Instead of disliking maybe you could elaborate on why he never seems to be playing when I turn on the occasional game
Why would I when in the end it doesn't matter? It isn't my fault that everytime you've tuned into a Pens game for whatever reason he wasn't on the ice. He took a puck to the jaw a few weeks back and it got broken. So he hasn't been able to play lately but has been going to practice. Inb4crybaby
Instead of disliking maybe you could elaborate on why he never seems to be playing when I turn on the occasional game
Why would I when in the end it doesn't matter? It isn't my fault that everytime you've tuned into a Pens game for whatever reason he wasn't on the ice. He took a puck to the jaw a few weeks back and it got broken. So he hasn't been able to play lately but has been going to practice. Inb4crybaby
Now was that so hard?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
GODDAMNITTTTT I hate Pittsburgh and their silly fans. Wtf it's the fucking playoffs, and this pussy isn't playing? What the fuck do you need a jaw for to play hockey?? So he can whine to the refs? They make face masks and shields you know for these type of injuries. Grade a pussy. Lets not forget, game 7 of the Stanley cup finals the redwings against the penguins (and the refs) Crosby sat out the last 2 periods cause his knee hurt. It disgusts me. I'm getting fucking nauseous just thinking about that faggot right now. And the Pitt fans have no excuses and sound and look dumber then any motherfucking sports team ever including the cowboys fans. Cowboys fans are delusional, penguins fans are in denial or they just don't care about the game. At least the refs don't determine the cowboys outcome. I hate the penguins, 10 years ago you salt crusty simps were at home not supporting hockey and they were about to move the team. You's sucked so long that each year you had the top pick and got a good team now everyone's fuck riders. Face of the NHL? wut? more like face of beat ass pittsburgh. Classless trifflin embarrassment to the game penguins and their fans KILL YOURSELVES all o you!
This dude to 2 pucks to the face in the same season, the first one he came back in the same game got a million stitches an broke mad face bones an didn't miss a beat. The second time he got hit in the eye broke his eye socket off and had brain bleeding and swelling, still came back for the playoffs. Watch this penguins fagz. You scabs disgust me.
If I met a really nice hot girl and everything was going great and we were getting along perfect, match made in heaven... Then she told me she was a pens fan???? I'd punch her right in the fucking face. I'd rather find out she was a tranny then a pens fan.
I'm just chillin here with my cup of coffee reading the news paper then I say to myself... I wonder what's up on MU? Then I click the NHL thread cause there's mad topics.
This dude to 2 pucks to the face in the same season, the first one he came back in the same game got a million stitches an broke mad face bones an didn't miss a beat. The second time he got hit in the eye broke his eye socket off and had brain bleeding and swelling, still came back for the playoffs. Watch this penguins fagz. You scabs disgust me.
Didn't they lose to the Blackhawks in the Finals when this nigga was playing for the Flyers that one year he was on it? )
Yeah so? I'd rather loose with my players giving it their all then win with my captain face of the NHL in the dressing room. Flyers played hard as fuck, injured and gave it their all. It was a great serious.
This dude to 2 pucks to the face in the same season, the first one he came back in the same game got a million stitches an broke mad face bones an didn't miss a beat. The second time he got hit in the eye broke his eye socket off and had brain bleeding and swelling, still came back for the playoffs. Watch this penguins fagz. You scabs disgust me.
And don't even get me started on the pens being in another winter classic........