yea that's bullshit that they admit they don't have it so they clearly sent you the wrong jersey on purpose. yea idk if you wanna use nhl. took them about a month to send my jersey and they bullshitted around about why it was taking so long
yeah, i read on it could take a month. I'm bout to just go to a game and buy a jersey, lol. sucks my parents dont have season tix anymore. shit got too expensive.
lemme ask you your opinion. I kinda want to get jagr, but im thinking he only has this year, maybe next year left if they sign him, but hees like playing at all pro level. so is giroux and giroux is prolly the future captain and going to be on the team for the next 20 years. i like players about equally, just think jagr is legendary. who would you get?
yeah but its different, Lidtrom played his whole career with yooz and is a hof'er and you can wear that jersey forever and its still baller. i think imma get giroux. theyre too expensive to just throw money away on. i wish i could get both, lol. who knows theyll prolly changes the jerseys again in a year -_-
i dont have that problem with getting a B's jersey....would just get Tim Thomas. if i could get any player's jersey from the Flyers i would get John Leclair, mainly because i met him and he was cool. current roster :-q
If one player is gonna be around on the Flyers for a long ass time, its definatelyt Giroux. He's a team guy, non trouble maker and is a great player. like you said, these concussions are fukkin people up.....
Hybrid icing would help, as well as getting rid of that fucking trapezoid. Other than that, I dunno, they've already stiffened penalties for hits to the head.....
Thats why I got Toews on my Jersey. Even though most Hawk fans get Toews or Kane, at least I know he is a stand up guy and will likely be on the team for at least another 10 years.
I love Roenick he is maybe my favorite Blackhawk of all time, but he was traded by the time I got my jersey. I got Amonte who was a great player for the Hawks for a good 8 or 9 years. I was happy with that. I actually still have the jersey, unlike the Chelios jersey.
I always liked Amonte, I hate fucking Chelios. He cheapshot our captain Propp bag in the days during the playoffs and in game 7 once the Flyers were pretty much done, down by 3 goals with like 30 seconds left, Hextall murdered his ass and bitch ass Chelios just turted as usual. but anyway, I always liked Roenick too!
lemme ask you your opinion. I kinda want to get jagr, but im thinking he only has this year, maybe next year left if they sign him, but hees like playing at all pro level. so is giroux and giroux is prolly the future captain and going to be on the team for the next 20 years. i like players about equally, just think jagr is legendary. who would you get?
heres Hextall kicking his faggot ass....
and here's Hextall doing a naked interview, lol....