thanks man >:D< ... it was a close game up untill the 2nd, then we scored and just like the penguins do, they fucking cheapshot Hartnell and started a scrum for no reason... just cause we scored and that lit a huge fire under our asses and we owned the rest of the game...
heres a clip, skip to 1:50 and see how much the pens get butthurt cause we scored... bunch of sissies...
d00d, the Flyers have Bill Clement as a color commentator? Damn. He's awesome. They should kick out Emrick and co. and have Gary Thorne and Clement call games like they did on ESPN back in the day.
anyone watch the the Bruins / Blackhawks game on versus last night and see the versus commentator try to do an interview with Thomas after the game, and Thomas blew him off? funneh
hellz yeah! Boll Clement is my boy!!! him and keith jones(dood from versus) take turns doing the color commentary for the flyers when jones is doing versus, clement does it, and when clement is doing the NHL network, jones does it!!! they both rule \m/
and btw... i cannot stand emrick. fuck him, fuck the devils, i'm tired of that voice...
but they also talk about hockey, just for like 30 seconds each show...
They have to put the sports they have contracts with first. I will never forgive Gary Bettman, because he not only allowed the lockout to happen, he lost the contract with ESPN. Hockey is on the way up, but it needs to be back on ESPN again for it to get back to where it was when it was really popular.
but they also talk about hockey, just for like 30 seconds each show...
They have to put the sports they have contracts with first. I will never forgive Gary Bettman, because he not only allowed the lockout to happen, he lost the contract with ESPN. Hockey is on the way up, but it needs to be back on ESPN again for it to get back to where it was when it was really popular.
Also, congrats to the Flyers for whooping some Penguin ass last night!
... it was a close game up untill the 2nd, then we scored and just like the penguins do, they fucking cheapshot Hartnell and started a scrum for no reason... just cause we scored and that lit a huge fire under our asses and we owned the rest of the game...
heres a clip, skip to 1:50 and see how much the pens get butthurt cause we scored... bunch of sissies...
and btw... i cannot stand emrick. fuck him, fuck the devils, i'm tired of that voice...