestable. Some are sick as hell and others are just bad. Examples:

    "You got a fuckin' death wish I'm a genie I'll get it done."
    "I'm awesome and I fuck dolphins."

    Simply put, the lyrical content just isn't there with this song. It's too inconsistent and Tyler just doesn't sound the way he should. He could remix this song and make it solid though.


    Don't worry, he doesn't need the metronome bro. Tyler has some serious Jekyll and Hyde shit with his writing that doesn't work for him. He'll make statements like "I fuck dolphins" then demand that we chill the fuck out and take him seriously on this next song. How cute, he met her at the store he loiters at. Beautiful. I'm pretty sure that's how Diana and Charles met. I'm just hatin on this song a little bit, it's nothing interesting at all.


    I've heard this song hella times and people always are always playin it when I'm trying to do my calculus work damn it! No seriously, I hear this song a lot and it is just one huge self masturbatory stroke.

    "I'm going harder than a midget jumping over me."

    Aw shit, hella nice.

    "fuck a mask I want that ho to know it's me."

    Seriously, this shouldn't be acceptable shit to say, but it's chill. I listen to music about killing people all the time, but rape is different. I just can't stand that the chorus of this song is a repetition of "Wolf Gang" and then maybe "Golf Wang" once or twice thrown in there. I think Hodgy sounded good. I disagree though, this has horrorcore written all over it. If Immortal said they didn't make black metal tomorrow, they'd still have made black metal for all those years.


    Seriously, I wanna see James Earl Jones' royalty check for this shit. I find it pretty funny how often they talk about Taylor Swift's pussy, but still. Some pretty uninteresting shit here. I don't wanna hear Darth Vader give a half ass rap about him cumming all day. Fuck you Frank Ocean, I'd maybe give this album another point if you weren't on it. Bobbin' bitch didn't do much for me either. I'd have liked something a little bit less upbeat, I dunno why. I just don't think you can call the album as a whole dark when the album gets like this at time.


    I went and took a piss for pretty much the entirety of this song. Not going to replay it and no, I don't pause shit.

    B**ch Suck D**k:

    I must have missed this song on the first spin, because I was excited as shit when I saw this on the playlist. It was everything that I could have imagined, seriously. I won't even review this shit, it's just better for you to listen to it yourself. It's terrible. Just awful. I just don't get this motherfucker's swag sometimes.

    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers

    An 8 minute long track, this better be good man. Didn't Tyler already say he doesn't smoke weed? What's up with this? Oh wait, nvm, this is some other dude. My bad. Frank sounds like shit, normally. I thought Earl had a spot here, I actually would like it if Earl left OFWGKTA and did his own shit with Tyler nowhere near that but whatever. The beginning of this is yawn inducing, I want some real beat to kick in but it never comes. This is the second reference he's made to being a unicorn on this album. Wow. This is the darkest part of the album so far, even though it's not quite the heavy bitch I want it to be, but that's chill I guess. I liken this to Donnie Darko though, which is a cool connection even if the song sucks.


    Lame ass instrumental. there you go.


    I remember this being my favorite song my first time around, and it probably is this time around too. The beat is pretty reminiscent to what he did earlier on the album, which is good, and he sounds pretty good the whole way through. I dig the dialogue in the interludes, but his rhymes are average. I particularly loved this line though...

    "Niggas saying Free Earl without even knowing him
    See, they're missing the new album i'm missing my only friend"

    Aw yeah, rippin' on that cult fanbase of yours. I actually can respect that though, it's a better line than it might get credit for.

    Fuck this writeup, and in the end, fuck this fad. It's nothing more than that. Tyler and OFWGKTA have yet to make that album that makes me go "shit, I was wrong, they're taking rap into a new direction." In two years we'll all be talking about YPKPLTA and wondering who the fuck Earl Sweatshirt is. Album is average at it's ultra best, and should be placed into my CD rack and gather the dust it deserves.


    *YPKPLTA acronym analysis available on request.
    **I dig some of songs on Radical, but it isn't their real material, so it's not Odd Future.
    ***I was high as shit writing this.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    way tl:dr , but i did like the forrest gump part
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How long's this Tyler dood been around? I never even heard of him till Erik and them atarted talking about them?
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I've heard of him before, but I actually always thought it was the tv show on the U
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How long's this Tyler dood been around? I never even heard of him till Erik and them atarted talking about them?
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    I read that whole review, Wine!

  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    I read that whole review, Wine!
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    lol at wine's review.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Lol, first of all, Wine's review was almost more ignorant than I thought it would be. Goblin has no beat? Are you deaf or just ignorant? It's a very simple and dumbed down beat, but that's exactly what he was going for, he made it like a direct sequel to the song Bastard, he even has the line "Bastard intro, how the fuck I'm gon' top that?" Also, he's not talking, he shows a very good flow on that song, although it's a slower flow than most of the album, but it's about the same pace as Bastard.

    And by your reviews of Tron Cat and Her, you proved you simpley don't get the Music, especially with the line "Tyler has some serious Jekyll and Hyde shit with his writing that doesn't work for him. He'll make statements like "I fuck dolphins" then demand that we chill the fuck out and take him seriously on this next song."

    Do you not realize that's EXACTLY what he's going for? He raps from multiple personas. Wolf Haley, Dr. TC, Ace Creator, Tron Cat, and himself, Tyler. Tron Cat is rapped from the persona of Tron Cat, which is the evil voice in his head that tells him to kill people and shit, and then Her immediately changes to the view of Tyler, which are the songs that are about his own personal problems that are deep and that I relate to a lot, like Bastard, Goblin, Her, Inglorious, Parade, Etc. Hell, Yonkers, in one song, has 2 of his personas. It's Tyler arguing with Wolf Haley. This is exactly what I mean when I say people don't listen deeper than the Music and just don't fucking get it. I don't give a fuck if his lyrics are terrible to you since you're so exquisite, but his lyrics are words I fucking live by and that get me through life and give me a sense of belonging and inspiration. So I'm done here. WOLF GANG. KILL THEM ALL.

    NOW. To the rest of you fags, aww I'm an angsty little faggot that needs to be in a straight jacket in a padded room, because of my "outbursts" cool. Even though I don't have an anger problem. In most IRL situations, I'm always the chill one talking in a calm voice while everyone else is screaming their lungs out.

    Anyways, I breathe, eat, and sleep OFWGKTA, and I said they're the only thing I believe in anymore, and I mean every word of that, so yea, I'll keep repping them and talking about them wherever I please. BTW, I don't spam them. The thread they're talked about in most is Floats My Boat, which is to talk about what makes you happy, no matter what it is that's making you happy, no? Another thing, is that even when I talked about him in the Rap thread, it still turned into a fight, so none of you have any valid points. So, suck my dick, fuck off, and fuck all of you haters, Im'ma keep doing me. WOLF GANG. KILL THEM ALL. TRIPLE SIX CREW.

    George, Adam, Santana, thank you all a lot, you guys are bros. \m/ >:D<
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited May 2011
    i read it all too. i'm eagerly awaiting all the insults erik is gonna fling around over it

    edit:lol too slow
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    As to what you said about a Hip Hop forum Shane, I'm on one, and I found it funny how quickly what I said about the Metal community was proved true. I mentioned that OFWGKTA are my idols and my absolute favorite, and mentioned that I also like Metal. From there, I actually got into a discussion about what kind of Metal I like and shit, and what bands. Not a single hater saying Metal is terrible or that it's not real Music. Just most of them saying they acknowledge the talent, but it's not for them.

    I found it hilarious just how fucking correct I was.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    And LOL @ Nola's dumbass for calling him an illiterate thug. For one, you couldn't even hope to have the flow he does or be as lyrical as him, he's definitely not illiterate. And considering he's a skate rat and constantly says how much he hates gangbangers, yea, he's a real thug. He's no more than a kid just like me having fun and making Music, and that's exactly what OFWGKTA is all about. Syd even said herself "Wolf Gang...we're just a bunch of kids who never want to grow up, that's it.".
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • RAZORRAZOR Posts: 7,664 jayfacer
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    no order yet, but heres my list so far...

    Agnostic Front - My Life My Way
    The Warriors - See How You Are
    Lazarus AD - Black Rivers Flow
    Moonsorrow - Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa
    Scale the Summit - The Collective
    Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
    Protest the Hero – Scurrilous
    Between the Buried and Me – The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues
    Red Fang – Murder the Mountains
    Tesseract – One
    Amon Amarth – Surtur Rising
    Obscura – Omnivium
    Foo Fighters – Wasting Light
    Weedeater - Jason… The Dragon
    Crowbar – Sever The Wicked Hand
    Social Distortion- Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes
    Winds of Plague - Against the World
    Septic Flesh - The Great Mass
    Deicide - To Hell With God
    Darkest Hour - The Human Romance
    Ulcerate-The Destroyers of All
    Times of Grace- Hymn of a Broken Man
    Rise Against - Endgame
    Glassjaw - Coloring Book
    Post edited by HOODS on
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